Door-to-door medical check-up by NSS unit on 9th March, 2022
NSS Unit, BABA FARID COLLEGE in collaboration with the Department of Biotechnology, Faculty of Sciences organized a One-day medical check-up in Deon village on 9th of March 2022. NSS unit and Department of Biotechnology
invited NSS volunteers and the staff members for visit on the occasion of 'NATIONAL NO SMOKING DAY' and all the volunteers and coordinators gathered near the main gate of the campus and the NSS coordinator guided the volunteers how to guide the residents and make them aware about the our health and how it harms human body. Dr. Ritu Pawan, Head Biotechnology department guided the students for this medical camp.
Ms. Sukhjinder Kaur (Coordinator) and Ms. Pushpinder Virk (Co-coordinator) took in-charge of the visit and it begin with providing the guidelines to students about maintaining decorum and discipline and how to address the villagers and tell them that. This day helps in the prevention of the death of global deaths caused that cause due to tobacco use. Every ninth person of India consumes Tobacco. Therefore, this day is beneficial for the people. Smoking, a habit of many, is associated with severe health hazards, often leading to lung cancer.

The visit to the home of the village residents, Dharamshala and anganwadi-62 was very much motivating and a lesson learning experience about the health issues of smoking. We left from the main gate of college about spreading the awareness about the need to stop the smoking from Punjab. Then after reaching village the volunteers went door to door to each house of the residence and interacted with them about the smoking issue and do their medical checkup. Approximate 100 people from Deon village got their medical checkup and they found it very helpful to diagnose their physical fitness. The Sarpanch and gram panchayat and people from the Deon village thanked the volunteers and BFGI for their medical checkup. All the NSS volunteers and staff members took very seriously to the medical checkup of the villagers, and NSS volunteers gave lot of suggestions and advices to the villagers of the Deon village to improve their health and immunity system. Also, the volunteers and staff members took the initiative to guide the people of the village about the limitations of various kind of drugs such as cigarettes, cigars, or beedi etc.
Later on, Ms. Sukhjinder Kaur discussed various health issues due to smoking with the people of the village and tells the importance of the National No Smoking Day. National No Smoking Day aims to bring awareness to the dangers of this pervasive addiction. The day tries to spotlight resources that are available to help people decide to try and quit, trying to offer encouragement and support in a useful and non-judgmental way. There is another way to celebrate this day which is giving plenty of acknowledgment and accolades for those who have quit! It is a great time to let them know you are proud of them and their continued status as a non-smoker. At the end, the villagers thanked all the NSS volunteers and staff members.
Online International Webinar "Mental Health and Burn out during Pandemic: Name it, Frame it and Tame it" on 03 January 2022
Department of Biotechnology and Medical Sciences in collaboration with Faculty of Sciences, BFC organized an online International Webinar on "Mental Health and Burn out during Pandemic: Name it, Frame it and Tame it" on dated 03 January 2022 (1.30 PM) through stream-yard (Youtube). The main objective of this lecture was to provide understanding about the importance of mental health, which encompasses our psychological, emotional and social well-being. This means it impacts how we feel, think and behave each day.
The speaker for the Session was Dr. Dragana Favre, who specialized in Psychiatry and Psychotherapy in Geneva, Switzerland. Dr. Deepika Bhatia, Assistant Professor Biotechnology Department and Dr. Ramandeep Kaur, Assistant Professor Biotechnology Department, were the coordinators of this online international webinar. In the starting, Dr. Zaved Ahmed Khan, Dean of Sciences, BFC, welcomed and introduced the guest speaker to everyone. Dr. Khan also introduced the topic by briefing about covid-19 and post-pandemic effects.

Dr. Dragana started her Session by explaining the importance of the COVID-19 pandemic, which has brought many changes to how we live our lives. At times, uncertainty, altered daily routines, financial pressures, and social isolation with it. We may sometimes worry about getting sick, how long the pandemic will last, whether our job will be affected and what the future will bring. Information overload, rumours and misinformation can make our life feel out of control and make it unclear what to do. In her presentation, she presented the post-pandemic repercussions that we may experience stress, anxiety, fear, sadness, and loneliness. Mental health disorders, including anxiety and depression, can worsen later on. She emphasized that the Covid-19 pandemic has alarming implications for individual and collective health and emotional and social functioning. In addition to providing medical care, already stretched health care providers have an essential role in monitoring psychosocial needs and delivering psychosocial support to their patients, health care providers, and the public activities that should be integrated into general pandemic health care. She discussed that education and training regarding psychosocial issues should be provided to health system leaders, first responders, and health care professionals. The mental health and emergency management communities should work together to identify, develop, and disseminate evidence-based resources related to disaster mental health, mental health triage and referral, needs of special populations, and death notification and bereavement care. Risk communication efforts should anticipate the complexities of emerging issues such as prevention directives, vaccine availability and acceptability, and needed evidence-based interventions relevant to pandemics and should address a range of psychosocial concerns.
After that, faculty members and students interacted with her and discussed their queries. Dr. Dragana also answered all the questions, motivated the students to explore more in this area, and suggested that everyone take precautions. At the end of Session, many students' queries were answered by Dr. Dragana. The Session was ended with a vote of thanks given by Dr. Ritu Pawan, Head Department of Biotechnology and Medical Sciences, BFC. He expressed his gratitude and thanked Dr. Dragana for sparing her time for this online Session.
To sum up the Session, Dr. Khan thanked the expert speaker and all the students, faculty members who joined the Session. The feedback was taken for the Session, which was very positive and students demanded more Sessions of this kind. Dr. Khan also informed that e-certificates would be given to all the participants who had registered for the Session.
Online guest lecture on "Chemical nature, physiological functions and abnormalities of hormones in Invertebrates" on 28 December, 2021
Department of Zoology, Faculty of Sciences, BFC organized an online guest lecture on "Chemical nature, physiological functions and abnormalities of hormones in Invertebrates" on 28 December, 2021 (11:30 AM) through Microsoft Teams. The main objective of this lecture was to provide an understanding the structure, classification, mechanisms of action and biological effects of all main hormones in organisms among students which help them in their academic career. The speaker for the session was Dr. Anil Kumar, Professor, School of Biosciences and Technology, VIT University, Vellore, Tamil Nadu. Dr. Sandeep and Dr. Sunil were the coordinators of this online session. The session was attended by the Faculty of Agriculture and the Faculty of Chemistry.
Dr. Deepika Bhatia (Asst Prof.), Dept of Biotechnology, welcomed and introduced the guest speaker. Dr. Anil started the session by highlighting the importance of hormones in invertebrates. He focussed on two major classes of Invertebrates: Insects and Crustaceans and informed that Invertebrates make up for over 95% of the earth's animal species, with 1.25 million species identified so far.

He further highlighted that some invertebrate endocrine systems are well suited for testing chemicals and environmental media because of the ease of using certain species, their sensitivity to toxic chemicals, and the broad choice of models from which to choose. The speaker explained that such assays can be useful in identified endocrine disruptors to protect invertebrate population. He also informed that hormone systems are found in all animal phyla, although the simplest animals may have only rudimentary endocrine systems, whereas invertebrate endocrine systems use a variety of hormones, including steroids, peptides, simple amides, and terpenes.
Dr. Anil Kumar also discussed industrial applications resulting from research on crustaceans such as Chitosan (N-acetyl-d-glucosamine plolymer) which are used for high blood pressure, high cholesterol, obesity, wound healing, and other conditions, however, there is little scientific evidence to support many of its uses. In pharmaceutical manufacturing, chitosan is used as filler in tablets, to improve the way certain drugs dissolve.
Dr. Anil Kumar's presentation covered the endocrine systems of some animal phyla in detail. He informed that the endocrine systems of only a few species are well known till date. The session summarized the endocrine systems of the two invertebrate classes Insecta and Crustaceans.
At the end of session, the students interacted with the speaker and asked questions that were answered by Dr. anil Kumar.
The session ended by a vote of thanks by Dr. Zaved Ahmed Khan (Dean, Faculty of sciences, BFC). He expressed his gratitude and thanked Dr. Anil for sparing his time for this online session. Dr. Deepika Bhatia thanked the expert speaker and all students and faculty members who joined the session. She also facilitated the interaction of the faculty members with Dr. Anil so that he can guide them and shared his valuable experience in teaching and research. The feedback for the session was very positive and students requested more session of this kind.
Guest Lecture on Recent trends in SARS-CoV-2 vaccine development on December 29th 2021

A Guest lecture was organized by the Department of Botany, Faculty of Science, BFC on December 29th 2021 using the online platform MICROSOFT TEAMS. The purpose of the event was to provide knowledge about various vaccines and its development against COVID 19. The resource person Dr. Monisha Dhiman, Professor and Head Department of Microbiology, Central University of Punjab hosted the session. She was welcomed by Ms. Harneet Kaur Dandiwal Assistant Professor Biotechnology Department. Total 55 Students of B.Sc. Medical, Biotechnology (Hons), M.Sc. Botany, M.Sc. Zoology and 7 faculty members of Biotechnology Department attended the lecture.
Dr. Monisha Dhiman started the session with the introduction of Virus and its impact on humans. Further she added on about evolution of CoV in animals, that is from bats to animals and then in humans. She told about biology of SARS- CoV-2 and its characteristics. Moving on further she discussed about Vaccine development and its different phases. Also, the efficiency of different vaccines and its manufacturing was discussed in detail and illustrated about various challenges that occurred during the development of these vaccines. Overall session was quite valuable to the students, as they learnt many new things. At the end of the session, a Q/A session was kept in which students cleared their doubts with Dr. Monisha Dhiman and Dr. Monisha answered all the queries in a compassionate manner.
At the end of the session, vote of thanks was delivered by Dr. Ritu Pawan, Head Department of Biotechnology and Assistant Professor Dr Deepika Bhatia, along with this Dr. Zaved Ahmed Khan, Dean Faculty of Science, BFC also had an interaction with the guest and delivered important information to the students.
Alumni Interaction Program "Applied Microbiology in India and Abroad" on December 21st, 2021

A Student-Alumni interaction was organized by the Department of Biotechnology, on December 21st 2021 in the department. The purpose of activity was to provide the knowledge of ways and manners in which they can learn about Microbiology. The resource person Mr. Jagdeep chaired the session. He was welcomed by Associate Professor, Ms. Harneet Kaur Dandiwal. Total 25 Students of B.Sc. Medical, Biotechnology (Hons), M.Sc. Botany, M.Sc. Zoology, and 7 faculty members of Biotechnology attended this seminar. Mr. Jagdeep completed his B.Sc. Biotechnology 3yr (Batch 2013-2016) from Baba Farid College and has been placed for further studies in University of Saskatchewan in the department of Microbiology to pursue his Masters. In the Alumni interaction program, Mr. Jagdeep told the students about Microbiology and its role in one's life. He also explained the students how practical's helped them to understand the subject and how he got so inspired by the subject that he choose the subject for further studies as well. The overall session was quite motivating and even the students too developed their interest in the subject and seemed quite inquisitive to know more about the field. After the session Q/A sessions was kept, where the students got a time to clear their doubts. The lecture was overall valuable for students. Mr. Jagdeep shared his contact information with the students and motivated them to start their preparation for further higher studies. He also offered his assistance if students wanted any help from him.
At the end of the session, Dr. Ritu Pawan, HOD (Biotechnology Department) gave vote of thanks to Jagdeep for sharing his valuable experience with us.
Three students from the Department of Biotechnology, Faculty of Science were awarded with Gold Medals at the convocation.(Batch 2015-2020)
Punjabi University conducted its 39th convocation for 2015-2020 batch students on 9th and 10th of December 2021 at the university campus in Patiala. More than 800 students received their degree during the two days of convocation program and gold medals were given to the toppers from merit list holders in the university results in various courses.
The students of Baba Farid Group of Institutions, Bathinda had a crucial participation in the University convocation. Three students from the Department of Biotechnology, Faculty of Science were awarded with gold medals at the convocation. Those three bright students were Moumita Ghosh (B.Sc. Biotechnology 2014-2017) a topper in university results with 87.39 % marks, Vanita (B.Sc. Biotechnology batch 2015-2018), a merit list holder in university results with 92.5% marks and Dawinder kaur (B.Sc. Biotechnology batch 2016-2019), also a university merit list holder with 88.69 % marks in graduation.
At the convocation, Dr. Arvind Vice Chancellor Punjabi University, Dr. Varinder Kumar Kaushik Registrar Punjabi University and Dr. BS Sandhu Dean, Academic Affairs Punjabi University were part of the varsity which distributed gold medals and degrees to the students. It was a proud moment for BFGI to have a representation among the students who received gold medals from such renown persons.
Dr. Ritu Pawan Head Department of Biotechnology informed other students at the department about the achievements of their seniors and also informed about the smooth functioning of convocation program held at the University. He congratulated the gold medalists and appreciated their efforts to reach that mark. He further motivated students to do well in the University examinations and replicate that performance.
Respected Dr. Gurmeet Singh Dhaliwal, Managing Director Baba Farid Group of Institutions and Dr. Pardeep kaura, Principal Baba Farid College, BFGI congratulated the gold medalist students and also send their best wishes for their future.
Interaction session by Dr. Zaved Ahmed Khan, Dean of Sciences, BFC on 16th December, 2021
An interaction session was organized by the Department of Biotechnology on 16th of December at the Mini Seminar Hall, BFC, BFGI. The resource person of the session was Dr. Zaved Ahmed Khan, Dean of Sciences, BFC.
The students of B.Sc. Hons. Biotechnology, Medical, Chemistry and Physics attended the interaction session, and the students pursuing Master's degree in the field of Botany, Zoology and Chemistry were also the part of the session alongside the faculty members of the concerned departments.
At the very start of the session, Dr. Deepika Bhatia, Assistant Professor Biotechnology Department, addressed the students with warm greetings and also gave short introduction about Dr. Khan. Then Dr. Deepika called Dr. Khan to the podium to communicate with the students.
Dr. Khan started addressing the students with a brief description of his academic career. He talked about his work experience at School of Bio Sciences and Technology, Tamil Nadu and his other assignments with the foreign universities.

Next, Dr. Khan illustrated about the importance of goal setting for an individual in his or her early student life. He gave his own example to elaborate his point that how he set his career goal while studying in the 8th standard. Then he mentioned a Japanese concept of 'IKIGAI' which is used as a formula for a happy and long life. Through this concept, he told students that your love for something should be your passion and with time you should choose only that profession in which you are good at. While choosing your profession you have to keep in mind that what the world demands and the last and foremost thing is that your chosen profession should help you in sustaining your livelihood needs.
Dr. Khan also talked about another important concept known as PERMA (Positive Emotion, Engagement, Relationships, Meaning and Accomplishments), which is an acronym that stands for five elements developed by Martin Seligman that accounts for what makes up the good and authentic. He gave emphasis to positive emotions like kindness, caring and compassion. He also point-out that being in a good relation with our close ones help us in achieving our desired goals.
At the very end of the session, Dr. Khan took queries from the students and answered all the questions in a compassionate manner. After that, Dr. Ritu Pawan Head Department of Biotechnology gave thanks note to Dr. Khan and thanks all the students for their attentive participation in the interaction session.
Guest lecture on "Career opportunities after doing B.Sc. Biotechnology/Medical" on 03 December, 2021
Department of Biotechnology along with Botany and Medical Department, Faculty of Sciences, Baba Farid College organized a guest lecture on "Career opportunities after doing B.Sc. Biotechnology/Medical" on dated 03 December, 2021 (10:00-12:00 PM). The rationale behind this Counselling lecture was to create awareness and provide a platform for deliberation in plethora of areas from Public and Private Sector which interests the student community at large. This lecture would cater to aspirations of all the students of varied disciplines of education in India. In this lecture, Mr. B. D. Sharma, Deputy Director, Career Guidance, BFGI with students on "Career opportunities after doing B.Sc. Biotechnology/ Medical".

He started the session with a brief description of Biotechnology. He explained core areas of Biotechnology and how internships, industrial visits and dissertations in Biotechnology courses, can be utilized as career building opportunities. He emphasized that choosing a career is an important task, but it may also be a difficult one. It may not be easy to decide what type of job will be the best fit, and since career counseling helps people assess their skills, needs, and desires in order to find a career that works for them, this type of counseling is considered to be an important step to take before deciding on a permanent career. Researching a wide variety of potential careers may be overwhelming, and information on the skill sets and education needed for a particular position may be contradictory or difficult to find. So he tried his best to provide valuable information in these areas and others.
Mr. Sharma explained the students about ways to develop industry relevant skills and knowledge and motivated them to explore different avenues in the field of Biotechnology. He shared his experience in the area of Academia and research also discussed about job prospects in national/international companies. He enlightened and guided the students in various career aspects where the students can aspire and initiate their career. He discussed how students can apply for different scholarships available globally for completing higher education (MS, M.Tech or PhD) from India and abroad. He shared the career prospects of Biotechnologist in Research and Development as a Scientist, and also they can use their skills in developing a new startup as an entrepreneur. The presentation and interaction of the speaker was very effective, wherein he showed many related visuals. The students interacted enthusiastically and the resource person answered their queries and cleared their doubts. The session came to an end with a vote of thanks by Dr. Ramandeep Kaur and Ms Ashwandeep Kaur. Overall, the lecture was very informative and encouraging and was well perceived by the students. The taken feedback for the session was very positive and students demanded more session of this kind.
Industrial Visit Chandigarh Distillers and bottlers Ltd, Banur Punjab on 02nd December, 2021
A batch of students of B.Sc Biotechnology (Hons.) Sem V (including girls and boys), Department of Biotechnology, BFC visited Chandigarh Distillers and bottlers ltd, Banur Punjab on 02nd December, 2021 under the kind supervision of Dr. Deepika Bhatia and Dr. Sunil Saini.
We started travelling from Bathinda at 7:30 AM on 02nd December, 2021. We reached to the destination at 11.30 AM. This visit was mainly focussed on to understand the basic concepts and the terminology of industrial fermentations. The two principal fermentation schemes - submerged culture and solid-state cultivation were discussed and shown. Operational practices such as batch, fed batch, and continuous culture were described. Common types of industrial fermenters - bubble columns, stirred tanks, airlift systems, trickle or packed beds, fluidized beds, and solid-state culture devices were demonstrated in the industry. Students were split into four groups. Mr. Devinder Singh, Expert in the industry. He explained about the facilities available inside the industry, their methods of up-streaming, the equipments used for the processing of raw substrates (rice grain) and their storage. He also explained about the maintenance of the equipment and ethics considered during fermentation and packaging of products. He has shown the equipments for product recovery, various tools, shared the protocols with the students for their easy understanding. He has also shown the control and manintainace unit to students and made them aware with software and online monitoring of process parameters.

After the tour, a doubt session was arranged about techniques and processes explained with the students. After visiting the plant, we halted at discussion room, where we had a delicious meal with fresh food and took a small break where we had a lovely photo session. After visiting the industry, we started our journey at 3:00 PM and reached Bathinda around 6:00 PM. It was a good experience, which has provided exposure to the 3rd year students of Biotechnology with industrial life. The students benefitted in terms of the technical details provided by the senior scientists on the steps of experimentation related to bioprocess technology and industrial fermentation. All the students were well mannered and disciplined throughout the tour.
The outcome of this industrial visit was in the form of practical demonstration of fermentation processes. The technology and the equipment used in the fermentation industry. Various processes and steps involved in upstreaming and down streaming. Difficulties faced and possible solutions to overcome any obstacle were discussed. Discussion held on the optimum conditions during the process of Fermentation of ethanol.
Educational Trip to Mini Zoo and Dear Safari Bir Talab Bathinda on 1st December, 2021
A one day educational trip was organized by Department of Biotechnology and Medical, Baba Farid College for B.Sc Medical, B.Sc Biotech, M.Sc Zoology and M.Sc Botany first year students on 1st December 2021. A total of 36 Students made a visit to MINI ZOO AND DEAR SAFARI BIR TALAB Bathinda under the guidance of Dr. Prakash Singh (Assist. Prof. Medical), Dr. Sandeep Kaur (Assist. Prof. Zoology). Bir Talab Zoo was established in Forest Area named Bir Talab. The Zoo houses many types of animals and bird and has many exciting rides for the children. Zoo is spread over an area of 161 acres. The zoo was established by the Red Cross Society in the year 1978. In the year 1982, the Forest and Wildlife Protection Department, Punjab State took over the charge of the zoo.

The main objective for this trip was to promote awareness of endangered animals in the wild. The students did sightseeing around the zoo. The bus boarded at 11:00 a.m. and arrived at the zoo at 11:30 a.m. In the zoo, Mr Sikander Singh, incharge of the zoo gave brief introduction about all the animals. Then students toured around the zoo for about 2-3 hours. They encountered many animals like Panther, Elephant, Deer, Noctural House (Porkupine). Moreover, birds like peacocks, parrots, pigeons, fowls and parakeets. Trees like yellow flowered amanitas, bamboo, shisham, teak, and khair create an incredible atmosphere of a forest. One of the great things is that all students met forest range officer Mr. Amrinder singh over there. He is a great personality. He gave interacting lectures about the Bir Talab. All sections were so interacting for the students. It's was such a worth sightseeing as students were excited to see the animals which they do not see in day today life. Students came to know from officer that many new additions have been done in the Bir Talab Zoo Bathinda. Almost Rs. 9.5 crores has been spent for bringing in new cages for the birds and animals, to develop deer safari.
Seminar on A Student-Alumni Interaction Program on Self Determination is the key to success during graduation

A Student-Alumni interaction was organized by the Department of Biotechnology, on November 20th 2021 using the online platform MICROSOFT TEAMS. The purpose of activity was to provide the students with the tactics they can opt for keeping them self-determined during graduation. The resource person Jasmine Kaur hosted the session. She was welcomed by Associate Professor, Ms. Harneet Kaur Dandiwal. Total 70 Students of B.Sc. Medical, Biotechnology (Hons), M.Sc. Botany, M.Sc. Zoology and 7 faculty members of Biotechnology attended this seminar. Ms. Jasmine Kaur completed her B.Sc. Biotechnology 3yr (Batch 2018-2021) from Baba Farid College and has been placed for further studies in IIT Roorkee in the department of Biotechnology to pursue her Masters. In the Alumni interaction program, Ms. Jasmine Kaur advised the students and gave them a brief explanation about the ways in which they can keep themselves determined towards their goals and what all are different kinds of distractions one has to face. Also, she told the ways by which they can face the distractions and work on their future goals. She also further told the students the way they can prepare for competitive exams and to further select the subject after completion of graduation for their career. After the session Q/A sessions was kept, where the students got a time to clear their doubts. Students came up with number of doubts which was answered by Ms. Jasmine Kaur. The lecture was overall valuable for students. At the end of the session, Ms. Jasmine Kaur shared her contact information with the students and motivated them to start their preparation for further higher studies. She also offered her assistance if students wanted any help from her.
At the end of the session, Dr. Ritu Pawan, HOD (Biotechnology Department) gave vote of thanks to Ms. Jasmine Kaur for sharing her valuable experience with us.
Guest lecture Career opportunities after doing B.Sc. Biotechnology on 17 November, 2021
Department of Biotechnology along with Medical Department, Faculty of Sciences, Baba Farid College organized a guest lecture on "Career opportunities after doing B.Sc. Biotechnology" on dated 17 November, 2021 (11:00-12:00 PM). The rationale behind this Counselling lecture was to create awareness and provide a platform for deliberation in plethora of areas from Public and Private Sector which interests the student community at large. This lecture would cater to aspirations of all the students of varied disciplines of education in India. In this lecture, Dr Vivek Sharma, Head of Department Chemistry Baba Farid College Bathinda, talked with students on "Career opportunities after doing B.Sc. Biotechnology". Biotechnology is as old as human civilization and has always been an integral part of human life. Thus, biotechnology is a newly discovered discipline for age-old practices. The term biotechnology was introduced in 1917 by a Hungarian engineer, Karl Ereky, who termed biotechnology as 'all lines of work by which products are produced from raw materials with the aid of living things'. Dr. Sharma said that Biotechnology is a huge Sector having a multidisciplinary approach which mitigates the use of all science disciplines and comprises of all the developments and innovations in biological sciences. A number of institutions in the India offer various courses in Biotechnology and its related specialized areas leading to certificate, diploma, and degree (graduate, postgraduate, Ph.D.). Biotechnology is backed up by many additional branches which include genetics, environmental science, food, microbiology, agriculture, pharmaceutical, bioinformatics (computing) and others. He also gave knowledge about the field of chemistry and Career opportunities in chemistry after doing graduation in biotechnology. He discussed about analytical chemistry, organic chemistry, inorganic chemistry and physical chemistry and their scope in future. There are top-notch research institutes in Punjab and India where one can pursue studies, research projects and Ph.D. in Biotechnology.

Professionals are occupied in applying the latest molecular methods to unravel current health, environmental and industrial issues. It may be observed that up to 80% of biotechnology graduates are absorbed in full time positions within few months of completion of undergraduate courses. As many as 90% of them have been able to get placed directly attached to their field of study. These are various options available as medical, technical positions, clinical jobs, product development, hospital laboratory jobs, fermentation and other fields of scientific research
Individuals may further pursue their academic career and then continue to become a research scientist thus conducting experiments in diverse fields. The agricultural, food, pharmaceutical, biotechnology and healthcare industry includes a stupendous record in product manufacturing and discovery, increasing governmental support for research and development and a powerful academic base. Apart from conducting research and development inside field, everyone is also absorbed in quality control and production jobs. Biotechnology sector also throws up job opportunities for management professionals.
At the end of Session many students' queries were answered by Dr Sharma and Coordinators of the event Dr. Ramandeep Kaur and Dr. Deepika Bhatia thanked the expert speaker and audience. The taken feedback for the session was very positive and students demanded more session of this kind.
Seminar on "A Student-Alumni Interaction Program on Importance of Experimentation Skills : Career Prospective after graduation

A Student-Alumni interaction was organized by the Department of Biotechnology, on November 10th 2021 using the online platform MICROSOFT TEAMS. The purpose of activity was to provide the knowledge of Importance of Experimentation skills and its career prospective after graduation. The resource person Hardik Garg chaired the session. He was welcomed by Associate Professor, Ms. Harneet Kaur Dandiwal. Total 80 Students of B.Sc. Medical, Biotechnology (Hons), M.Sc. Botany, M.Sc. Zoology, and 7 faculty members of Biotechnology attended this seminar. Mr. Hardik Garg completed his B.Sc. Biotechnology 3yr (Batch 2018-2021) from Baba Farid College and has been placed for further studies in IIT Roorkee in the department of Biotechnology to pursue his Masters. In the Alumni interaction program, Mr. Hardik Garg advised the students and gave them a brief explanation about the do's and don'ts in the lab and the role of experimentation and why it is important to have good skills to perform the experiments. He also further told the students the way they can prepare for competitive exams and to further select the subject after completion of graduation for their career. After the session Q/A sessions was kept, where the students got a time to clear their doubts. The lecture was overall valuable for students. Mr. Hardik Garg shared his contact information with the students and motivated them to start their preparation for further higher studies. He also offered his assistance if students wanted any help from him.
At the end of the session, Dr. Ritu Pawan, HOD (Biotechnology Department) gave vote of thanks to Mr. Hardik Garg for sharing his valuable experience with us.
Diwali Celebrations : Fairy lights - 2021 on 1 Nov., 2021
Department of Biotechnology and medical sciences organized an event Diwali Celebrations: Fairy Lights 2021 on Nov 1, 2021 in Block B of Baba Farid College, Bathinda under the guidance of Head; Dr Ritu Pawan, Department of Biotechnology and medical sciences. Dr. Sandeep kaur & Dr. Deepika Bhatia were the convener of this event. Dr. Ramandeep kaur, AP, and Miss Vanita from Biotechnology as well as Mr Gurmeet Singh Gill, AP, English were the judges of this event.
Three activities were organized viz Thali Decoration, Diya Decoration and Rangoli Designing. In all activities, fifteen students registered from the department. All students participated with great enthusiasm. Winners of these events for Rangoli Designing; Ishart, Insa and parneet first from BSc Biotechnology Sem III; Jobanpreet and Lovedeep Kaur grabbed second position from Bsc Medical Sem III & Akansha and Simranjeet kaur were at third position from BSc Medical Sem I. For Diya Decoration; Ashmeet stood first from MSc zoology Sem III; Sukhpreet Kaur and khusi grabbed second position from BSc biotech Sem III & for Thali Decoration; Sukhpreet and Khusi won first prize from BSc honors Biotech Sem III.
Rangoli have different names based on the state and culture. Rangoli hold a significant role in the everyday life of a Hindu household especially historically when the flooring of houses were untiled. They are usually made outside the threshold of the main entrance, in the early mornings after cleaning the area. Traditionally, the postures needed to make a rangoli are a kind of exercise for women to straighten their spines. The rangoli represents the happiness, positivity and liveliness of a household, and is intended to welcome Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth and good luck.

This type of activities inculcates social skills, moral values, personality development and aesthetic skills in the students. Students get closer to their rituals with these types of activities. In every home, these tiny lamps are lit right from the run-up to the festival. But do you know what they signify? Diya symbolizes goodness and purity, and lighting them denotes dispelling darkness and going into light. And since Deepavali is celebrated on the new moon day, a time of darkness everywhere; light these lamps are a means to get rid of darkness. The lamps also stand for good luck. The traditional diyas were lit using ghee, but today people also commonly used oil. The lore goes that as per Indian tradition, the little diyas are bought on Ashwin Purnima, which is a full moon day, which is about two weeks prior to Diwali. Then diyas are soaked in water so as to make them ready for the Diwali pooja.
At the end of the event, certificates were provided to the winners & participants. Department is highly thankful to judges for their valuable contribution in this event.
Guest lectures on "Career opportunities after doing B.Sc. Medical"
Department of Botany and Medical along with Biotechnology Department, Faculty of Sciences, Baba Farid College organized a guest lectures on "Career opportunities after doing B.Sc. Medical" on dated 28 October and 2nd November, 2021 (2:00-3:00 PM). The main objective of these lectures was to provide brief understanding about Career options after doing B.Sc. Medical. The rationale behind this Counseling lecture was to create awareness and provide a platform for deliberation in plethora of areas from Public and Private Sector which interests the student community at large. This lecture would cater to aspirations of all the students of varied disciplines of education in India. In this lecture, Dr Surbhi Sharma, Head Department of Agriculture, Baba Farid College Bathinda, talked with students on "Career opportunities after doing B.Sc. Medical". She said that coming years are very beneficial for life sciences 21st century can be designated as the era of Life Sciences. Life Sciences are as old as human civilization and has always been an integral part of human life. Dr. Surbhi Sharma said that Life Sciences are huge Sector having a multidisciplinary approach which mitigates the use of all science disciplines and comprises of all the developments and innovations in biological sciences. A number of institutions in the India offer various courses after doing B.Sc. Medical and its related specialized areas leading to certificate, diploma, and degree (graduate, postgraduate, Ph.D.). Medical is backed up by many additional branches which include genetics, environmental science, food, microbiology, agriculture, pharmaceutical, bioinformatics (computing) and others. She also motivated students with the examples of personalities working in life sciences field.
At the end of Session many students' queries were answered by Dr Sharma and Coordinators of the event Dr. Ramandeep Kaur and Dr. Deepika Bhatia thanked the expert speaker and audience. The taken feedback for the session was very Positive and students demanded more session of this kind.

On the 2nd of November, Dr Manish Gupta, Dean Research and Innovation Baba Farid College Bathinda, talked with students on "Careers at Biotech Start-Ups and in Entrepreneurship". He said that 21st century can be designated as the era of Biotechnology. Biotechnology is as old as human civilization and has always been an integral part of human life. Thus, biotechnology is a newly discovered discipline for age-old practices. The term biotechnology was introduced in 1917 by a Hungarian engineer, Karl Ereky, who termed biotechnology as 'all lines of work by which products are produced from raw materials with the aid of living things'. Dr. Gupta said that Biotechnology is a huge Sector having a multidisciplinary approach which mitigates the use of all science disciplines and comprises of all the developments and innovations in biological sciences. A number of institutions in the India offer various courses in Biotechnology and its related specialized areas leading to certificate, diploma, and degree (graduate, postgraduate, Ph.D.). Biotechnology is backed up by many additional branches which include genetics, environmental science, food, microbiology, agriculture, pharmaceutical, bioinformatics (computing) and others. He also motivated students with the examples of personalities working in biotechnology field.

Individuals may further pursue their academic career and then continue to become a research scientist thus conducting experiments in diverse fields. The agricultural, food, pharmaceutical, biotechnology and healthcare industry includes a stupendous record in product manufacturing and discovery, increasing governmental support for research and development and a powerful academic base. Apart from conducting research and development inside field, everyone is also absorbed in quality control and production jobs. Biotechnology sector also throws up job opportunities for management professionals. They need to appoint managers who are able to oversee the diverse functions of the company such as Quality Control, Research and Development and Production.
At the end of Session many students' queries were answered by Dr Gupta and Coordinators of the event Dr. Ramandeep Kaur and Dr. Deepika Bhatia thanked the expert speaker and audience. The taken feedback for the session was very Positive and students demanded more session of this kind.
A Debate on Gender Issues on 27 October, 2021
Department of Biotechnology organized 'A Debate on Gender Issues' on 27th October 2021. The main objective of the event was to raise awareness about various gender issues that are prevailing in the present scenario and also to motivate students to have more concern regarding various flaws of our society. The event was organized in the department premises. Total 28 students participated in the debate which further divided into two groups on the basis of their opinion.
Mrs. Pushpinder kaur Biotechnology department, started the event with a question that is 'Is there a possibility of Gender Equality in Indian society' and students were told to make their mind whether they agree with that possibility or not. So, the students were divided into two groups on the basis of their agreement and disagreement.
Arzoo, student of B.Sc. Biotechnology Sem 3rd started the debate with her opinion that in which circumstances gender quality is a possibility. Balkar Singh of Biotechnology Sem 5th, student from another counter that argument by giving reasons of how those circumstances cannot take place in Indian Society. Other participants also involved energetically in the debate and gave their opinions about preconceived gender roles that are given to us by our society. The debate goes on for more than one hour. Many new ideas emerged during the debate. The important part of the event was that there was a concern among every student about current situation and they desperately want some kind of solution to gender regarding issues.

Next, Dr. Sunil Saini told students that it is a fact that gender equality is not possible in near future. But there is always a light at the end of a tunnel and we have to make efforts to reach that mark. He told students that it's your generation that will make change. He suggested that we should start implementing gender equality from ourselves and our family.
At the end of the event, Balkar Singh, student of B.Sc. Biotechnology Semester 5th UID 1920001, Arzoo of B.Sc. Biotechnology Semester 3rd UID 2020017 and Jaskirat Singh of Biotechnology Semester 5th UID 1920040 were chosen as best speakers and were awarded with certificates of appreciation.
All the Co-coordinators appreciate the continuous suggestions and guidance provided by Dr. Ritu Pawan Head Department of Biotechnology Our vote of thanks extends to Coordinators and PR Department of Baba Farid College.
Freshers Party - Faculty of Sciences on 22 October, 2021
"Fresher's Party" in any college is an event that every student eagerly awaits from their time of admission. A Fresher's Party with the theme "MOON WAKE" was organized on 22nd October 2021, Friday. The program was organized by the Faculty of Sciences, BFC which includes the department of Biotechnology, department of Zoology, department of Medical Science, department of Botany, department of Chemistry, department of Physics and the department of Mathematics. The program was organized at the Main Seminar Hall of Baba Farid Group of Institutions.
The program started at sharp 10 am as per the schedule planned. Arzoo, the student of Biotechnology department playing an anchor's role read out the address of welcome and received the new students cordially. Then Raman, also the student of Biotechnology department elaborated about the activities that were going to unfold in the event. At the very starting, the atmosphere was lighten-up with two back-to-back energetic performances by the students.
Akshita, the student of Mathematics department continued the program with the felicitation of Hon. Chief Guests Dr. B.D Sharma, Deputy Director Career Guidance and Counselling, Dr Manish Bansal, Vice Principal, Baba Farid college, Dr Amandeep Singh, Dean Academic Affairs, BFC and Mr. Navdeep Kochar, Dean Examination. Followed by the felicitation of all the HODs and other faculty members.

The modelling event was started at 11 am, in which considerable number of students took part and showed their talent. Mrs Meenu, Department of Agriculture, Dr. Amardeep, Department of Physics and Dr. Samriti, Department of Chemistry were appointed as judges for this event. The participants had to compete in three different rounds to win the event. At the end of third round, nine students were given nine different tittles in accordance with their performance. The tittles of Mr and Miss Talented were given to Harkamal Singh and Bhawna of B.Sc. Chemistry Hons. Shahena of B.Sc. Biotechnology and Paras Madaan of B.Sc. Math were awarded as Best attire girl and boy respectively. The tittle of Miss Charming went to Khusdeep Kaur of B.Sc. Biotechnology. The second most precious tittles of Miss Elegant and Mr Handsome were given to Gurleen kaur of B.Sc. Medical and Ramandeep Singh of B.Sc. Chemistry Hons. Shalvi of B.Sc. Physics Hons. and Arshdeep Singh of B.Sc. Non-medical were adjudged as Miss Fresher and Mr Fresher.
The other activities continued in-between the rounds of modelling event, in which many students showed their talent and was well appreciated by every teacher and student. Some fun games were also introduced which add to the enthusiastic level of the students.
After the compilation of the student's performances, the students were addressed by Dr B.D Sharma who at first appreciate and congratulate the Faculty of Sciences for organizing such an event. He also congratulated all the students and hoped that every student is happy and proud of being a part of BFGI family. He also told students that BFGI will continue to make efforts for the improvement of our students. He talked about the importance of Fresher's Party that how interactions made at such occasion are beneficial for new students.
Next, Anmol of Chemistry department made a special announcement for the distribution of gifts to the freshers. Senior students gave gifts of their choice to their junior students which was also a healthy interaction among the students. Meanwhile students took pictures for the special moment and also thanks their teachers for organizing such an amazing Fresher's Party.
At the end of the function, Dr Amandeep Singh, thanked the teachers, and the students for their cooperation in making the function a success. The function came to a close at 3:40 pm.
Guest Lecture on Professional Ethics on 29th October 2021
Department of Biotechnology organised a guest lecture on "Professional Ethics" for all the faculty members of Faculty of Science, BFC on 29th October 2021. The resource person of the session was Dr B.D Sharma Deputy Director, Career Guidance and Counselling, BFGI. Dr B.D Sharma started his session with the importance of professional ethics, and various ethical practices being followed by the professionals. He emphasized that ethics is a branch of philosophy that addresses the concepts of right and wrong or good and evil; and professional ethics are principles that govern the behaviour of a person or group in a business environment. Like values, professional ethics provide rules on how a person should act towards people and institutions in a specific situation. He focused on the importance of ethics for a professional. He explained the concept with various examples taken from the corporate world in order to make it understandable to students.
The he gave five points to clarify the concept. Firstly, he specified the difference between a duty and a responsibility in the life of a professional. He emphasised that being trustworthy in today's society is one important aspect of professionalism. Trustworthiness is about fulfilling an assigned task and as an extension- not letting down expectations, it is been dependable, and reliable when called upon to deliver a service. In order to earn the trust of your bosses and colleagues, worth and integrity must be proven over time.

He further told that honesty is a facet of moral character that connotes positive and virtuous attributes such as truthfulness, straightforwardness of conduct, loyalty, fairness, sincerity, openness in communication and generally operating in a way for others to see what actions are being performed. This is a virtue highly prized by employers and colleagues, for it builds trust and increases your personal value to all.
He advised faculty members to be competent and improve with the passage of time. He told that competence is the ability of an individual to do a job properly, it is a combination of knowledge, skills and behaviour used to improve performance. Competency grows through experience and to the extent one is willing to learn and adapt. Continuous self-development is a prerequisite in offering professional service at all times.
To sum up the session, he conveyed his message with great importance that ethical behaviour is acting within certain moral codes in accordance with the generally accepted code of conduct or rules. It is always safe for an employee to "play by the rules". This is always the best policy and in instances the rule book is inadequate, acting with a clear moral conscience is the right way to go. This may cause friction in some organizations but ethical organizations will always stand by the right moral decisions and actions of their employees.
The event ended by vote of thanks by Dr. Sunil Saini and Mr. Gurmeet Singh. All the Co-coordinators appreciate the continuous suggestions and guidance provided by HOD Biotechnology Dr. Ritu Pawan. Our vote of thanks extends to Coordinators and PR Department of Baba Farid College. Certificate of Merit were given to all the position holders and congratulated all the attendees and faculty members.
World Food Day - 2021 on 26th October, 2021
Cultural Club (BFCEC) celebrated 'WORLD FOOD DAY - 2021' - Keeping us, our Baba Farid college's Department of Medical, Biotechnology, Botany and Zoology in association with IIFPT, on 26th October 2021. The main objective of this event was raising awareness and tackle the global crisis and to promote the message that food is fundamental and basic human right for all humans.
The event commenced with the historical and general introduction about the "World Food Day" and discussed the theme for 2021. Ms. Harneet Kaur Dandiwal( Assistant Professor) gave brief importance and the description of the theme.
The event started with the competition, which was kept under the theme 'Food Without Fire'. The students were found quite ecstatic to participate in this event. Students made number of dishes such as Bhel Puri, Tacos, Sandwiches, Buttermilk with added flavors, ice-cream without fridge and many other. The event was evaluated by Dr. Sunil Saini. On this occasion, Jobanpreet Kaur (BSc Medical 3rd semester UID 2018004) and Gagandeep Kaur (BSc Medical 3rd semester UID 2018012) secured First position; Lovedeep Kaur (BSc Medical 3rd semester UID 2018001) and Simran Kaur (BSc Medical 3rd semester UID 2018002) secured second position; Akanksha (BSc Medical 3rd semester UID 2018005) secured third position in the competition.

After this an expert lecture was organised for the students by Dr. Pratibha Singh (Assistant Professor at IIFPT, Bathinda. A welcome note was given by Ms. Harneet Kaur Dandiwal( Assistant professor) followed by Ms. Prena Khunger. Dr. Pratibha Singh addressed the students with different aspects of Food processing, also statistics were shared by her to explain the students about the food in demand and the amount that is produced as a whole through out the world. She also explained about the recent techniques that are adopted to decrease the wastage of food by adopting eco-friendly methods. In the end Q/A session took place in which students asked different questions, which were addressed by Dr. Pratibha Singh. Overall, Students got knowledge and awareness on the food processing industry and means to produce more and waste less food so that each and every person on the earth do not get deprived of basic needs.
All the queries related to submission of entries, rules and regulations of competitions were tackled by the Coordinator, Cultural Club, BFC, Ms. Harneet Kaur Dandiwal and event coordinator Dr Sunil Saini. The event ended by vote of thanks by Dr. Sunil Saini and Ms. Harneet Kaur Dandiwal. All the Co-coordinators appreciate the continuous suggestions and guidance provided by HOD Biotechnology Dr. Ritu Pawan. Our vote of thanks extends to Coordinators and PR Department of Baba Farid College. Certificate of Merit were given to all the position holders and congratulated all the attendees and faculty members.
'Karwa Chauth Day' on 19th October, 2021
Cultural Club (BFCEC) celebrated 'Karwa Chauth Day' on 19th October, 2021 in association with Baba Farid college's Department of Medical, Biotechnology, Botany and Zoology. The main objective of this event was to bring some awareness of prevailing customs and traditions and to implicate human ethics value among students and society. The event was celebrated in the department premises.
A number of activities were organized for the students such as Mehendi art, Nail art, different types of hairstyles. On 19th October, the event commenced with the general introduction about the Karwachauth Day, and its importance in our culture and explained about some rules and regulations to participate in the event. Ms. Harneet Kaur Dandiwal, Assistant Professor Department of Biotechnology and Dr. Deepika Bhatia, Assistant Professor Department of Biotechnology started with the event. The students participated in the event with full zest and zeal.
Many girls participated in mehendi competition, the rules were predefined to them, and had to apply mehendi in 2 hours. Most of the girls preferred to apply Arabic designs, which were quite appealing. Among the girls that participated, Kanupriya of B.Sc. Medical (UID- 2018006) stood 1st and Manpreet of B.Sc. Medical (UID- 1918015) stood 2nd in the competition.

The others participated in hairstyle competition, girls were full of enthusiasm and made different hairstyles. They were found using the flowers in the braids, which looked very beautiful. Among the girls that participated Akanksha of B.Sc. Medical (UID- 2018005) stood 1st and Simranjeet Kaur of B.Sc. medical (UID - 2018015) backed 2nd position.
Certificate of Merit were given to all the position holders and congratulated all the attendees and faculty members. Students share their experience of being a participant in such an interesting event and show great willingness to participate in upcoming events also.
All the Co-coordinators appreciate the continuous suggestions and guidance provided by Dr. Ritu Pawan Head Department of Biotechnology Our vote of thanks extends to Coordinators and PR Department of Baba Farid College.
World Animal Welfare Week-2021
Environment Club (BFCEC) celebrated 'WORLD ANIMAL WELFARE WEEK-2021' under the theme "Forests and Livelihoods: Sustaining People and Planet" in association with Baba Farid college's department of Medical, Biotechnology, Botany and Zoology to demonstrate support for animal and forest protection from 4th of October to 8th October. The main objective of this event was raising awareness among youth about benefits of forests and protect animals to preserve the harmony in nature and yet draws upon the triumphs of technology and to implicate human ethics value among students and society.
On 4th October, the event commenced with the historical and general introduction about the "World Animal Welfare Day -2021" and discussed the theme for 2021. Dr. Ramandeep Kaur, Assistant Professor Department of Biotechnology and Ms Vanita, Assistant Professor Department of Biotechnology gave brief description of cynologist Heinrich Zimmermann, who organized the first World Animal Welfare Week on March 24, 1925 at the Sport Palace in Berlin, Germany. Over 5,000 people attended this first event. The activity was originally scheduled for October 4, to align with the feast day of Saint Francis of Assisi, patron saint of ecology. This activity inculcated the awareness among the students for the preservation of the animals.

The event of 5th October started with a lecture given by Ms. Vanita on 'How Animal Welfare can speed up progress towards a Sustainable tomorrow' and students were told that animals matter to people as over 1 billion poor people are dependent on animals for jobs, food, income, transport among others. Animal survival can be improved by good welfare practices and thereby they also help in eradicating poverty of the poor.
A quiz competition was organized on 6th of October. Total 28 students in the form of seven teams participated in the event. The event started with quiz competition. Questions was in the form of a presentation. Overall, Students got knowledge and awareness on the factors which are responsible for the depletion of ozone layer and what preventive measure we can adopt. Certificate of Merit were given to all the position holders and congratulated all the attendees and faculty members.
On 7th and 8th of October, Dr. Ramandeep Kaur and Ms. Vanita told students about the merits of Animal Husbandry. Students were informed that Animal husbandry helps in the proper management of animals by providing proper food, shelter and protection against diseases to domestic animals. It provides employment to a large number of farmer and thereby increases their living standards.
All the Co-coordinators appreciate the continuous suggestions and guidance provided by Dr. Ritu Pawan Head Department of Biotechnology Our vote of thanks extends to Coordinators and PR Department of Baba Farid College.
Slogan writing Competition on 8th October, 2021
Women Development Cell in collaboration with Chemistry, Physics, Biotechnology Department organized "Slogan Writing Competition" based on theme "Dowry System". The competition was open to all the students of Baba Farid College which is held on 8th October, 2021. The objective of all these initiatives was to get rid of this problem, appealing to the social and moral consciousness of the people, providing education and economic independence for women and effective enforcement of legislation against the dowry system. In India, nowadays dowry system is becoming like business for some caste. In Spite of the varied legislation to ban the practice of dowry, the regret is that it still persists. Dowry is thus a great impediment in the progress of education of girls and girls being deprived of higher education are unable to raise their status. Dowry has been a prevalent practice in India's modern era. There are variations on dowry prevalence based on geography and class. There are many causes of this like Economic, Social, and Religious. The Advocators of dowry system may come up with various unreasonable reasons to support the system but the fact remains that it does more harm than good to the society as a whole. The prevalence of dowry system has to lead to an increase in the incidents of bride harassment, ironically the same thing to prevent which people give dowry for. Dowry infuses a sense of greed into people who think that by pressurizing the girl they can force her into getting money from her parents to support their own greedy motives. Dowry is becoming a nightmare for Women. The cases of infanticide are increasing. Poor parents do not have any other option. They cannot afford to have a girl child, and hence they are intentionally killing infant girl. More than 8000 women are killed because of Dowry. It is very clear that Dowry is creating violence. Groom's parents are misusing this pure tradition. And they are not aware that they are misusing it, because they are not educated about the traditional dowry system. Everyone is just following the new dowry system blindly. Dowry is complete injustice with women and does not give women equal status in society. Because of dowry men will always be superior to women. This is creating a mess and negative environment in society. Under the Dowry Prohibition Act, taking or giving dowry is a crime and illegal. If you see someone taking or giving dowry then you can lodge a complaint against them. This competition helps to motivating the girls to express their own thoughts on this topic. This competition used to convey the message of awareness to the society and helping to make efforts to resolve the problems related to it.

Dowry system is good unless and until it is considered as a gift given to the bride by her parents. If the groom's parents are demanding money to get married as a "Dowry" then that is completely wrong and illegal. This activity has made an effort to scrutinize and evaluate legal provisions which have been adapted and adopted by the Indian Legal System to minimize nuisance of Dowry Deaths, highlight loopholes and along-with its betterment in the legal system & the society and also to spotlight the available remedies as also how to further argument such remedies so as to be beneficial to the genuinely aggrieved party. It is understood that the word Dowry is a social evil, but as it can be seen in section 6 of the D.P. Act which says Dowry to be for the benefit of the wife or her heirs, here we should understand that Dowry is simply a sum of property (whether it is money or any other property) given by her parents or her parents' family out of sheer love and affection to protect the social and financial interest of a woman and which is not social evil. In-fact the social evil is the demand of dowry by the husband or his family, faced by the wife and her family. This type of activities help to improve the condition of women and new thoughts related to improve the life of the women who suffer from this evil. By this type of activities students are properly understand the condition and they are help to resolve it. Students are the nation builder so they are becoming a source in future to stop this type of activities.This competition was organized under the guidance of Ms. Seema Ahuja, Assistant Professor Department of Agriculture. The online registration process had been done through Google Link. The last date to send the entry was 7th October, 2021. Almost 27 participants from the various programs like B.Sc. Hons. Mathematics, B.Sc. Hons. Biotechnology, M. Sc. Zoology, B.Sc. Hons. Chemistry B.Sc. Hons. Physics, B.Sc. Non medical, B.Sc. Computer Science and M.Sc. Physics participated. Students were asked to express their ideas through slogan writing as per given instructions. The young learners displayed their artistic skills through an expressive ideas through drawing and art. Students of various courses participated in the competition with immense zeal and enthusiasm and thoroughly enjoyed the activity. Spontaneity and confidence were the hallmark of the competition. The students left everyone awe-struck as they presented their talent so immaculately and effortlessly. They were appreciated for their superb performance. The final judgment of this event was concluded by Dr Deepika, Ms Prabhjeet, Ms. Ramanpreet and Ms Akshita. The result was declared on dated 11 October, 2021. The first position was bagged by Aanchal (B.Sc N.M Sem V), the second position was bagged by Pawanpreet Kaur (B.Sc. Hons. Agriculture Sem 7th), and Palvi Rani ( B.Sc Hons Biotechnology Sem V) third position was secured by Muskan Sharma (B.Sc. Hons. Agriculture Sem 7th) and Harpreet Kaur (M.Sc. Zoology Sem I). This event encouraged the students to independently examine their presentation skills. Different departments put their best foot forward by participating with great enthusiasm. The event was an opportunity for the students to unite their knowledge with their creative streak and express their views using the colors of imagination. The artistic skills of students shown and their potential to achieve it. The competition provided information of this issue.
World Animal Welfare Day-2021 on 6th October, 2021
Environment Club (BFCEC) celebrated 'WORLD ANIMAL WELFARE DAY -2021' under the theme "Forests and Livelihoods: Sustaining People and Planet" in association with Baba Farid college's department of Medical, Biotechnology, Botany and Zoology to demonstrate support for animal and forest protection, on 6th October, 2021. The main objective of this event was raising awareness among youth about benefits of forests and protect animals to preserve the harmony in nature and yet draws upon the triumphs of technology and to implicate human ethics value among students and society.
World Animal Day, was originated by cynologist Heinrich Zimmermann. He organised the first World Animal Day on March 24, 1925 at the Sport Palace in Berlin, Germany. Over 5,000 people attended this first event. The activity was originally scheduled for October 4, to align with the feast day of Saint Francis of Assisi, patron saint of ecology. Unfortunately the venue was not available on that day. The event was then moved to October 4 for the first time in 1929. Every year, Zimmermann worked tirelessly on the promotion of World Animal Day. Finally, in May 1931 at a congress of the International Animal Protection Congress in Florence Italy, his proposal to make October 4 World Animal Day universal was unanimously accepted and adopted as a resolution. This year's theme for the world animal welfare day was "Forests and Livelihoods: Sustaining People and Planet". Initially, the theme of World Animal Day was "Man and Dog." Later, in the coming years, it was about all animals and the celebration of the human relationship with the better animal kingdom to protect animals and create a safe environment for them.
The event commenced with the historical and general introduction about the "World Animal Welfare Day -2021" and discussed the theme for 2021. Dr. Ramandeep Kaur, Ms Vanita gave brief importance and the description of "Forests and Livelihoods: Sustaining People and Planet". This activity inculcated the awareness among the students for the preservation of the animals.
Total 28 students in the form of seven teams participated in the event. The event started with quiz competition. Questions was in the form of a presentation. Overall, Students got knowledge and awareness on the factors which are responsible for the depletion of ozone layer and what preventive measure we can adopt.
All the Co-coordinators appreciate the continuous suggestions and guidance provided by Dr. Ritu Pawan Head Department of Biotechnology Our vote of thanks extends to Coordinators and PR Department of Baba Farid College. Certificate of Merit were given to all the position holders and congratulated all the attendees and faculty members.
Quiz Competition on 6th October 2021
A Quiz was organized by the Department of Biotechnology, Faculty of Sciences of BFC on 6th October 2021. The event was organized at the Mini Seminar Hall. The topic of the quiz competition was 'General Knowledge and Awareness'. The objective of the event was to study the general awareness of the students and also motivate them to prepare for the various competitive exams.
The students of B.Sc. Medical, B.Sc. Biotech, M.Sc. Zoology and M.Sc. Botany took part in the quiz competition. The Quiz had four rounds and one bonus round. Rules and regulations of the quiz were explained at the beginning.
The students were divided into six teams and every team had four members. The teams were given names from A to F teams. Mrs. Pushpinder Kaur, event coordinator started the event with the questions of Indian history. The first round went well which created a good level of excitement among the students.
In the second round, the political awareness of the students was debriefed. Every team was asked to answer at least two questions and if any was unable to answer their question, that question will pass on to another team to earn a bonus point. The students were informed about the team standings at the end of the second round. The questions regarding geography of India were asked in the third round and the fourth and last round of the quiz was all about the recent current affairs.
Team B secured first position in the quiz which consists of Jagmeet singh (UID 2193001) and Gurlal Singh (UID 219004) of M.Sc. Botany Sem 1st, Hardeep Singh (UID 2120008) and Daljeet Singh (UID 2120006) of B.Sc. Biotech Sem 1st.
Aarzoo (UID 2020017), Ramanpreet Kaur (UID 2020003) and Parneet Kaur (UID 2020004) of B.Sc. Biotech Sem 3rd, who were also part of the team C, secured 2nd position.

A team from B.Sc. Medical Sem 3rd which consist of Akanksha (UID 2018005), Minakshi (UID 2018008), Jobanpreet (UID 2018004) and Gagandeep Kaur (UID 2018012) were third in the competition.
At the end of the event, Mrs. Pushpinder Kaur gave lecture on the importance of General Knowledge in the life of a student and winners were awarded with the appreciation certificates.
Van Mahotsav-2021 on 20th August, 2021
Baba Farid College's Department of Medical, Chemistry and Mathematics in association with BFC Environment Club (BFCEC) celebrated 'VAN MAHOTSAV -2021' under the theme 'Environment revolution begins with greening mother land' to demonstrate support for trees protection, through online way on 20th August, 2021. The main objective of this event is raising awareness among youth to protect our trees and devoted to the preservation of the harmony in nature and yet draws upon the triumphs of technology and to implicate human ethics value among students and society.
The detail of event is mentioned below:
Event |
Date |
Venue |
Expert Talk |
03 pm, Friday,
20th August, 2021 |
Online Through Microsoft Teams via code
62xspyp to join the Expert Talk or contact organizer |
1. Selfie with Grown Plant 'Eco-Selfie'
2. Young environmentalist award |
20th August, 2021 |
- Save trees by Submitting entry till 19th August 2021 through Google form Link
- Best Entry - Awarded Certificate of Merit in Tree protection/Certificate for All Participants
- Social Media Post for Best entries
- 'YOUNG Environmentalist Award -21' for motivating 05 more people
The main objective of the expert lecture was to aware the students towards tree protection and sustainable development. In expert lecture, Dr. Ramandeep Kaur, Assistant Professor, Govt. Rajindra College, Bathinda, Punjab, India discussed about tree protection, importance of trees. She motivated that we should do effort to eradicate pollution by planting more number of trees. In addition to that, she emphasized that what kinds of trees we should plant on Van Mahotsav. Moreover she motivated the students to communicate in other languages as well (Hindi and Punjabi). She encouraged our wards that every day should be celebrated as Van Mahotsav. Approximately 50 students joined the online meeting. After the expert talk, interactive discussion session was also done in which students, faculty members of Baba Farid College and Expert speaker discussed the global issues and the ways that how we can initiate to restore ecosystem.

Students got knowledge and awareness on tree protection, importance of trees and this will help them in their future. This will support the students in their practical and theoretical aspects, create research interest in tree life.
All the queries related to submission of entries, rules and regulations of competitions were tackled by our In-charge, Environment Club, BFC Dr. Ramandeep Kaur, event co-coordinators Prof. Bishroop Dutta and Ms. Sarita Rani along with student organizers (Heena Goyal (UID-2097012)-B. Sc. Hons. Chemistry; Amritpal Singh (UID-1994034)-B. Sc. Hons. Mathematics; Prerna Khunger (UID-1918025)-B.Sc. Medical).
We appreciate the continuous suggestions and guidance provided by HOD Biotechnology Dr. Ritu Pawan and HOD Chemistry Dr. Vivek Sharma. Our vote of thanks extends to Coordinators and PR Department of Baba Farid College. Certificate of Merit will be sent to the rank holders along with Certificate of Participation to all the participants subject to entry of submission within a week.
Phytoremediation of organic and inorganic pollutants in the environment
Department of Biotechnology, Baba Farid College organized guest lecture on "Phytoremediation of organic and inorganic pollutants in the environment" through online way (GOOGLE MEET) on dated 16 September, 2021 (10:00-11:00 AM). The main objective of this lecture was to provide brief understanding about the pollutants present in the natural environments and phytoremediation techniques for their degradation.
In the guest lecture, Dr Parvinder Kaur, Vice Principal, DIPS Nurmahal, Jalandhar City discussed about Phytoremediation technique.
The Lecture started with a discussion on the pollution caused by the industries in India, and the pollutants emitted by them. The Lecture gave an insight into the equipment available for controlling the pollutants, and also presented the adverse effects on the economic growth of our country, caused by increased industrialization, urbanization, mechanization, use of fertilizers and pesticides in agriculture and mismanagement of disposing off human waste, especially in developing countries, where environmental laws are relatively less strict.

She further added methods to eradicate the pollution. She explained the basics of Phytoremediation, it refers to the use of plants and associated soil microbes to reduce the concentrations or toxic effects of contaminants in the environment. Phytoremediation is widely accepted as a cost-effective environmental restoration technology. Phytoremediation is an alternative to engineering procedures that are usually more destructive to the soil. Phytoremediation of contaminated sites should ideally not exceed one decade to reach acceptable levels of contaminants in the environment. In addition to that she also discussed the detailed mechanisms of phytoremediation.
The Speaker stressed on the significance of developing advanced technology for controlling the pollutants. The topics covered were pollutants emitted from the industry, harmful effects of those pollutants and advanced technology adopted in industry to solve this problem. The Speaker put up a lot of experimental data and presented several points from advanced research, which kindled the interest of the participants.
All the queries related to submission of entries, rules and regulations of competitions were tackled by our HOD, (Dr. Ritu Pawan) faculty coordinators (Dr. Deepika Bhatia & Ms. Vanita Garg) along with student organizers (Pallvai: B.Sc. Honors Biotechnology UID - 20190015; Ishrat Zia- B.Sc. Honors Biotechnology; UID - 2020017 and Khushi - B.Sc. Honors Biotechnology; UID - 2020002).
The session ended with the discussion and students expressed gratitude for conducting a kind of online session. The seminar enabled the attendees to strengthen their knowledge about pollution control. It gave them a realistic picture of the present scenario of pollution. The session also generated an interest around the broad array of research opportunities available for biotechnologists, to develop efficient techniques to mitigate this problem. The attendees were enriched with information and knowledge about latest research related to this field.
World Ozone day - 2021
Environment Club (BFCEC) celebrated 'WORLD OZONE DAY - 2021' under the theme 'Montreal Protocol - Keeping us, our Baba Farid College college's Department of Botany as well as Biotechnology in association with BFC food and vaccines cool' to demonstrate support for trees protection, on 16th September, 2021. The main objective of this event was raising awareness among youth about benefits of Ozone layer and devoted protect Ozone layer to preserve the harmony in nature and yet draws upon the triumphs of technology and to implicate human ethics value among students and society.
Ozone is a colorless gas mainly found in Earth's stratosphere. It forms a protective layer that absorbs harmful ultraviolet light from the sun. In 1985, an extreme depletion of ozone over Antarctica was discovered—the so-called Antarctic ozone hole. It soon became clear that this drop in ozone was caused by man-made chemicals called chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs). To help solve the global depletion of ozone, the international community regulated CFC production and consumption by adopting the Montreal Protocol in 1987. The Montreal Protocol was a deal for countries across the globe to curb the existence of all ozone-depleting substances such as aerosols, chlorofluorocarbon, halons, etc., widely used for cooling and refrigeration purposes. This year's theme for the International Day for the Prevention of the Ozone Layer is 'Montreal Protocol - Keeping us, our food, and vaccines cool.' The theme is selected for the year 2021 to highlight the long-term results of the 35-year-old protocol, the first ever to be ratified by all the 197 members of the United Nations.
The event commenced with the historical and general introduction about the "World Ozone Day -2021" and discussed the theme for 2021. Dr. Ramandeep Kaur, Ms Vanita & Dr. Deepika gave brief importance and the description of "Montreal Protocol which on substances that deplete the ozone layer. This activity inculcated the awareness among the students for the preservation of the environment.

Approximately 25 students participated in the event. The event started with extempore competition. The topics which were given to students to speak were related to environment protection. On this occasion, Ramandeep Kaur (BSc Biotechnology hons. 5th semester and Arshdeep Kaur (BSc Biotechnology hons. 3rd semester UID-2020012) secured First position; Parneet Kaur (BSc Biotechnology hons. 3rd semester UID-2020004) secured second position; Jobanpreet Kaur (BSc Medical, 3rd semester UID-20180044) secured third position in the extempore speech competition.
In e-poster competition, Kamalpreet Kaur (BSc Biotechnology hons. 5th semester UID-1420041) secured first position. She demonstrated in her poster the harmful impact of UV rays on the earth and depletion of ozone layer and Nancy Bishnoi (MSc Chemistry) secured second position in this competition. In her poster she demonstrated the level of pollution and the importance of ozone layer. Overall, Students got knowledge and awareness on the factors which are responsible for the depletion of ozone layer and what preventive measure we can adopt.
The event ended by vote of thanks by Mrs. Pushpinder Kaur and Mr. Gurmeet Gill. All the Co-coordinators appreciate the continuous suggestions and guidance provided by Dr. Ritu Pawan Head Department of Biotechnology Our vote of thanks extends to Coordinators and PR Department of Baba Farid College. Certificate of Merit were given to all the position holders and congratulated all the attendees and faculty members.
Webinar Counseling Series - 2021 on 17th April 2021
The Department of Biotechnology, Faculty of Sciences, Baba Farid College, Baba Farid Group of Institutions continued the 'BFC Alumni Interaction program' series during this COVID-19 lockdown period through Microsoft Teams for the motivation, development and future education planning of the students on Saturday 17th April, 2021.
The guest alumni speaker was Ms. Prabhjot Kaur Ashat, 2009-2012 Batch's B.Sc. Biotechnology student who moved to Canada and is working as Quality System & HACCP Coordinator, Groupe Robert,300 Statesman Dr., Mississauga, Ontario L5S 2A2. She delivered her talk on the topic entitled 'Connecting Biotechnology to Food: Career Prospective in India and abroad". Prabhjot kaur began her talk quoting "21st century : An era of Biotechnology".
Over 71 Students participated in the interaction program of students of B.Sc. (Hons in Biotechnology) and B.Sc. (Medical) along with faculty members of the department. Ms. Prabhjot Kaur Ashat shared her experiences of Department of biotechnology and Baba Farid College where she and her batch-mates learned applications of biotechnology in various fields such food technology, plant tissue culture, molecular biology, biochemistry, industrial fermentation. The practical and theory taught during the degree helped her a lot to gain benefits as she worked with food testing which implemented many concepts and protocols studied. Being a graduate in biotechnology she found that advanced countries like Canada have a lot to offer in this emerging field. She continued her higher studies in this field as it was an emerging and integral part of industry. Though she came across some odd jobs compared to biotechnology yet within a short span of time she was switched to the field of biotechnology. She appreciated the mode of planning and facilities provided during her graduation, how these planning/activities help in her career build up and needs for other students to learn and adopt all these teaching methodologies. She specifies that the opportunities such as student's presentation method, timely industrial visit/summer trainings/workshops, expert talk organized by department inculcated in them qualities like confidence, leadership and teamwork by the organization of various events at college level. The endless efforts initiated by HOD as well as teachers provided the platform to grow and achieve targets. The Department of Biotechnology provided them the excellent platform for their personality and development. She motivated the students to discuss the future plans with their mentors so that the mentors can guide and help them in achieving their goals. She talks about the various doubts, confusion problems, planning issue and areas at graduation level students and told how she obtained all these and needs of planning along with guidance from various resources. She talked about various opportunities abroad, scope of biotechnology in Canada. She various job profile like quality assurance, microbiologist, R & D's, Quality control, scientists, production & manufacturing along with non-practical job profile like content writing in Government as well private corporate sectors after graduation or post-graduation areas like microbiology, agro-biotechnology, plant biotechnology, animal biotechnology, environment sciences, computational biology, botany and zoological sciences. There will be mandatory Opportunities and one should ready grab the opportunities life. She concluded her talk with a statement of gratitude as well as advising students that graduation in biotechnology from an institute is quite helpful and necessary to obtain a good white collar job in countries world wide. This lecture has provided the knowledge and will support the students in their career planning along with their academic or professional career skill development and future planning.
Expert Lecture : Role of Biotechnology in Agriculture
Biotechnology is best defined as use of scientific technique to improve and alter plants, animals and microorganisms value. Over the years biotechnology has found its way to several fields including medicine, agriculture and genetic engineering etc. The use of biotechnology in agriculture is deemed to be more effective than that of agrochemical. The latter is believed to be causing environmental distress and is also somewhat unfeasible for farmers. Some of the prevalent benefits of biotechnology in agriculture include: increase in crop production, better crop protection, increase in nutritional value, long shelf life, better taste , chemical tolerance, disease resistance. Syngenta is one of the company that is working on the applications of biotechnology in agriculture for the improvement of crops. To discuss the various approaches, efforts and projects of the company Dr. Malwinder singh malhi, project head, syngenta was invited to share his valuable time and knowledge with the students. The expert lecture was conducted online through Microsoft teams by Department of biotechnology in collaboration with skill development cell Baba Farid College, Bathinda. The expert lecture was organized by Ms. Ashwandeep under the supervision of Dr. Ritu Pawan, HOD, Department of Biotechnology. The lecture was joined by 60 students of Bsc.Biotechnology, Bsc.Medical, Msc.Zoology and Msc.Botany along with faculty. Dr. Malhi delivered his talk supported by a PowerPoint presentation showing various biotechnology projects being successfully carried out in india. He talked about various facts and figures projecting the current status of agricultural loss in india and how it could be overcome by use of biotechnological approaches. Students interacted with Dr. Malhi by asking questions related to applications of the subject. Overall it was a knowlegeble session for all the participants.

Blood Profile Testing Camp and Science Model Exhibition
Department of Biotechnology as well as Science (Medical) in collaboration with Health Club of Baba Farid College celebrated "National Science Day-2021 from 26th to 28th February, 2021 under the theme 'National Science Day Camp-2021'. National Science day is celebrated to emphasize the importance of contributions made by scientists towards the development of Nation and the world as a whole. It was organized to create awareness about the role of science in society. Under the guidance of the event coordinator Dr Parkash Singh and Dr Sunil Saini along with the students of Department of Biotechnology as well as science (Medical). They conducted different tests like Blood group, Hb, Blood Pressure, Blood sugar etc, which was done with more than 200 students and faculty members. Under this activity, there was an online quiz competition on "Future of STI: Impact on Education Skills and Works". This quiz was conducted with the help of google form on 28th February 2021 from 11:30 AM to 12:00 PM. There were 15 questions given to the students for attempting within 30 minutes.

The students participated in all the activities with full zeal and enthusiasm and they suggested that these activities should be planned on regular basis so that they can learn new things and enhance their knowledge regarding science. At the end the winners of quiz competition were given the prizes for their achievements.They thanked the Department of Biotechnology as well as Science (Medical) for organizing such an informative and knowledgeable activity.
E-waste - Swachhta hi Suraksha
Environment protection is considered as a critical issue faced by mankind. In order to provide contribution regarding the environment protection, department of Biotechnology and Computer Science in collaboration with Environment Club, Faculty of Sciences, Baba Farid College organized online "E-waste - Swachhta hi Suraksha" as a part of the Swachhata pakhwada 2021(Ministry of Electronics and information technology, Government of India). Under this event, two activities, namely, Online poster and slogan making competition; and Cleaning of Computers, Laboratories equipments in BFGI or outside or home were organised. Online entries were invited for the same between 8th Feb- 13th Feb 2021, and a number of students sent their entries via Google form. There was no registration fee for the same and was open to all the students and Employees of BFGI or outside. Moreover, in order to protect the environment, the students and faculty members were asked to bring e-waste materials from home and also gathered the e-waste material from laboratories of BFC. Then the e-waste materials were sent to the particular company who disposed it as per the government guidelines. In order to promote these activities, 'Young Environment conservationist' Award was decided which would be given to those participants who motivate more than 20 people to protect environment. After the completion of the activities, Certificates were distributed to all the participants in order to appreciate them for their noble task. This event ended with arising awareness regarding the responsibilities of an individual towards the environment.

workshop on "Self-defense for Girls" on 17th Oct, 2020
Department of Biotechnology organized workshop on "Self-defense for Girls". The workshop was conducted on 17th Oct,2020 through online mode of Microsoft teams. The resource person, Ms. Manisha Panghal, is a Forensic expert in Forensic Science Laboratory (FSL), DNA division, Mohali. Ms.Panghal ,(also student of NCC camp) was invited to guide the girl students and teachers regarding self-defense techniques. The main aim of this workshop was to educate the girls students about different types of violence against them and provide knowledge about the different tips of self-protection in different situations.
The need of the hour for the girls and women in the society is to safeguard themselves against violence committed against them. It is felt that student welfare can strengthen the girl students for their self-protection and women empowerment through a workshop of self defense

The workshop started with the inaugural speech by Ms.Shivangi Saxena. She highlighted the key points why such kinds of workshops are required to sensitize our girl child/students to self-protect themselves in public places as well as at home. She also pointed out that this is the demand of the hour as we can relate ourselves to the news items of domestic violence, eve-teasing cases, and other severe forms of violence against women and children which is pouring in on a day-to-day basis.
Ms. Panghal the trainer, spoke on the kind of violence that is committed against women. She narrated some instances related to Domestic Violence, Dowry, Cruelty by husband & in-laws, Sexual Harassment in public and private places or the workplace, Stalking, Obscene Calls, that often comes to the Special Police Unit for assistance. She pointed out why is it necessary to attend and train oneself with this kind of workshop and training programs. She said that having knowledge about self-defense techniques not only helps defend but also it builds confidence in oneself. She gave advices and tips to our girl students how to avoid situations and circumstances that may lead to unwanted/untoward incident. She also gave demonstration of the self defence techniques and the tips she elaborated how to self-protect and defend were:
First tip: Prevention is the best self-defense- Attackers, whatever their objectives, are looking for unsuspecting, vulnerable targets. So be sure to follow general safety tips like being aware of your surroundings', walking and parking in well-lit areas, keeping your keys in hand as you approach your door or car, varying your route and times of travel, and other personal security precautions. Apart from avoiding confrontation, if you can defuse a situation (talk someone down from physically assaulting you) or get away-by handing over your wallet/purse or whatever they want, do that. Hand over your money rather than fight. Nothing you own is worth more than your life or health. If violence is unavoidable, however, to really defend yourself, you will want to know ahead of time how to fight back effectively-it is possible even against someone bigger or stronger than you.
Second tip: Get Loud and Push Back- As soon as the attacker touches you or escape is not possible, shout (-BACK OFF) and push back at him or her. This does two things: it signals for help and it lets the attacker know you're not an easy target. It may not dissuade all attackers, but getting loud will warn off those that were looking for easy prey.
Third tip: Remember the Most Effective Body Parts to Hit-When you are in a confrontation, you only have a few seconds and a few moves to try before the fight may be decided. Before an attacker has gained full control of you, you must do everything you can- conserving as much energy as possible-to inflict injury so you can get away. So, aim for the parts of the body where you can do the most damage easily: the eyes, nose, ears, neck, groin, knee, and legs. Depending on the position of the attacker and how close he is will determine where you will strike and what part of your body you will employ. Do not step in closer, say, to strike his nose with your hand when you can reach his knee.
At the end, Professor Shivangi Saxena presented vote of thanks to the trainer on behalf of all girls.
After the workshop feedback was takken. The feedback of students was positive & they wanted similar workshops in future.
All the girls learnt the new techniques of self-defense and were also interested to attend similar kind of workshop on large scale to empower with the skill of self defense.
Alumni Interaction by Ms. Nisha Kala, Senior Project Engineer, Wipro technologies
The Department of Biotechnology, Faculty of Sciences, Baba Farid College, Baba Farid Group of Institutions has continued the 'BFC Alumni Interaction program' series during this COVID-19 lockdown period through Microsoft Teams for the motivation, development and future education planning of the students.On Wednesday 14th October, 2020 an alumni interactionprogram was organized for Biotech students. The guest alumnu speaker was Ms. Nisha Kala, Senior Project Engineer, Wipro technologies, Pune a 2014-2017 Batch's B.Sc. Biotechnology student.She has done her Biotechnology and is now working as Assistant Professor. She talked on the topic entitled "How to Study to get good opportunities". Over 90 Students participated in the interaction programme for students of B.Sc. (Medical), and B.Sc. (Hons in Biotechnology). Ms. Nisha Kala started with a very good introduction with students through a powerpoint presentation. She shared her startegies while she was a student,how she used to study and how to cope up with tough topics. She discussed with Students the various modes of learning better things to achieve best. Then she shared her experiences of Department and Baba Farid College learning, the modes of planning and facilities provided during her graduation, how these planning/activities helped in her career build up and needs for other students to learn and adopt all those teaching methodologies. She especially talked about the student's presentation method, timely industrial visits/summer trainings/workshops, expert talks organised by department along with inculcating leadership quality developed from the organisation of various events at college level. HOD as well as teachers' endless and dedicated efforts to provide the platform , live projects, practical works, beneficial for getting the job and present working . He also shared that the learning at college level helped her for achieving job and still helping as an unconscious learning. The Department of Biotechnology provided me the excellent platform for my personality development. She talked about the various doubts, confusion problems, planning issue and some areas at graduation level students and told how she obtained all those needs of planning along with guidance from various resources. . She talked about various job profiles like quality assurance, microbiologist, R & D's, Quality control, scientists, production & manufacturing along with non-practical job profile like content writing in Government as well private sectors after graduation or post-graduation and areas like microbiology, agrobiotechnology, plant biotechnology, animal biotechnology, environment sciences, computational biology botany, zoological sciences, banking sectors, hospitals, ICMR, ICAR, CSIR, DBT, DST , GATE and FCI. She Motivated the students to start planning according to their interest and skills specially in very crucial period of final year study. There would be many Opportunities but one should be ready to grab those opportunities in life. She told that this was good to stay in their fields as years spent in particular field would be helpful in their career rather shift their area of working. Flexibility is the important pillar of success. The quality to adapt to the new environment along with good moral & social characters plays very important role in life.

This lecturer provided the knowledge and would support the students in their career planning along with their academic or professional career skill development .
Online BFC Green Diwali Competitions - 2020
Baba Farid College's Biotechnology Club, Faculty of Biotechnology in association with Amar Biotech, Bathinda organized "Online BFC Green Diwali Competitions - 2020" for the students of the institution. The main objective of this event was to promote celebrating Eco-friendly and Green Diwali with BFGI Family. Following were the ten different categories of competitions planned under BFC Online Green Diwali-2020 held on 13th and 14th November, 2020.
- Tree plantation
- Rangoli Competition
- Photography Competition: Green Diwali
- Best out of Waste Competition
- Handmade Decorative Diya Making
- Greeting Card Making
- Poster Making: Green Diwali
- Footprint Crafts
- Handmade lanterns for Diwali
- Handmade wall and door hangings
We received overall 35 registrations which were initiated on 13th November and remained activated till 14th November. We received overwhelming response with an average of 15 plus registrations daily inspite of festival days. In order to circulate information and other updates to all the registered participants we had created 1 Whatsapp group to accommodate maximum participants. On daily basis group was open for 24 hours for query solving and discussion with participants. All the queries related to submission of entries, rules and regulations of competitions were tackled by our faculty coordinators (Mrs. Shivangi Saxena, Ms. Gaganpreet Kaur and Ms. Amandeep Kaur) along with student organizers (Mr.Shivam Goyal, Ms. Kanupriya, Ms.Manjeet Dhaliwal, Ms. Palvi and Ms.Sukhpreet Kaur). Apart of this we had our Microsoft teams chat group and admin whatsapp group for time to time updates. After closing of registration , unique serial number was assigned to each entrant through which they can proceed for the submission of entry. The submission of entries was closed on 14th November. The compilation of all the files received on Google drive were sorted and renamed by faculty coordinators making them suitable for judicious judgment. Although, it was a tedious and strenuous task to evaluate entries in ten different categories.. The judgment was done on basis of rubric made for evaluation of each category. The judgment was done by faculty coordinators and organizers. The result for competitions held under Online Green Diwali Competitions-2020 was compiled herein.

Competition |
Position |
Name |
Father's Name |
Department |
Semester |
Tree Plantation |
First |
Camay Singh |
Lt.Sh. Mahinder Singh |
1992018 |
M.Sc Zoology |
Third |
Rangoli Making |
First |
Deepti |
Mr. Ashok Kumar |
2094003 |
B.Sc Hons. Mathematics |
First |
Rangoli Making |
Second |
Usha |
Gora Lal Garg |
1820025 |
B.Sc Hons. Biotechnology |
Fifth |
Rangoli Making |
Third |
Hritik Nohria |
Narinder Kumar Nohria |
2018003 |
B.Sc Medical |
First |
Photography Competition |
First |
Rishivar Kumar Sharma |
Mr. Satinder Kumar |
2020005 |
B.Sc Hons. Biotechnology |
First |
Photography Competition |
Second |
Deeksha Choudhary |
Praveen Kumar |
1993018 |
M.Sc Botany |
Third |
Best out of Waste Competition |
First |
Yashika |
Rakesh Kumar |
2020002 |
B.Sc Hons. Biotechnology |
First |
Handmade Decorative Diya Making |
First |
Gaganpreet Kaur |
Mr. Kuldeep Singh |
1820006 |
B.Sc Hons. Biotechnology |
Fifth |
Greeting Card Making |
First |
Ritu Mohanty |
Prakash Chandra Mohanty |
1920019 |
B.Sc Hons. Biotechnology |
Third |
Greeting Card Making |
Second |
Jobanpreet Kaur |
Jagsir Singh |
2018004 |
B.Sc Medical |
First |
Poster Making |
First |
Remanpreet Kaur |
Gurmail Singh |
2020013 |
B.Sc Hons. Biotechnology |
First |
Footprint Craft |
First |
Sanjana |
Mr. Gopal Chand |
2094005 |
B.Sc Hons. Mathematics |
First |
Handmade Lantern Making |
First |
Ramandeep Kaur |
Gurdas Singh |
2094008 |
B.Sc Hons. Mathematics |
First |
Handmade Wall Hanging |
First |
Akashdeep Jindal |
Lucky Kumar |
2094004 |
B.Sc Hons. Mathematics |
First |
Handmade Wall Hanging |
Second |
Arshdeep Kaur |
Sh. Kuldeep Singh |
2020012 |
B.Sc Hons. Biotechnology |
First |
We appreciate the continuous suggestions and guidance provided by HOD Biotechnology. We extend thanks to Ms. Amandeep Kaur for helping in certificate generation along with HODs, Coordinators and PR Department of Baba Farid College. Certificate of Merit will be sent to the rank holders along with Certificate of Participation to all the participants subject to entry of submission within the festival season.
Entrepreneurship on 17th October, 2020
The Department of Biotechnology, Faculty of Sciences, Baba Farid College, Baba Farid Group of Institutions continued the 'BFC Alumni Interaction program' series during this COVID-19 lockdown period through Microsoft Teams for the motivation, development and future education planning of the students on Wednesday 14th October, 2020. The guest alumni speaker was Ms. Kamal Nain, Junior Project Manager, Root Analysis, Mohalia 2014-2017 Batch's B.Sc. Biotechnology students who did her Biotechnology and now working as Assistant Professor in Academic Sector. She talked on the topic entitled "Entrepreneurship".Over 90 Students participated in the interaction programme of students of B.Sc. (Medical), and B.Sc. (Hons in Biotechnology). Ms. Kamal Nainstarted a very good introduction with students through a powerpoint presentation. She shared her experience during vibgyor how she used to make many projects and sell them to earn money. Then she shared example of Founder of Biocon that how she rose from scratch to become a successful entrepreneur. Then she gave example of many other entrepreneurs who are selfmade. She imbibed the value of studying strategies and value of studies to keep yourself updated according to market. Then Followed by sharing her experiences of Department and Baba Farid College learning, the mode of planning and facilities provided during her graduation, how these planning/activities help in her career build up and needs for other students to learn and adopt all these teaching methodologies. She specially says about the student's presentation method, timely industrial visit/summer trainings/workshops, expert talk organised by department along with leadership quality she develops from the organisation of various events at college level. HOD as well as teachers' endless efforts to provided the platform with dedication, live projects, practical works, and further the journey till the job and present working kinds. He also shared that the learning at college level helped her for achieving job and still helping as an unconscious learning. The Department of Biotechnology provided me the excellent platform for my personality and development. She talks about the various doubts, confusion problems, planning issue and areas at graduation level students and told how she obtained all these and needs of planning along with guidance from various resources.

There is talked about importance planning. She talks various job profile like quality assurance, microbiologist, R & D's, Quality control, scientists, production & manufacturing along with non-practical job profile like content writing in Government as well private corporate sectors after graduation or post-graduation areas like microbiology, agrobiotechnology, plant biotechnology, animal biotechnology, environment sciences, computational biology botany, zoological sciences, banking sectors, hospitals, ICMR, ICAR, CSIR, DBT, DST , GATE and FCI. She Motivated the students to start planning according to you interest and skills specially very crucial period is final year study. There will be mandatory Opportunities and one should ready grab the opportunities life. She told that this good to keep in your fields as years spend in particular field would be helpful in their career beside shift their area of working. Flexibility is the important pillar of success the quality to adapt the new environment along with good moral & social characters plays very important role in life. This lecturer provides the knowledge and will support the students in their career planning along with their academic or professional career skill development and future planning
Online Poster Competition - Food Safety Everyone's Business on 16-10-2020
Department of Biotechnology organized an online poster competition on "Food Safety; Everyone's Business" on 16th October 2020, for celebrating World Food Day. Food is the basic necessity of human life so it should be safe .As a Department of science which is closely related to health always try to make the students aware about the issues related to health; about eating pure food and good and bad eating habits. The main aim of this competition was to express the respect for the food that we get because it is the blessing of God who provide us three meals every day. But it is in the hands of human beings to take what type food.
Department of Biotechnology always organizes various activities related to the interest of the students and important days are also celebrated by organizing various activities related to the respective days.The students of BSC Biotechnology (Hons), BSc Medical participated in this competition. The various entries were received from the various classes.The student organizers were Amisha, Ritu Mohanty, Mitali Verma, Meetali Gupta ( Biotechnology Hons.IInd year).
The event coordinators were Ms Shivangi Saxena (Assistant Professor, Department of Biotechnology and MsAmandeepKaur (Assistant Professor, Department of Biotechnology ).After the completion of the competition, the result was declared for this event. Three students were selected as the winners of this competition and they grabbed this opportunity and added a star to their crown of knowledge. RemanpreetKaur, (UID 2020003) of BSc Biotechnology HonsIst year, got first position, Sunpreetkaur (UID 2020013) of BSc Biotechnology HonsIst yeargot IInd position, Shruti (UID 1920005) of Bsc Biotechnolgy Hons IIIrd year, got IIIrd Position.

Webinar on Planning & Opportunities in Life Sciences
The Department of Biotechnology, Medical, Zoology, Chemistry, Physics and Non-Medical, Faculty of Sciences, Baba Farid College, organized the' live Industrial Visit cum Webinar to Yakult Danone (India) Pvt. Ltd.' series during this COVID-19 lockdown period through Microsoft Teams for the motivation, development and future education planning of the students on Wednesday 1st October, 2020. The key speaker was Mr. Tushar, From Marketing Team of Yakult Danone (India) Pvt. Ltd., In collaboration with Training and Placement Department of Baba Farid Group of Institutions, Bathinda. Over 200 Students from B.Sc. (Medical) B.Sc. (Hons in Biotechnology), M.Sc. Botany, M.Sc. Zoology, M.Sc. Chemistry, B.Sc. Hons. Chemistry and B.Sc. Non-Medical participated in this Industrial Live Visit Cum Webinar. Mr. Tushar started with a very good introduction with students through a PowerPoint presentation. followed by introduction to the industry i.e. how the company works, what are the basic products manufactured. Yakult Danone India (P) Ltd is a 50:50 JV between Yakult Honsha, Japan and Groupe Danone of France, both of which are global probiotic leaders. The JV was formed in 2005 to manufacture and sell probiotic products in the Indian market. Yakult, a probiotic drink was launched in India in 2007, and is presently available in Hyderabad, New Delhi, Gurgaon, Noida, Faridabad, Goa, Ahmedabad, Rajkot, Jamnagar, Vadodara, Surat, Bengaluru, Mangalore, Mysore, Mumbai, Ujjain, Aurangabad, Nashik, Pune, Indore, Kolhapur, Chandigarh, Amritsar, Jalandhar, Ludhiana, Bikaner, Bhopal, Jaipur, Jodhpur, Kota, Chennai, Salem, Coimbatore, Madurai, Moradabad, Meerut, Ghaziabad, Aligarh, Agra, Bareilly, Lucknow, Kanpur, Allahabad, Gorakhpur, Varanasi, Kolkata, Asansol. Yakult is manufactured at an ISO 9001:2015, HACCP and OHSAS 18001:2007 certified manufacturing facility in Sonepat, Haryana, India. Then he introduced about probiotics. Probiotics are beneficial micro-organisms which are good for health, especially for our digestive system and immunity. According to the joint FAO/World Health Organization, Probiotics are defined as, "Live micro-organisms which, when administered in adequate amounts, confer a health benefit on the host". He then explained the benefits of Probiotics. Probiotics help to increase the number of beneficial bacteria and decrease the number of harmful bacteria in our body, thus help us enjoy life. Lactobacillus casei strain Shirota (LcS) is a unique probiotic bacteria that has been scientifically proven to reach the intestine live to help build immunity and help improve digestion. It is backed by more than 100 human studies that validate its health benefits. The safety of LcS has been proven for more than 80 years of safe use in the world. It can be consumed by everyone above one year of age. Regular consumption of Yakult is important to get its health benefits. Yakult's unique probiotics Lactobacillus casei strain Shirota (LcS) in Yakult helps to build immunity by increasing the activity of Natural Killer (NK) cells which are our natural immune cells, and by increasing the secretion of IgA antibody.

Then there was a live video of the manufacturing unit of yakult from raw material processing to the packing. Wherein students were shown the internal working of the industry to give a practical experience to them. He provided the detailed knowledge research and development, industrial scale production, industrial mythology versus laboratory process or entrepreneurship supportive. After that there was Question and Answer round, which was flooded with queries of the students. Students gave an overwhelming response through their queries. This event was a great success ,students seemed to be very much satisfied as per feedback forms received by the students.
Pen is Mighter than Sword Online Essay Writing Competition
Department of Biotechnology, Faculty of Sciences organizes various activities and events for the overall development of its students. In the series of these events the department of Biotechnology , organized an online essay writing competition 'Pen Is Mightier Than Sword on 9th September, 2020, for the motivation of students during this lockdown period. It was organized with the collaboration of Orbit Biotech Pvt. Limited, Mohali. The students are staying at their homes for twenty four hours at present due to the pandemic, so they can utilize their precious time by involving themselves in various educative and inspirational activities. The main motive of this competition was to improve the writing skills of the students and their perspective about the student teacher relationship. A student is always eager to get the knowledge of new facts as well as new skills. Students participated in this competition with full zeal and enthusiasm. The students also gave their views that such competitions should be organized time to time. This essay writing competition was conducted with the help of Google forms.The main theme of this competition was the student and teacher relationships and the role of a teacher in student's life.

The students of BSC Biotechnology(Hons), BSc Medical and M. sc. Zoology and participated in this competition. The several entries were received these classes. Under the guidance of Dr.Ritu Pawan (Head Department of Biotechnology) ,this event got completed successfully.The student organizers were Vikas (Bsc Biotechnology Hons IIIrd year) and Ms Srishti (BSC Medical IIIrd Year).They also performed their duties very well.
The event coordinators were Ms Shivangi Saxena (Assistant Professor , Department of Biotechnology and Ms Amandeep Kaur (Assistant Professor, department of Biotechnology ).After the completion of the competition, the result was declared for this event. Three students were selected as the winners of this competition 'Pen is Migther than Sword'.They grabbed this opportunity and added a star to their crown of knowledge. Sukhdeep Kaur, (UID 1820036) of BSc Biotechnology Hons IIIrd year, got first position, Nisha UID 1992009) of MSC Zoology IInd Year got IInd position Kamaljeet Kaur (UID1920008) of Bsc Biotechnolgy Hons IInd year, got IIIrd Position and in Essay Writing Competition. The winners thanked the head of department of Biotechnology and the faculty members for organizing such type of inspiring , interesting and knowledgeable events and activities time to time.
Career Counselling on Planning & Opportunities in Life Sciences
The Department of Biotechnology, Faculty of Sciences, Baba Farid College, Baba Farid Group of Institutions continued the 'Career Counselling Session' series during this COVID-19 lockdown period through Microsoft Teams for the motivation, development and future education planning of the students on Wednesday 9th September, 2020. The key speaker was Mr. B. D. Sharma, Deputy Dean Activities, Baba Farid Group of Institutions, Bathinda. He talked on the topic entitled "Planning & Opportunities in Life Sciences". Over 90 Students participated in the career counselling session Final year students of B.Sc. (Medical), and B.Sc. (Hons in Biotechnology), M.Sc. Botany, M.Sc. Zoology. Mr. B. D. Sharma started a very good introduction with students through a PowerPoint presentation. Followed by introduction to various courses that can be opted by students after graduation and post-graduation. He has introduced various job opportunities after life sciences both in public as well as private sector. He has shared his experiences, the mode of planning for future, how these planning/activities help in career build up. He explained how to build a better career with focused orientation towards goals. He has explained to the students how to achieve goal and how to choose career options after studies. He encouraged students to increase their active participation in presentation method, timely industrial visit/summer trainings/workshops, expert talk organised by department along with leadership quality in order to enhance their communication skills for facing an interview. He talked about the various doubts, confusion problems, planning issue and areas at graduation level students and told how to choose career after science and needs of planning along with guidance from various resources. He talked about importance of planning and focus towards goals. He talked about various job profile like quality assurance, microbiologist, R & D's, Quality control, scientists, production & manufacturing along with non-practical job profile like content writing in Government as well private corporate sectors after graduation or post-graduation areas like microbiology, agrobiotechnology, plant biotechnology, animal biotechnology, environment sciences, computational biology botany, zoological sciences, banking sectors, hospitals, ICMR, ICAR, CSIR, DBT, DST , GATE and FCI. He Motivated the students to start planning according to you interest and skills specially very crucial period is final year study. There will be mandatory Opportunities and one should ready grab the opportunities life. He told that this good to keep in your fields as years spend in particular field would be helpful in their career beside shift their area of working. Flexibility is the important pillar of success the quality to adapt the new environment along with good moral & social characters plays very important role in life. This lecture provided the knowledge and will support the students in their career planning along with their academic or professional career skill development and future planning

Potter Brains - a Quiz Competition
Department of Biotechnology, Faculty of Sciences organizes various activities and events for the overall development of its students. In the series of these events the department of Biotechnology, organized an online quiz competition 'Potter Brains' on 28th august, 2020, for the motivation of students during this lockdown period. The students are staying at their homes for twenty four hours at present to the pandemic, so they can utilize their precious time by involving themselves in various educative and inspirational activities. The main motive of this quiz was to make the students aware the things which are going on around them and to enhance the general awareness of the students. A student is always eager to get the knowledge of new facts as well as new topic. Students participated in this quiz with full zeal and enthusiasm. The students also gave their views that such quiz competitions should be organized time to time. This quiz was conducted with the help of Google forms and it was in the format of multiple choice questions. There were four options for one questions. There were questions based on current issues like COVID-19, Political movements, various days of celebration and new achievements and policies of India.
The students of BSC Biotechnology(Hons), BSc Medical,and BCA participated in the quiz. The various entries were received from the various classes. Under the guidance of Dr. Ritu Pawan (Head Department of Biotechnology) ,this event got completed successfully.The student organizers were Manik Grover (Bsc Biotechnology Hons IIIrd year) Ms Arpandeep Kaur (BSC Medical IIIrd Year)and Ms Akshita (BSC medical IIIrd year.They also performed their duties very well.
The event coordinators were Ms Shivangi Saxena (Assistant Professor, Department of Biotechnology and Ms Amandeep Kaur (Assistant Professor, department of Biotechnology ). After the completion of quiz, the result was declared for this event. Out of ninety nine students, three students were selected as the winners of this quiz and they grabbed this opportunity and added a star to their crown of knowledge. Shadab Alam, (UID 1820032) of BSc Biotechnology Hons IIIrd year, got first position, Ravinder Singh (UID 1820014) of Bsc Biotechnolgy Hons IIIrd year, got IInd Position and Aastha Taneja, UID (2020010) of BSC Biotechnology Hons Ist Year got IIIrd position in the quiz. The winners thanked the head of department of Biotechnology and the faculty members for organizing such type of inspiring , interesting and knowledgeable events and activities time to time.

Planning & Opportunities in Biological Sciences: Learning and Skills the Key Players 2nd September, 2020
The Department of Biotechnology, Faculty of Sciences, Baba Farid College, Baba Farid Group of Institutions continued the 'BFC Alumni Interaction program' series during this COVID-19 lockdown period through Microsoft Teams for the motivation, development and future education planning of the students on Wednesday 2nd September, 2020. The guest alumni speaker was Ms. Shivani Rana, Assistant Professor , Lovely Professional University, Jalandhar a 2014-2017 Batch's B.Sc. Biotechnology students who did her Biotechnology and now working as Assistant Professor in Academic Sector. She talked on the topic entitled "Planning & Opportunities in Biological Sciences: Learning and Skills the Key Players". Over 90 Students participated in the interaction programme of students of B.Sc. (Medical), and B.Sc. (Hons in Biotechnology). Ms. Shivani Rana started a very good introduction with students through a powerpoint presentation. Followed by sharing her experiences of Department and Baba Farid College learning, the mode of planning and facilities provided during her graduation, how these planning/activities help in her career build up and needs for other students to learn and adopt all these teaching methodologies. She specially says about the student's presentation method, timely industrial visit/summer trainings/workshops, expert talk organised by department along with leadership quality she develops from the organisation of various events at college level. HOD as well as teachers' endless efforts to provided the platform with dedication, live projects, practical works, and further the journey till the job and present working kinds. He also shared that the learning at college level helped her for achieving job and still helping as an unconscious learning.

The Department of Biotechnology provided me the excellent platform for my personality and development. She talks about the various doubts, confusion problems, planning issue and areas at graduation level students and told how she obtained all these and needs of planning along with guidance from various resources. There is talked about importance planning. She talks various job profile like quality assurance, microbiologist, R & D's, Quality control, scientists, production & manufacturing along with non-practical job profile like content writing in Government as well private corporate sectors after graduation or post-graduation areas like microbiology, agrobiotechnology, plant biotechnology, animal biotechnology, environment sciences, computational biology botany, zoological sciences, banking sectors, hospitals, ICMR, ICAR, CSIR, DBT, DST , GATE and FCI. She Motivated the students to start planning according to you interest and skills specially very crucial period is final year study. There will be mandatory Opportunities and one should ready grab the opportunities life. She told that this good to keep in your fields as years spend in particular field would be helpful in their career beside shift their area of working. Flexibility is the important pillar of success the quality to adapt the new environment along with good moral & social characters plays very important role in life. This lecturer provides the knowledge and will support the students in their career planning along with their academic or professional career skill development and future planning
Online Guest Lecture on T and B Cells receptors, their activation & functions: Key Player of Adaptive Immunity
The Department of Biotechnology, Faculty of Sciences, Baba Farid College, baba Farid Group of Institutions continued the eminent expert-students interaction series during this COVID-19 lockdown period through Microsoft Teams for the motivation, development and future career planning of the students. On Friday 01st May, 2020, Department of Biotechnology, Faculty of Sciences, BFC organised guest lecture entitled T and B Cells receptors, their activation & functions: Key Player of Adaptive Immunity of Dr. Monisha Dhiman (M.Phil., Ph.D, Post Doc. TX, USA, RS1-USA), Professor and Head, Department of Microbiology, Central University of Punjab, Bathinda (Pb.). Dr Monisha Dhiman has vast Experience sin Radiation and Cancer Biology, Immunology, Research Methodology and Trends in Biosciences, Advanced Animal Physiology & Biosystematics and Concepts and Prospects in Molecular Medicine. More than 70 students of B.Sc. (Hons in Biotechnology), B.Sc. (Medical), M.Sc. (Zoology) and other science stream attendant the lecture along with sciences faculty members through online Microsoft Teams as audio, video presentation mode along with live discussion and queries. The was planned to provide the knowledge to the students and faculty members in the field of Immunology, immunity, mechanism of actions and methodology used in Immunotechnology which in turn support the attendee to create their interest in vivo studies, mechanism of action of various immune cells, development immune-therapeutics, molecular medicine, and development of theoretical aspects of various experimentation. During this lecture DR Dhiman talked about the basis of Immunology to applied sciences with special emphasis on the mechanisms of action of antigen processing and presentation pathways, cell recognition, role of receptors in recognition along their structural details and activation of lymphocytes. The lymphocytes are the key cells in Human body which plays very important role in providing the defence against the tumour infected cells, virus infected cells and the other pathogen invading with individual body and helps in providing the immunity or protection to animal or humans against the pathogen entering in their body. The capacity of cell can be measured various immunological as well molecular techniques. It would support the participants in their academic or professional career research options. This lecture would also create interest and helps the students as well faculty members for planning of research work at premises and motivated to plan a research proposal during this lockdown. It will enhance the student's theoretical knowledge and supportive in their examination point of view too. at the end good discussion occurred and many queries answered well by madam.

"Trends and Developments of Intellectual Property Rights by Dr. Savita Gupta Patent Attorney and IP Consultant, Jiwaji University, Gwalior (Madya Pardesh)
The Department of Biotechnology and Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Sciences, Baba Farid College conducted an online seminar on Trends and Developments of Intellectual Property Rights from 10:30 am - 11:30 am on Thursday 21st May 2020. The seminar is a part of series of Expert Talk which is an Interaction programme that support contribution in India's digital information technology mission during this lockdown period. Around 50 participants including students of Department of Biotechnology and Department of Chemistry such as M.Sc. (Chemistry/Botany/Zoology), B.Sc. (Biotechnology), B.Sc. (Medical), and B.Sc. (Hons in Chemistry) and B.Sc. (Hons in Biotechnology) along with faculty members joined webinar to listen and learn from speaker, Dr. Savita Gupta, a registered Indian patent agent. She is a patent attorney and IP consultant with 20 years of research and Intellectual Property (IP) experience. The webinar aimed at showering the knowledge about Research, Patents and Intellectual Property Rights among the students. The focus of the seminar was to create the awareness among the faculty members and students about IPRs and to promote the creation, protection and enforcement of the IPR among them. Dr. Savita Gupta emphasized on how important is it to power the engine of prosperity, fostering invention and innovation. In particular, she talked about research, invention, innovation and IP rights. She made the topic of discussion clear and understandable to all by illustrating day to day examples. She said research is a creation of the mind and should result in innovation with invention. She told about different intellectual properties can such as patents for inventions, copyrights for literary works, trademarks, and trade secrets. Dr. Gupta added that intellectual property can be characterized as legally protection of the ideas or their expression. She further emphasized on the recent development and patent filing made during COVID-19 period years the seminar focused on what is the IPR, types, process of IPR filing and most important IP development in India. She answered to how are India's laws evolving to protect IP domestically? She added to her words that filing a patent is not important, in fact filing a good patent is important. Dr. Savita said that hopefully this webinar will create an impulse of participants for IPR and to protect their ideas expression and interest in future filing IPR. Many attendees sent in their questions at the end in Q&A session which were addressed by speaker.

Webinar on Genetics: Current Scenario and Future Prospective
Department of Biotechnology and Department of Sciences (Medical), Faculty Sciences, Baba Farid College, BFGI Bathinda continued online students Expert - Interaction programme and contributing in India's digital Information technology mission during this lockdown period. An Online 'Webinar Counselling Series - 2020' was initiated under different chapters of specific area. The rationale behind this webinar is to create awareness and provide a platform for deliberation in plethora of areas from public and private sector which interests the student community at large. On dated 29th May 2020 (11:00 - 12:30) Ms. Deepti Chaudhary, Genetics Counsellor, Post Graduate Institute of Medical Education Research (PGIMER) Chandigarh Talked on Genetics: Current Scenario and Future Prospective'. Over 40 students of B.Sc. (Biotechnology) and B.Sc. (Medical) Final year along with faculty members participated in the webinar. The talk planned was to motivate the students and make awareness about importance and futures prospective in the genetics. Genetic counselling is a communication process with patients that involves discussing the chance of inherited conditions, helping patients to make informed choices about genetic testing and reproductive options, and providing support at a time that can be stressful and highly emotional. Growth of the profession of genetic counseling has gone hand-in-hand with professional development of individual genetic counselors. Genetic counseling has achieved most of the typical early milestones in the development of a profession. The profession is maturing at a time when the number of practitioners is predicted to vastly expand. The last two decades have seen a proliferation of genetic counselor roles and practice areas, and a distinct professional identity. It is likely that the next two decades will see an increase in educational paths, practice areas, and possibilities for professional advancement. How this maturation proceeds will be impacted by overall trends in healthcare, decisions made by international genetic counseling organizations, and thousands of individual decisions about career trajectories. By delivering information about genetics and as a profession of Counselor to the youth, it would facilitate them to choose an accurate career.

Webinar on Biodiversity and its Conservations: The Life Support Systems on Earth
Department of Botany, Faculty of Sciences, Baba Farid College, Bathinda continued online students Expert - Interaction programme and contributing in India's digital Information technology mission during this lockdown period. An Online Webinar was organized by the Department on dated Monday 18th May 2020 (09:00 am - 11:00 am) the Expert speaker was Dr. Avneet Pal Singh, Assistant Professor, Department of Botany, Punjabi University, Patiala - 147 002 on the Biodiversity and its Conservations: The Life Support Systems on Earth. Over 60 students of M.Sc. (Botany/Zoology) B.Sc. (Biotechnology), B.Sc. (Medical), and B.Sc. (Hons in Biotechnology) along with faculty members participated in the webinar. The talk planned was to motivate the students and make awareness about importance and futures prospective in the conservation of plant and animal biodiversity. The main objective of the talk is to provides the scientific insights about the definition and interpretation of the concept of biodiversity, in the state of the art in biodiversity research and in the application of the concept in actual management and sustainable use. Dr Singh talked about the broad spectrum of aspects of biodiversity and conservation and told that the biodiversity of the world is believed to decrease at such a speed that one speaks of a biodiversity crisis. By ratifying the Convention of Biological Diversity (UNEP, 1992), many governments have agreed to develop national strategies, plans or programs for the conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity. This will create an impulse in the faculty as well as students in biodiversity and conservation research. Dr. Singh provided the recent landmark studies in this field along the recent data studies and their importance. Student got knowledge about area wise biodiversity on Earth, how fast is it changing, the effect of global change climate change on biodiversity, the importance for the life kinds on the earth. The biodiversity implies more ecological stability and possibilities to set attainable goals for biodiversity, kinds of sustainable use of biodiversity and strategies, plans or programs to reached goals. The lecturer was very informative and interactive as many queries were asked by students and well answered by Dr Singh. This will support the students in their practical and theoretical aspects, create research interest in the conservation of biodiversity. It also provides the knowledge about benefits to the society such as recreation and tourism, of potential use to the scientific community, life support systems on earth and genetic diversity of plants.

Webinar Counselling Series - 2020

The Department of Biotechnology and Department of Agriculture, Baba Farid College has started the Online Graduate 'Webinar Counseling Series - 2020' under different disciplines of specific area. The rationale behind this Counseling Series is to create awareness and provide a platform for deliberation in plethora of areas from Public and Private Sector which interests the student community at large. In this series, Mr. Maninder Singh, MD, Academy of General Studies discussed with the students regarding various career opportunities in Civil Services. Mr. Maninder began the lecture by informing students about the new job positions released by the government for UPSC and showed a series of pictures through his power-point presentation. Each picture had a story and depicted a certain problem that needed to be addressed. It was a very effective way of focusing on the need for personnel in civil services. "Even during the current circumstances of CoVid-19, the front runners are police and health departments", said Mr. Maninder emphasizing the importance of civil services. The focus remained on motivating students to consider civil services as a career option. The various job positions such as IAS, PCS, UPSC, PPSC for entering the civil services were also discussed. Mr. Maninder explained the format of the entrance examinations for these positions. He also shared his personal contact information with the students for future guidance.
Online Folk-Art Competitions - 25th June 2020
Baba Farid College's, Department of Botany as well as Biotechnology, Faculty of Sciences, Baba Farid College organized BFC Online Folk-Art Competitions- 2020" for the motivation and support to the participants during this lockdown period. The main objective of this event was to motivate youth with their computing talent, science knowledge and topic creation to promote the 'Punjabi Art & Culture' as a part of Indian heritage which impulse in creation of interest in various folk-art areas during this lockdown period. Students of M.Sc. (Botany/Zoology/Chemistry/IT etc.). and B.Sc. (Bachelor of Sciences) like B.Sc. Medical/Non-Medical/Biotechnology/Hons. in Chemistry/Non-Medical/Agriculture) and BCA participated in the event. Following are the three different categories of competitions planned under BFC Online Online Folk-Art Competitions- 2020" held on 25th June, 2020.
name of competitions |
Themes for the Competition are |
- Rangoli
- Waste Material art
- 'Mitti De Khidone'
- Cultural
- Scientific
- COVID-19
The students from various classes participated with full zeal and enthusiasm. All the participants tried to show the picture of Present-day world through their creativity. All the queries related to submission of entries, rules and regulations of competitions were tackled by our Head, (Dr. Ritu Pawan), faculty coordinators (Ms. Amandeep Kaur, Ms Pushpinder Kaur and Ms. Ashwandeep Kaur) along with student organizers (Akshita, Ravneet, Rushika and Ritu Mohanty). Apart of this we had our Microsoft teams chat group and admin WhatsApp group for time to time updates. Rangoli, Waste Material Art, and 'Mitti de Khidoune' were the activities of this competition. In the activity of 'Mitte de Khidoune', the participants made various things related to Punjabi Culture which are disappeared from our lives with the arrival of technology. With the help of such activities, the students can become aware of their culture and their surroundings. The students were very excited about this activity so they tried their level best to show their hidden talent. Baba Farid Group of Institutions always keeps in view the overall development of its students so these creative activities time to time. On this activity, the students were given the theme of nature, science, culture and Covid-19. So, the students made Toys, Utensils, houses, birds and animals with the help of flowers and wet soil. In waste material art the students made various items with the help of newspapers. They made photo frames, Flowers Vase and Birds Images. All the submitted entries was excellent and depicts the hidden talent in students. After closing the submission of entries uptake was closed. The compilation of all the files received on google drive were sorted and renamed by faculty coordinators making them suitable for judicious judgement. Although, it was a tedious and strenuous task to evaluate entries in three different categories. The judgement was done on basis of rubric made for evaluation of each category. The judgement was done by three faculty coordinators and judges Ms. Pushpinder, Ms. Gaganpreet Kaur, Dr Parkash Singh. The result for competitions held under Online Online Folk-Art Competitions- 2020" are compiled herein.
The results of the event were as follows:
Mitti de Khidoune
- Ist Position: Maninder Aulakh, Baba Farid College, BCA IInd Year
- IInd Position: Ramandeep Singh, Meritorious School Ferozpur, Class 12th
Waste material Art
- Ist Position: Farida, Baba Farid College, BCA IInd year
- IInd Position: Satveer Kaur, BSC CS Ist, Baba Farid College
- Ist Position: Ritu Mohanty, B.Sc Biotechnology Hons Ist year, Baba Farid College

The participants also suggested that these activities should be frequently organized, as it gives them an opportunity to bring out their hidden talent. Overall, this activity was full of fun and enjoyment for the participants.
Our vote of thanks extends to faculty members of The Department of Biotechnology as well as Botany, Coordinators and PR Department of Baba Farid College. Certificate of Merit sent to the rank holders along with Certificate of Participation to all the participants.
Workshop on Microbes: Hands on Training
Dept of Biotechnology and Medical Sciences organized two days "Workshop on Microbes: Hands on training on 4th and 5th October. This workshop was well organized by B.Sc. Biotech 3rd year students for biotechnology 1st year students. In the workshop, students learnt about various technique on isolation of microbes from water sample and differential staining procedures. Microbes are around everywhere and are an important part of our ecosystem and the purpose of this workshop was to give an idea about identifying these microbes. They have also been demonstrated about the principles of basic microbiology instruments. These types of programs impart the students with practical skills which are part and parcel of learning any theoretical concepts. Students enjoyed this workshop and were encouraged that they should take part in these types of workshops.

Workshop on World of Microbes organized by Department of Biotechnology and Medical Sciences, BFC
Department of Biotechnology and Medical Sciences organized one day successful workshop on World of Microbes in association with Orbit Biotechnology Pvt. Ltd, Mohali on 29th March, 2019. Ms. Neha (Scientific Officer) was the expert who gave knowledge about isolation of microbes and antimicrobial resistance etc. The Students were given knowledge about various microbiological techniques. The workshop was based on practical exposure & development of the students i.e. Hand On Experience. The workshop was well attended by about 50 students. Students stay motivated by these kind of workshops.

Microbiology Workshop cum Poster Presentation
Department of Biotechnology and Medical Sciences, Baba Farid College organized a Microbiology Workshop cum Poster Presentation.The workshop was divided into three session chairs,The first part was demonstration of basic microbiology instruments, Second part was hands on training session and the third part was quiz competition and on the spot poster making competition.The whole workshop was organized by 2nd year students of B.Sc. Biotechnology and it was a well organized workshop and a learning opportunity for the students in brushing their subject knowledge as well as leadership skills.

Alumni Interaction
Alumni interaction programme was held at Department of Biotechnology and Medical Sciences, BFC on 8th March, 2019 from 10:00am onwards. Alumni Mr. Amrinder Singh (B.Sc. Biotechnology 2007-2010 Batch), Forest range officer, Govt. of Punjab, Bir Talab Forest, Bathinda, share his experiences after graduation with the students of B.Sc. Medical & B.Sc. Biotechnology final year and students asked many queries. It was great inspiring, motivational and decision making session.

Women's Day Fest" on 8th March, 2019
On the occasion of woman day, students of Medical and Biotechnology department have organised the "women's day fest" i.e. on 8th March, 2019 in which various activities like fancy dress, drama, poetry and entertainment games were scheduled such as balloon brushing, cross game, dress up game. Students from various streams were participated and enjoyed every moment of this event. Prizes to winners were distributed by Honourable judges & guest of Honours Ms. Navninder Kaur, Ms. Priyanandani, Dr. Amandeep Singh, Mr. Narinder Singla ji along with dept. faculty.
*Winners of fancy dress are: 1st Lovepreet kaur (B.Sc. Biotech. 2nd year) and 2nd Manpreet Kaur (B.Sc. Medical 2nd year).
*Drama winner: Naina (CSM Final Year)
*Dressup winner: Mona and Garima (B.Sc. Biotech. 3rd year).
*Cross game winner: 1st Jagjot and Apparappar (B.Sc. Non Medical) 2nd Komal and Bhavna.
*Ballon brushing winners: 1st Navneet and komal (B.Sc. Non Medical) 2nd Jagjot and Apparappar (B.Sc. Non Medical).
All the participants played well for each activity of event organised by:-
1. Anmolpreet kaur
2. Charanjeet kaur
3. Manveer kaur
4. Ashmeet kaur
5. Chand singh
6. Gurlal singh

General Science Quiz Competition
Department of Biotechnology and Medical organized a Quiz competition on 24 September 2018. It was organized by following students of Biotechnology : Gursharan (Sem 3), Alisha (Sem 3) Manik (Sem 1) and Simran (Sem 1). The event was started at 01:20 pm in room no. B1 in respective department under the guidance of Ms. Shivangi Saxena and Pallavi Arora. There were 45 participants, which were divided into 15 teams. The aim of this competition was to test their intellectual and to motivate them to increase their knowledge by providing them knowledgeable questions. The participants were fully prepared and were full of enthusiasm and played so well. They were very interacting with their respective team members. Competition was very healthy as all teams were well prepared and gave a tough competition to one another. The judges were present to judge the teams on the basis of their intellectual answers: Mr. H.L. Jasuja, Dr. Ritu Pawan and Dr.Parkash Singh. The winning teams were applauded by prizes. The first prize was bagged by Chand Singh, Ashmeet Kaur and Manveer (Sem 3, Medical) and second by Ashwadeep, Srishti and Akshita (Sem 1 Medical).

Workshop on Insights of Molecular Biological Techniques organized by Biotechnology and Medical Sciences Department, BFC
Department of Biotechnology and Medical Sciences, BFC organized a one day workshop on Insights of Molecular Biological Techniques in association with the Escherichia Genomics Pvt. Ltd, New Delhi on 17 october, 2018(Wednesday). Mr. V.K. Singh (Director) was the Expert who gave the knowledge about Various Molecular Biology Techniques such as: DNA Isolation methods from chick blood, leaf and saliva sample accompanied with AgaroseGel Electrophoresis. The demonstation of PCR was also delivered to students. The workshop was based on the practical exposure & inculcating technical skills of molecular biology to the students by Hand On Experience. The workshop was precisely attended by more than 70 students.Students were not only motivated and inspired by this workshop, they also preserved their isolated DNA samples for future use in labs.
Dr. RituPawan (Head of Department) gratified the students for their enthusiasm and becoming the part of this workshop. Moreover, such types of events should be organized in the future so that the students should gain practical knowledge along with the theory.

Fresher's Party of 2018 Batch, B.Sc. Biotechnology & Medical Sciences 'Novato Fiesta'(cloud burst) - 2018
Baba Farid's Society of Biotechnology and Medical Students, Department of Biotechnology and Medical Sciences, Baba Farid College organized a fresher's party Novato Fiesta" for 2018 Batch Fresher's - B.Sc. Hons (Biotechnology), BSc. Medical, M.Sc. - Botany and Zoology on Tuesday 4th September 2018 at BFGI campus. Students showed their talent by presenting various cultural items and everyone enjoyed the party a lot. Freshers were given a token of remembrance and compliments by their seniors.

The guest of Honors were Honorable Chairman Dr. Gurmeet Singh Dhaliwal, BFGI wished students good luck for their bright future. This occasion was also graced and made cheerful by Dr.Pardeep Kaura (Deputy Director Academics, BFGI), Mr. B.D. Sharma (Deputy Director Career Guidance and Counseling , BFGI), Dr. Manish Bansal (Vice Principal, BFC), Mr. H.L. Jasuja (Dean Sciences) and Dr Ritu Pawan (HOD), all dignitaries wishes good luck and a bright future ahead to all students.

Miss. Neha & Mr. Jatinder was awarded with the title of Miss and Mr. Fresher from Botany and Zoology respectively, from B.Sc. Medical Miss. Arpandeep Kaur & Mr. Sukhpreet Singh and from Biotechnology Miss.Simran & Mr.Sukhpreet Singh were awarded with the title of Miss and Mister Fresher after various selection criteria rounds by Judges Mrs. NavninderKaur (Dean Academics, BFGI), Mrs.Rishampreet Kaur , Mrs.Nimrat Dhillon and Ms.Jaismeen Sandhu. In addition two more titles were given that is Miss Performer & Mr. Performer to Miss Komalpreet and Mr. Harpreet Singh of Biotechnology Department respectively. Finally the program ended with Dance, leaving behind sweet memories that will be cherished.
Farewell Fiesta of 2015 Batch B.Sc. Biotechnology & Medical Sciences 'Despadida' - 2018
Baba Farid's Society of Biotechnology and Medical Students, Department of Biotechnology and Medical Sciences, Baba Farid College organized a farewell party Despadida" for their outgoing B.Sc. Biotechnology and Medical - 2015 Batch students on Tuesday 2nd may 2018 at BFGI campus. Students showed their talent by presenting various cultural items. Several games were organized and everyone enjoyed the party a lot. Seniors were given a token of remembrance and compliments by their juniors.
The guest of Honors were Honorable Chairman Dr. Gurmeet Singh Dhaliwal, BFGI wished students good luck for their bright future. This occasion was also graced and farewell made cheerful by DrPardeepKaura (Deputy Director Academics, BFGI), Mr. B.D. Sharma (Deputy Director Activity, BFGI), Dr. Manish Bansal (Principal, BFC), Mr. H.L. Jasuja (Dean Sciences) and Dr RituPawan (HOD), all dignitaries wishes good luck and a bright future ahead to all students of outgoing 2015 Batch.

Miss. Jeewanjot Kaur & Mr. Jaipreet was crowned with the title of Miss and Mr. Farewell from B.Sc. Biotechnology, respectively and from B.Sc. Medical Miss. Navnish Kaur & Mr. Jatinder Singh were awarded crowned with the title of Miss and Mister Farewell after various selection criteria rounds by Judges Mrs. NavninderKaur (Dean Academics, BFGI), MrJagmeet Singh (Dean Activity, BFC) and Ms. Khusboo Gupta, AP, BFC. In addition two more titles were given that is Miss. Charming to Miss KamalnainKaur and Mr. Handsome to Amandeep Singh of Biotechnology Department respectively. Finally the program ended with Dance, leaving behind sweet memories that will be cherished.

General Science Quiz Competition
Department of Biotechnology and Medical organized a Quiz competition" on 15 February 2018. It was organized by following students of Biotechnology and Medical: Kamalnain (Sem 6), Alisha (Sem 6), Gursharan(Sem 2), Amrit(Sem 4), Amandeep (Sem 6) and Harpreet(Sem 6). The event was started at 12:20 pm in room no. B1 in respective department and 36 participants were there, which were divided into 12 teams. The aim of this competition was to test their intellectual and to motivate them to increase their knowledge by providing them knowledgeable questions. The participants were fully prepared and were full of enthusiasm and played so well. They were very interacting with their respective team members. Competition was very healthy as all teams were well prepared and gave a tough competition to one another. The judges were present to judge the teams on the basis of their intellectual answers: Miss Khushboo Mr. H.L. Jasuja, Dr. Ritu Pawan and Mr. Narinder Singla (DSW). The winning teams were applauded by prizes. The first prize was bagged by Manpreet Singh, Japneet Kaur and Rupinder Sharma (Sem 6, Medical) and second by Jagjit Singh, Divya and Shivani Goyal (Sem 4, Medical).

Rangoli and Collage making
Department of Biotechnology and Medical organized Rangoli and Collage making competition on 24 January 2018. This competition was organized by following students of B.Sc. Biotechnology and B.Sc. Medical. Vanita (6 Sem), Abhi (6 Sem), Parminder (2 Sem) ,Khushdeep (2 Sem).The event was started at 10:00 am in Medical lab and 17 participants were there .The aim of this competition was to provide a platform to students to show their skills and to explore new areas of interest. They were given about 2 hours to complete their respective task . The participants were full of energy and the final presentation was an excellent affair. All the presentations were out of this world and mesmerizing. The competition ended with the prize distribution ceremony by judges: Miss Khushboo and Dr. Ritu Pawan where the winners were applauded by prizes. The first prize was bagged by Supreet and Raman ( Biotech Sem 2) and second by Kamalnain and Arju ( Biotech Sem 6) in Rangoli making. In Collage making the first prize was bagged by Shivangi ( Biotech Sem 6) and second position by Kiran ( Biotech Sem 2).

Mehndi and Nail Art competition
Department of Biotechnology and Medical organised MEHNDI AND NAIL ART COMPETITIONon 13TH Oct 2017. This competition was organised by following students of B.Sc. Biotechnology students as a part of their live project: Khushpreet Sharma (Biotech 5th sem), Harmanjeet Kaur (Biotech 5th sem), Parminder Kaur (Biotech 5th sem), Manpreet Kaur (Biotech 5th sem), Tarandeep Kaur (Biotech 5th sem), Jashanpreet Kaur (Biotech 5th sem), Jagpal Kaur (Medical 5th Sem.), Harkirat kaur (Medical 5th Sem.) and Jasveer Kaur (Medical 5th Sem.). The event was started at 10.30 am in B.Sc. Medical lab and 37 participants were there. The aim of this competition was to provide a platform to students to showcase their talent and explore new areas of interest. The contestants had come well prepared with the sole objective of grooming arts. They were given 1 hour to show their talent. The participants exposed their talent with full zeal and enthusiasm. The final presentation was an excellent affair. Final Judgement was judged by Judges. The competition ended with the prize distribution ceremony by Judges: Ms. Shifali, Mr Harsimran Singh, Dr. Ritu Pawan and Ms. Khushboo where the winners were applauded with prizes. The 1st prize in Mehndi Competition was bagged by Ritika (B.Sc. Medical 3rd sem.) , 2nd prize by Sandeep Kaur ( Biotech. 3rd yr) and 3rd prize by Amarjot Kaur ( Biotech. 3rd yr).In Nail Art Competition was bagged by Muskan Chaudhary ( Biotech. 2rd yr.) and Satkar Kaur ( Biotech. 3rd yr).

Mehndi and Nail Art competition
Department of Biotechnology and Medical organised BEST OUT OF WASTE COMPETITION on 6TH Oct 2017. This competition was organised by following students of B.Sc. Biotechnology students as a part of their live project: Arshpreet kaur (5th sem), Ramanpreet kaur (Biotech 5th sem), Mamta Rani (Biotech 5th sem), Amrit Kaur (Med 5th sem), Japneet Kaur (Med 5th sem) and Harleen Kaur (Med 5th sem) . The event was started at 10.30 am in B.Sc. Medical lab and 17 participants were there. The aim of this competition was to provide a platform to students to showcase their talent and explore new areas of interest. The contestants had come well prepared with the sole objective of presenting their art in using best out of waste. The contestants used various waste materials for preparing their art. They were given half an hour time to show their talent. The participants exposed their talent with full zeal and enthusiasm. The final presentation was an excellent affair. Final Judgement was judged by Judges. The competition ended with the prize distribution ceremony by Judges: Dr. Manish Bansal, Mr. Jagmeet Singh and Dr. Ritu Pawan where the winners were applauded with prizes. The 1st prize was bagged by Muskan ( Biotech. 3rd yr) , 2nd prize by Pamul (B.Sc. Medical 5th sem) and 3rd prize by Japneet Kaur (B.Sc. Medical 5th sem).

Food without fire competition
Department of Biotechnology and Medical organised Food without fire" competition on 26th Sep' 2017. This competition was organised by following students of B.Sc. Biotechnology students as a part of their live project: Shivangi (5th sem), Lalit kumar (5th sem), Simarjeet (5th sem), Maninder kaur (5th sem), Lalita (3rd sem), Amneet (3rd sem), Amita (3rd sem). The event was started at 11.40 am in B.Sc. Medical lab and 23 participants were there. The aim of this competition was to provide a platform to students to showcase their culinary talent and explore new areas of interest. The contestants had come well prepared with the sole objective of cooking up a nutritious and tasty dish. They were given an hour's time to prepare and present the dish. It was a busy time for the participants chopping, mixing, grating and slicing. The participants made dishes with full zeal and enthusiasm. The final presentation was an excellent affair. The participants vied with each other to present their dishes in the most attractive manner! Many dishes were presented with beautiful crockery, flowers, fruit carving and so many other new ideas. Dishes were judged on nutrition and taste by a Judges. The teams were challenged to create healthy dishes. The competition ended with the prize distribution ceremony by Judges: Mrs. Ranbir Kaur, Mr. H.L. Jasuja and Dr. Ritu Pawan, where the winners were applauded with prizes. The 1st prize was bagged by Amandeep kaur and Naminder Kaur (B.Sc. Biotech 5th sem), 2nd prize by Nazia (B.Sc. Biotech 1th sem) and 3rd prize by Jeevanjot Arora (B.Sc. Biotech 5th sem).

Best Out of Waste and wind chyme competition
Best out of waste and wind chyme competition is one of the most enjoyable crafts that students can be engaged in. This activity was organized at Department of Medical and Biotechnology on 6 October 2017, to explore and encourage creativity in students and offer them a platform to showcase their skill. It inspires children to think and work creatively and promote artistic excellence. This competition was organised by Mamta (B.Sc. Biotech 5th sem), Arshdeep (B.Sc. Biotech 5th sem), Ramandeep Kaur(B.Sc. Biotech 5th sem), Maninder Kaur (B.Sc. Biotech 5th sem), Japneet Kaur (B.Sc. Med 5th sem), Amrit Kaur (B.Sc. Med 5th sem), Harleen Kaur (B.Sc. Med 5th sem), Amneet (B.Sc. Biotech 3rd sem), and Amita (B.Sc. Biotech 3rd sem). Students participated earnestly in the competition. Children came up with amazing ideas using waste materials. Students used broken bangles, newspapers, plastic bottles, peanut shell, beads, old clothes etc. Students made cloth doll, wall hanging, dresses, baskets, night lamp, and paper flowers etc. The final judgement was made by Dr. Manish Bansal, Dr. Jagmeet Singh and Dr. Ritu Pawan. The criteria for judgment were: Creativity, Strength of the Product, Utility value of the product, Quality of Finish. In Best out of waste competition Muskan (B.Sc. Biotech 3rd sem) grabbed first position, Second and third position were grabbed by Bhavya (B.Sc. Biotech 1st sem) and Japneet Kaur (B.Sc. Med 5th sem), Pamul (B.Sc. Med 5th sem) got consolation prize. Amritpal Kaur (B.Sc. Med 5th sem) grabbed first position in Wind Chyme competition. Each of the goods prepared by the children was a treat to the eyes. This also made the selection process extremely difficult for the judges. This fun filled activity witnessed an enthusiastic participation of all the students. Judges appreciated the ability of the students to think and organize their thought to create such beautiful items.

Farewell Fiesta of 2014 Batch B.Sc. Biotechnology & Medical
'Au Revoir' - 2017
Department of Medical and Biotechnology Baba Farid College organized a farewell party Au Revoir" for their outgoing B.Sc. Biotechnology and Medical - 2014 Batch students on Wednesday 31st May 2017 at BFGI campus. Students showed their talent by presenting various cultural items. Several games were organized and everyone enjoyed the party a lot. Seniors were given a token of remembrance and compliments by their juniors. During this party Dr. Gurmeet Singh Dhaliwal, (Chairman BFGI) and Mrs. Paramjeet Kaur Dhaliwal (Managing Director) wished students good luck for their bright future. This occasion was also graced and farewell made cheerful by Mr. B.D. Sharma (Deputy Director Academics, BFGI), Mr. Harpal Singh (Deputy Director, Facility Management, BFGI), Dr. Manish Bansal (Vice Principal, BFC), Dr. W.S. Brar (Principal, BFC), and Mr. H.L. Jasuja (Dean Sciences), all dignitaries wishes good luck and a bright future ahead to all students of outgoing 2014 Batch. In the end of the party, Narpinder Singh & Caffy Bansal (Biotechnology Department) and Lovepreet Singh & Parneet Kaur (Medical Department) were selected as Mr. and Ms. Farewell of the party after various slection criteria round.
Workshop on Molecular Biological Techniques organized by Biotechnology and Medical Sciences Department
Department of Biotechnology and Medical Sciences organized ONE day successful workshop on Molecular Biological Techniques in association with the Escherichia Genomics Pvt. Ltd, New Delhi on 3rd March, 2017. Mr. V.K. Singh (Director) was the Expert who gives the knowledge about Agarose Gel Electrophoresis, DNA Isolation techniques, AGE, Photography etc. The demonstation of PCR was also given to students. The workshop is based on the practical exposure & development of the students i.e. Hand On Experience.The workshop was well attended by more than 50 students.Students were well motivated by this kind of workshops.
Dr. RituPawan (Head of Department) thanked the students for their enthusiasm and becoming the part of this workshop .Moreover, such types of events should be organized in the future so that the students should gain practical knowledge along with the theory.

Celebrated Diwali Festival
Diwali Fest was celebrated by Department of Medical and Biotechnology on 28 Oct 2016. A total of 20 students participated in Rangoli competition and 10 students participated in Diya making competition and 10 parcipated in Diya making competition. Evaluation was done by our esteemed judges Dr Ritu Pawan (HOD, Biotechnology and Medical Department) and Ms. Khusboo Gupta (Co-ordinator cultural activities). Winners were awarded by Respected Head of the Department and Co-ordinator cultural activities. They also guided and appreciated the event and motivated the students to participate maximum in these types of activities. In the end, Dr. Ritu Pawan (HOD, Biotechnology and Medical ) thanked all the guests, teachers and students for their co-operation and participation.

Workshop on Bio-Entrepreneurship and Bio-Enteprise Creation in IISER Mohali
Ms. Rupindejit Kaur (Assistant Professor Biotechnology) and 6 Students of B.Sc Biotechnology 3rd year attended the two day workshop on Bio-Entrepreneurship and Bio-Enteprise Creation in IISER Mohali on 2nd and 3rd September. Main motive of workshop was to aware the delegates with idea, planning and execution of business in biological sciences. Students were visited Molecular Diagnoticts lab and given demonstration on laboratory instruments with PCR, ELISA, Gel Electrophoresis, SDS Page etc.

Fresher's Party 'Gold Rush'
Department of Medical and Biotechnology of Baba Farid College organized a Fresher's Party 2016 GOLD RUSH for welcoming the new students. Seniors, Faculty, and Institute Authorities welcomed the Students of B.Sc Medical and B.Sc Biotechnology Part I by giving them a token of smile and luck for their bright future in BFGI. Students also showed their talent by presenting various cultural items. During this party Dr. Ritu Pawan (Head of Department) applauded the students and wished them good luck for their bright future. This occasion was graced by Honorable Mrs. Paramjeet Kaur Dhaliwal, Director Administrative, BFGI, Dr. Pradeep Kaura (Deputy Director Academics),Dr. W.S Brar (Hon'ble Principal BFC), Dr. B.D. Sharma (Deputy Director Activities), Mr. Manish Bansal(Vice Principal, BFC) and Ms. Ranbir Kaur Brar (Dean Student Welfare), Mr. H. L. Jasuja (Dean Science). In the end of the party, Mr. Jagjeet Singh &Ms. Shivani Goyal were selected as Mr.Medical and Ms. Medical Fresher of the party and Mr. Gagan Deep & Ms Komal Preet were selected as Mr. Biotechnology and Ms. Biotechnology Gold Rush '16 Fresher of the party.
Fine Art Competition
A Fine Art Competition was celebrated by Department of Medical and Biotechnology on 19 August 2016. A total of 20 students participated in Rangoli competition, 10 students in poster competition,10 in cartooning and 15 in onspot painting. Evaluation was done by our esteemed judges DrRituPawan (HOD, Biotechnology Department) and DrPrakash Singh (Assist. Prof.). Winners were awarded by DrRituPawan (Head of Department) and faculty members. They also guided and appreciated the event and motivated the students to participate maximum in these types of activities. In the end, Dr. RituPawan (HOD, Biotechnology and Medical) thanked all the Guests, Teachers and Students for their co-operation and participation.

Farewell Party 2016
Medical and Biotechnology Department of Baba Farid College organized a farewell party "BON VOYAGE BASH" for their outgoing class on 6 May 2016. Students showed their talent by presenting various cultural items. Several games were organized and everyone enjoyed the party a lot. Seniors were given a token of remembrance and compliments by their juniors. During this party Dr. Gurmeet Singh Dhaliwal, (Chairman BFGI) applauded the students and wished them good luck for their bright future. This occasion was also graced by Dr. Pardeep Kaura (Deputy Director Academics), Dr. B.D. Sharma (Deputy Director Activities), Mr. Manish Bansal (Vice Principal, BFC) and Ms. Ranbir Kaur Brar (Dean Student Welfare). In the end of the party, Karan Verma and Karminder were selected as Mr. and Ms. Farewell of the party.

Le Scienze 2016
Extracurricular activities play a vital role in the overall development of students. In order to provide them an opportunity to showcase their talent and innovative ideas Chemistry and Biotechnology Departments of Baba Farid College organized an Inter College Competitions named Le Scienze 2016" including competitions like Quiz, Poster Presentation, illustrations and Science Models from waste material on March 31, 2016.Such activities helps students to understands the importance of logical thinking, time management and intellectual competence. Students from various colleges affiliated to Punjabi university and Panjab University like S.D College, Barnala; D.A.V College, Malout; University College, Jaito; Malwa College, Kotkapura; Govt. Brijindra College, Faridkot; Govt. Rajindra College, Bathinda, D.A.V College, Bathinda and other colleges of Baba Farid group of institutions participated actively. More than 170 students from different courses and colleges proactively participated in various activities to showcase their innovative ideas. In Quiz Competition we had audio/video rounds and all the topics covering the current affairs as well as general knowledge. Topics for the poster presentation and illustration were Environmental Science, Nano Science, Polymers, Material science, Inter disciplinary Sciences and Green Chemistry. Students participated with great zeal.
In Quiz we had three participants in each team and the team of Maumita Ghosh (B.Sc. Biotech IInd year BFC) , Harwinder Singh( B.Sc. NM IIIrd year BFC), Shallu Garg ( B.Sc. CS IIIrd year, BFC) stood first followed by and Deepinder Singh (B.Sc. Biotech IInd year, BFC), Anmol Verma ( B.Sc. Biotech Ist year, BFC) and Mamta Rani ( B.Sc. Biotech Ist year, BFC); (Sourav Goyal( B. Tech ECE 2nd yr, BFCET), Nitin Garg( B. Tech ECE 2nd Sem, BFCET), Md. Afzal Alam Tafadar (B.Tech ME) they stood second and third respectively.
Poster and Illustration Presentation was judged by Dr. Meenu (Assistant Prof. Modi college Patiala) and Dr. Paramjeet Kaur (Assistant Professor, DAV college Bathinda).In these competitions Komal Rani (M.Sc. Ist year Chemistry, BFC) bagged first prize ; Pankaj and Vijay Kumar (M.Sc.Ist year Chemistry , BFC ); Rachna ((M.Sc. Ist year Chemistry, BFC) got second and third positions respectively.
The Judges for the competition Science Model Out of Waste Material" were Dr. Meenu (Assistant Prof. Modi college Patiala) and Dr. Himani (Assistant Prof. SD College Barnala).In this competition first prize was bagged by Mehak Verma (B.Sc. BT IIIrd year, SD College, Barnala) followed by Gagandeep Kaur (B.Sc. BT Ist year, SD College, Barnala) and Mandeep Kaur (B.Sc. Medical IInd year, BFC) they stood second and third respectively.
It was really a tough job for the judges to declare the winner list of all the activities occurred because of the competence level of all the participants. The Competition was graced by Dr. W.S. Brar (Principal BFC), Mr. H.L Jasuja(Dean Science), Ms. Ranbir Kaur(Dean Student Welfare, BFC)

Celebrated Basant Panchami Fest

Basant Panchami Fest was celebrated by Department of Medical and Biotechnology on 11 Feb 2016. A total of 18 students participated in Rangoli competition and 10 students participated in poster competition and evaluation was done by our esteemed judges Dr Ritu Pawan (HOD, Biotechnology Department) Ms. Khusboo Gupta (Co-coordinator Cultural Activities). Winners were awarded by Respected Head of the Department and Co-coordinator Cultural Activities. They also guided and appreciated the event and motivated the students to participate maximum in these types of activities. In the end, Dr. Ritu Pawan (HOD, Biotechnology and Medical ) thanked all the Guests, Teachers and Students for their co-operation and participation.
AGAAZ - A Fresher Party By Biotech and Medical Department

2nd September was marked as a memorable day in the life of Biotechnology and Medical Freshers at Baba farid College. The Fresher's day filled excitement, joy, music, enthusiasm, laughter and happiness in every one. All the arrangements and activities were organized by the students themselves under supervision of Biotechnology Staff. The Guest of honor were Dr. Gurmeet Singh Dhaliwal (Managing Director), Dr. Pardeep Kaura (Deputy Director Academics), Mr. Harpal Singh Sandhu (Deputy Director Facility), Ms. Ranbir Kaur (Dean Student Welfare), Dr. W.S Brar (Principal BFC), Mr. Manish Bansal (Vice Principal BFC), Mr H.L Dasuja (Dean Sciences). Everybody enjoyed the function very much and Dr. Gurmeet Singh Dhaliwal blessed the students with his precious wishes and appreciated the whole function. The event was started with seniors, Navneet Kaur, Kamaldeep Kaur (B.Sc Biotechnology IIIRD yr) and Harmandeep Singh (B.Sc Biotech IInd yr) welcoming the freshers to AGAAZ, full of fun and entertainment. The first item for freshers was a Sufi song by Arshdeep Bhullar (B.Sc. Biotech 2nd yr). This was then followed by dance moves of Armaan Sandhu and Manisha Panghal (B.Sc Biotech Ist yr). To set a bit of change in the mood, Inderpal Devgan ( Biotech 2nd yr) mesmerized the audience with some Sheyro Shayri. Number of games were organized for the the juniors in which students participated enthusiastically. This was then followed by a melodious song sung by Navneet Kaur (B.Sc Biotechnology IIIrd yr), Rajinder Kaur and Harmanpreet Singh (B.Sc Biotech IInd yr). The student of B.Sc Biotechnology 3rd yr Jasleen Kaur,Rupinder Singh, Gurmeet Singh, Amandeep Kaur performed an energetic Bhangra. This was then followed by a modelling competition of freshers. All the participants were well dressed and walked the ramp in their own style. The participants, who had been selected in the first round had to enter the second round, where the participants had to entertain the audience for 60 seconds. The last round of the competition was the question and answer round where the selected participants had to answer the questions asked by the judges. The judges for the competition were Dr. Ritu Pawan, Mr.Pankaj Nagpal, Ms.Arash Kumari and Dr. Hardeep Kaur. All the participants were eagerly waiting to know the results. The judgment was based on the dressing style of the participant, the ramp walk and the overall performance. The results were finally declared at the end of the program and the title for the Mr. Fresher went to Vinod Sharma and Ms. Fresher to Gurinayat Kaur and Narpinder Singh were declared as Mr. Personality and Manisha Panghal as Ms. Personality. They were awarded with a crown and a gift respectively by Dr. Gurmeet Singh Dhaliwal, Mr. Manish Bansal and Ms. Ranbir Kaur. The students enjoyed the DJ. This whole function was a memorable event.

Science (from latin word Scientia, meaning “knowledge”) is a systematic enterprise that builds and organizes knowledge in the form of predictions about nature and the universe. Science has touched each and every aspect of our lives and has changed the whole world. so keeping all that Science has given us in mind SCIENCE CLUB of BABA FARID COLLEGE, Bathinda celebrated Science Day on 4 march,2015.
Various events were conducted to explore the hidden talents of students. One such event was Best out of Waste. Which moves with slogan Reuse/Recycle/Repair. Students came forward with very innovative ideas and made best use of waste and useless material. In this event Deepak (B.Sc. agriculture) won first prize. He made a water heater by using the carbon rod of the used out dry battery cell. Reuse of torn out and the broken material was done in a very good way for the preparation of decorative pieces and other useful materials.
For summarizing the contribution of science towards the mankind on a single sheet of paper, Collage making was the second event conducted by science club. In this event Bhupinder singh (B.Sc. Biotechnology Ist year) won the first prize.
Science has given a gadget to capture and retain with us our best memories for lifetime. Photography was the third event conducted to cover the beautiful nature and to explore the hidden thoughts of students through their photography, as the pictures clicked were very thoughtful and were saying the complete stories. Each and every picture had a very good theme behind it. The winner Ranjan (Bsc. Agriculture) through his photography tried to give message “To Save Water” and “Importance of water for Human Beings”. All the winners were awarded the trophies by Respected Dean Student Welfare. She also guided and appreciated the event and motivated the students to participate maximum in these types of activities. The managing director of BFGI, Dr. Gurmeet Singh Dhaliwal and Principal BFC, Dr. Pradeep Kaura also visited the event . They highly appreciated the students and motivate them for participation in extra activities.
Other winners are
Bhupinder singh Ist
Hardeep singh(B.Sc BT ) IInd
Simrat(Bsc BT) IIIrd
Best out of waste
Deepak Ist
Rupinder Kaur (BSC NM III) IInd
Neha goyal(Bsc NM I) IIIrd prize
AGAAZ - A Fresher Party By Biotech and Medical Department

2nd September was marked as a memorable day in the life of Biotechnology and Medical Freshers at Baba farid College. The Fresher’s day filled excitement, joy, music, enthusiasm, laughter and happiness in every one. All the arrangements and activities were organized by the students themselves under supervision of Biotechnology Staff. The Guest of honor were Dr. Gurmeet Singh Dhaliwal(Managing Director),Dr. Pardeep Kaura(Deputy Director Academics), Mr. Harpal Singh Sandhu(Deputy Director Facility),Mrs. Ranbir Kaur(Dean Student Welfare), Dr. W.S Brar (Principal BFC),Mr. Manish Bansal(Vice Principal BFC),Mr .H.L Jasuja(Dean Sciences).Everybody enjoyed the function very much and Dr. Gurmeet Singh Dhaliwal blessed the students with his precious wishes and appreciated the whole function. The event was started with seniors, Navneet Kaur ,Kamaldeep Kaur( Biotechnology IIIRD yr) and Harmandeep Singh ( Biotech IInd yr) welcoming the freshers to ”AGAAZ”, full of fun and entertainment. The first item for freshers was a Sufi song by Arshdeep Bhullar (B.Sc. Biotech 2nd yr). This was then followed by dance moves of Armaan Sandhu and Manisha Panghal ( Biotech Ist yr). To set a bit of change in the mood, Inderpal Devgan ( Biotech 2nd yr) mesmerized the audience with some Sheyro Shayri. Number of games were organized for the the juniors in which students participated enthusiastically. This was then followed by a melodious song sung by Navneet Kaur ( Biotechnology IIIrd yr),Rajinder Kaur and Harmanpreet Singh ( Biotech IInd yr). The student of Biotechnology 3rd yr Jasleen Kaur,Rupinder Singh,Gurmeet Singh,Amandeep Kaur performed an energetic Bhangra. This was then followed by a modelling competition of freshers. All the participants were well dressed and walked the ramp in their own style. The participants, who had been selected in the first round had to enter the second round, where the participants had to entertain the audience for 60 seconds. The last round of the competition was the ‘question answer’ round where the selected participants had to answer the questions asked by the judges. The judges for the competition were Dr. Ritu Pawan, Mr.Pankaj Nagpal,Ms.Arsh kumari and Dr.Hardeep Kaur. All the participants were eagerly waiting to know the results, the judgment was based on the dressing style of the participant, the ramp walk and the overall performance. The results were finally declared at the end of the program and the title for the Mr. Fresher went to Vinod Sharma and Ms. Fresher to Gurinayat Kaur and Narpinder Singh were declared as Mr. Personality and Manisha Panghal as Ms. Personality. They were awarded with a crown and a gift respectively by Dr. Gurmeet Singh Dhaliwal, Mr. Manish Bansal and Ms. Ranbir Kaur. The students enjoyed the DJ. This whole function was a memorable event.
Extenstion Lecture on Role of R-DNA Technology in industry, Medicine and Agriculture.

Biotechnology Department of Baba Farid College organized an Expert lecture On Role of r-DNA Technology in industry, medicine and Agriculture dated 13-02- 2015. The worthy Guest Dr. Sandeep Singh (Assistant Professor in Centre for Genetic Diseases and Molecular Medicine) Central University of Punjab had given a warm welcome by Dr.Ritu Pawan, Head Department of Biotechnology, Dr.Hardeep Kaur and other faculty member of Biotechnology Department. Dr Sandeep has done his Ph.D from National Centre for Cell Science, Pune and is Post doctoral fellow of city of Hope, National Medical Centre,USA. His current research is focused on mechanism of Carcinogensis, miRNA and mRNA interplay in various cellular compartments and their potiental role in carcinogenesis, Genotype of cancer samples with respect to major tumor suppressor genes. He currently has three major projects from UGC and DST. He has published more than 10 publications in high impact journals. Student of Medical Ist yr and Biotechnology IInd and IIIrd year and other staff members attended the lecture. Dr. Sandeep Singh delivered a wide information on the role of r-DNA technology in industry, agriculture and medicine. His talk provided the information of new vaccines, anticancer drugs being manufactured using r DNA technology, new agricultural crops and use of rDNA in therapeutics, diagnosis and cloning practices. Students were benefited by the basic and updated knowledge of r DNA and its applications in various sectors. |