Holi Celebrations : Festive of colours 2022
In association with cultural club of faculty of sciences, Department of Chemistry organized an event called 'Holi Celebrations: Festive of colours 2022' on 16th march 2022 in Block B of Baba Farid College, Bathinda under the guidance of Dr Vivek Sharma, Head Department of Chemistry. Ms. Pooja Gupta and Ms. Prabhjeet kaur were the convener of this event, Dr. Zaved Ahmed khan, Dean of Sciences, BFC was the chief guest to grace this occasion. Mrs Pushpinder Kaur, Dr. Surbhi Jyoti and Ms. Jaswinder Kaur were the judges of this event. Holi celebration takes place with lot of joy and verve throughout the country. The enthusiasm of the people reaches its peak and matches with the nature which is in full bounty at the time of Holi. Holi is being celebrated in Indian since time immemorial but the popularity of Holi celebrations seems to be rising with every passing year. These types of celebrations inculcate social skills, moral values, personality development and aesthetic skills in the students. Students get closer to their rituals with these types of activities. Keeping the importance of this festival in mind two activities Rangoli making and Poster making were organized in the event. In all total, 13 students registered from various departments.

All students participated with great enthusiasm. During the event both the students and faculty felt a sense of togetherness and goodwill. The spirit of Holi taught the students to follow good conduct in life and believe in the virtue of being truthful and honest. Winners of these events were – Tamanna and Raina from M.Sc Chemistry Sem-IV stood first whereas Arshdeep and Jaideep from B.Sc Non- medical Sem-II stood second in Rangoli making competition, Harkamal Singh stood first, Amandeep Kaur stood second whereas Savia stood third from B.Sc Honors Chemistry Sem-II in poster making competition. Certificates were provided to winners & participants Dr. Zaved congratulated and encouraged the students for their continues efforts to make this event a great success. He also facilitated the students who participated in various DST-SERB funded national conferences held at Central university of Punjab and DAV college Bathinda. Chemistry Department is highly thankful to Dr. Zaved and judges for their valuable contribution in this event.
Alumni Interaction on January 17, 2022

Skilled-based career opportunities after UG and PG Degree in Sciences
The Department of Chemistry, Baba Farid College, Bathinda organized a session on Skilled-based career opportunities after UG and PG Degree in Sciences on Dated January 17, 2022 for the courses of M.Sc Chemistry , BSc Honors Chemistry, BSc Non-Medical, B.Sc Biotechnology, B.Sc Medical. The key speaker for the session was Ms. Rashmi who is working as a Math mistress in Government High School, Khokhar (Bathinda). A total number of 30 students attended this alumni interaction. The session was much-awaited and much-needed for the students of Science after the pandemic. The interaction helped the students to achieve their identified career options or acquiring their professional goals. The role of a career guidance expert ranges from acting as a guide to leading the entire course of action. Ms. Rashmi gave a brief detail about how to apply for various government exams and how to prepare for the same. she also gave a road map on how the students can prepare for university entrance exam in their final year itself and the biggest mistake the students make which cost them their seat. The students also cleared their dilemma on whether to go for B.Ed, Masters or IELTS after the completion of their graduation. Ms.Rashmi patiently listen to each question and satisfied each student by answering them n one-to-one interactive session during the Alumni meet. The session was followed by the query of students which helped them clear their minds toward their career and goals. Mr.Bishroop Dutta, Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry, BFC was the coordinator of this program. This interaction was conducted under guidance of Dr.Vivek Sharma (HoD Chemistry). Dr.Vivek gave the Thanks note at the end of the session.
Online Powerpoint Presentation Competition "IS LOCKDOWN SAARTHAK? PROS AND CONS OF COVID LIFESTYLE" on January 06, 2022

Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Sciences, Baba Farid College organized online Powerpoint Presentation Competition on "IS LOCKDOWN SAARTHAK? PROS and CONS of COVID LIFESTYLE" on 06th January 2022 via google meet. The rationale behind this competition was to provide a platform for students to share their views on impact of lockdown on society. Dr. Ankita Saini was convener of this event. She started online event with warm welcome to all participants and faculties present. Dr. Sunil Saini, Assistant Professor Zoology and Mr. Gurmeet Gill, Assistant Professor English were Judges for the event. This was attended by Dr. Vivek Sharma, HOD Department of Chemistry and faculty members of Department of Chemistry. Dr. Zaved Ahmed Khan, Dean Academics was the chief guest to grace the event. The motto of organizing such activities helps to promote soft skills of varied disciplines of education. This type of activities inculcates social skills, moral values, personality development and aesthetic skills in the students. In all total, 12 students registered from various departments. All students participated with great enthusiasm. They presented their views by sharing powerpoint presentations. Winners of these events were announced by Mr. Gurmeet Gill. Harkamal Singh stood first from B.Sc. Honors Chemistry SEM I, Shruri Goyal stood Second and Dolly Garg grabbed third position from B.Sc. H Chemistry SEM III. Certificate of Appreciation and participation were mailed to winners and all participants respectively. The event was valuable for students and was of great success because of active participation and group discussion of students.
Guest lecture "Career opportunities for Chemistry Students" on December 13, 2021
Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Sciences, Baba Farid College organized a guest lecture on "Career opportunities for Chemistry students" on dated December 13, 2021 (11:00 AM-12:00 PM). The rationale behind this Counseling lecture was to create awareness and provide a platform for deliberation in plethora of areas from Public and Private Sector which interests the student community at large. This lecture would cater to aspirations of all the students of varied disciplines of education in India. In this lecture, Mr. B. D. Sharma, Deputy Director, Career Guidance, BFGI with students on "Career opportunities for Chemistry Students".

He started the session with a brief description of daily life activities of Chemistry. He explained core areas of Chemistry and how internships, industrial visits and dissertations in Chemistry courses, can be utilized as career building opportunities. He emphasized that choosing a career is an important task, but it may also be a difficult one. It may not be easy to decide what type of job will be the best fit, and since career counseling helps people assess their skills, needs, and desires in order to find a career that works for them, this type of counseling is considered to be an important step to take before deciding on a permanent career. Researching a wide variety of potential careers may be overwhelming, and information on the skill sets and education needed for a particular position may be contradictory or difficult to find. So, he tried his best to provide valuable information in these areas and others.
Mr. Sharma explained the students about ways to develop industry relevant skills and knowledge and motivated them to explore different avenues in the field of Chemistry. He shared his experience in the area of Academia and research also discussed about job prospects in national/international companies. He enlightened and guided the students in various career aspects where the students can aspire and initiate their career. He discussed how students can apply for different scholarships available globally for completing higher education (MS, M.Tech or PhD) from India and abroad. He shared the career prospects of Chemists in Research and Development as a Scientist, and also they can use their skills in developing a new startup as an entrepreneur. The presentation and interaction of the speaker was very effective, wherein he showed many related visuals. The students interacted enthusiastically and the resource person answered their queries and cleared their doubts. The session came to an end with a vote of thanks by Dr. Ankita Saini. Lecture was also graced by HoD, Dr Vivek Sharma, Mr Gurmeet Singh, Ms Prabhjeet Kaur, Dr Samriti and Mr Rakesh. Overall, the lecture was very informative and encouraging and was well perceived by the students. The taken feedback for the session was very positive and students demanded more session of this kind.
Analytical tools viz GLC and HPLC for Pesticides Residue Estimation on December 3, 2021 (online mode)
Department of Chemistry organized an online seminar on Analytical tools viz GLC and HPLC for Pesticides Residue Estimation on Dec 3, 2021 at 2:30 PM onwards in Mini Seminar Hall in Block C of Baba Farid College, Bathinda. Dr Samriti; Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry was the coordinator of this event. Lecture was delivered to students of BSc Non Medical Sem I, BSc honors Chemistry Sem I, III and V and M.Sc Chemistry Sem I & II by Dr Reena Chauhan who is MPhil & PhD in Chemistry and currently working as a Research Associate, Department of Entomology, College of Agriculture, CCSHAU, Hisar. Dr Reena holds wide work experience in the field of Analytical Chemistry and has handled the variety of reactions in Pesticide Residue laboratory, working knowledge of Brookfield viscometer, Spectrophotometer, G.L.C, H.P.L.C, GC-MS, GC-MS-MS and QuEChERS method for extraction and cleanup for residue analysis.

Dr Reena explained various components of GLC and HPLC for example detectors; ECD (Electron Capture detector), FID (Flame ionisation detector), TCD (Thermal Conductivity detector) and NPD (Nitrogen phosphorus detector), working conditions, filters, gas cylinders; its characteristics and purity that are used in GLC and HPLC. Also, she discussed applications of GLC and HPLC in various fields. She also showed the advanced techniques of GLC viz GC-MS and GC-MS-MS that are used in her lab.
Around fifty students attended the session along with four faculty members viz Dr Samriti, Dr Ankita Saini, Mr Gurmeet and Mr Rakesh who are Assistant Professors in Chemistry Department.
Expert Lecture on Application of chemistry in food processing industries (online mode) on December 01, 2021
In the present scenario, the various scientific fields are interconnected and interdisciplinary/ multidisciplinary research is playing an important role in chemical-related research. Therefore, it is important that research training should be interdisciplinary. This has been well recognized at many universities and funding agencies with the creation of programs bridging multiple departments and institutions. In this context, the Department of Chemistry, Baba Farid College, Deon has organized an expert lecture entitled "Application of Chemistry in food processing industries" on December 1st, 2021.
The lecture was delivered by Dr. Sakshi, Assistant Professor, in the school of Bio-Engineering and Food Technology, Shoolini University, Solan (H.P), India. Because of COVID-19 restrictions, the lecture was arranged through an online platform. Dr. Sakshi was greeted and introduced by Dr. Samriti, Assistant Professor in the Department of Chemistry. This lecture was mainly focused on how the Chemistry is playing a pivotal role in food processing industries.
Dr. Sakshi had also discussed about the food adulteration, its types, and important methods for the detection of various types of food adulteration. She also guided the students about the scope of B.Sc./M.Sc. Chemistry in the food industries. After the lecture, Dr. Sakshi enjoyed an insightful interaction session with the faculty members and B.Sc./M.Sc. students of the Department. At the end, our faculty member, Dr. Rohini Verma, presented vote of thanks to the expert for her insightful lecture.
One Day Training Session on Modern Instruments used in Research and Industry (HPLC, NMR, XRD) in Central University of Punjab, Bathinda
On 12th November, 2021 (Friday), Bathinda, the Faculty of Sciences, Department of Chemistry, Baba Farid College, Bathinda organized a one-day-visit for the students of PG and UG courses in Chemistry at Central instrumentation Laboratory, Central University of Punjab, Bathinda. The main objective of the visit was to give the students a basic knowledge about the latest tools and techniques used in research and industries. The Head of department, Dr. Vivek Sharma along with faculty members such as Mr. Bishrup Dutta, Ms. Manisha, Ms. Prabhjit, Ms. Nishtha accompanied the students to the Central Instrumental laboratory. The Head of CIL, CUPB, Dr. Nagendra Babu along with his team demonstrated the students even minute details about the working of various instruments such as UV-Vis, IR & NMR Spectrometer, HPLC and GCMS, AAS and XRD. The students listened curiously and attentively to whole information provided to them. The students also visited the well-equipped library and were happy to see the collection of renowned Chemistry books as well as Indian and foreign research journals. The students also learnt about abstract journals and scientific writing useful for review articles. The students returned back to campus and were thankful to the department of Chemistry for such a memorable visit.
Diwali Celebrations: Festive Lights 2021 on Oct 29, 2021
Department of Chemistry organized an event Diwali Celebrations: Festive Lights 2021 on Oct 29, 2021 in Block B of Baba Farid College, Bathinda under the guidance of Head; Dr Vivek Sharma, Department of Chemistry. Dr Samriti & Dr Ankita were the convener of this event. Dr Amandeep Singh, Dean Academics was the chief guest to grace this occasion. Dr Amandeep, AP, Physics as well as Mr Gurmeet Singh Gill, AP, English were the judges of this event.
This type of activities inculcates social skills, moral values, personality development and aesthetic skills in the students. Students get closer to their rituals with these types of activities.
Three activities were organized viz Thali Decoration, Diya Decoration and Rangoli Designing. In all total, thirty students registered from various departments. All students participated with great enthusiasm. Winners of these events were – For Rangoli Designing; Amandeep and Shruti stood first from BSc honors Chemistry Sem I; Raina and Simranjeet Kaur grabbed second position from MSc Chemistry Sem III & Palak and Kamaljeet Kaur were at third position from BSc Medical Sem I. For Diya Decoration; Dolly stood first from BSc honors Chemistry Sem III; Tanvi & Harmanjot Kaur grabbed second position from BSc NM Sem V & for Thali Decoration; Harkamal Singh won first prize from BSc honors Chemistry Sem I.

Certificates were provided to winners & participants. Chemistry Department is highly thankful to Dean Academics and judges for their valuable contribution in this event.
Slogan writing Competition on 8th October, 2021
Women Development Cell in collaboration with Chemistry, Physics, Biotechnology Department organized "Slogan Writing Competition" based on theme "Dowry System". The competition was open to all the students of Baba Farid College which is held on 8th October, 2021. The objective of all these initiatives was to get rid of this problem, appealing to the social and moral consciousness of the people, providing education and economic independence for women and effective enforcement of legislation against the dowry system. In India, nowadays dowry system is becoming like business for some caste. In Spite of the varied legislation to ban the practice of dowry, the regret is that it still persists. Dowry is thus a great impediment in the progress of education of girls and girls being deprived of higher education are unable to raise their status. Dowry has been a prevalent practice in India's modern era. There are variations on dowry prevalence based on geography and class. There are many causes of this like Economic, Social, and Religious. The Advocators of dowry system may come up with various unreasonable reasons to support the system but the fact remains that it does more harm than good to the society as a whole. The prevalence of dowry system has to lead to an increase in the incidents of bride harassment, ironically the same thing to prevent which people give dowry for. Dowry infuses a sense of greed into people who think that by pressurizing the girl they can force her into getting money from her parents to support their own greedy motives. Dowry is becoming a nightmare for Women. The cases of infanticide are increasing. Poor parents do not have any other option. They cannot afford to have a girl child, and hence they are intentionally killing infant girl. More than 8000 women are killed because of Dowry. It is very clear that Dowry is creating violence. Groom's parents are misusing this pure tradition. And they are not aware that they are misusing it, because they are not educated about the traditional dowry system. Everyone is just following the new dowry system blindly. Dowry is complete injustice with women and does not give women equal status in society. Because of dowry men will always be superior to women. This is creating a mess and negative environment in society. Under the Dowry Prohibition Act, taking or giving dowry is a crime and illegal. If you see someone taking or giving dowry then you can lodge a complaint against them. This competition helps to motivating the girls to express their own thoughts on this topic. This competition used to convey the message of awareness to the society and helping to make efforts to resolve the problems related to it.

Dowry system is good unless and until it is considered as a gift given to the bride by her parents. If the groom's parents are demanding money to get married as a "Dowry" then that is completely wrong and illegal. This activity has made an effort to scrutinize and evaluate legal provisions which have been adapted and adopted by the Indian Legal System to minimize nuisance of Dowry Deaths, highlight loopholes and along-with its betterment in the legal system & the society and also to spotlight the available remedies as also how to further argument such remedies so as to be beneficial to the genuinely aggrieved party. It is understood that the word Dowry is a social evil, but as it can be seen in section 6 of the D.P. Act which says Dowry to be for the benefit of the wife or her heirs, here we should understand that Dowry is simply a sum of property (whether it is money or any other property) given by her parents or her parents' family out of sheer love and affection to protect the social and financial interest of a woman and which is not social evil. In-fact the social evil is the demand of dowry by the husband or his family, faced by the wife and her family. This type of activities help to improve the condition of women and new thoughts related to improve the life of the women who suffer from this evil. By this type of activities students are properly understand the condition and they are help to resolve it. Students are the nation builder so they are becoming a source in future to stop this type of activities.This competition was organized under the guidance of Ms. Seema Ahuja, Assistant Professor Department of Agriculture. The online registration process had been done through Google Link. The last date to send the entry was 7th October, 2021. Almost 27 participants from the various programs like B.Sc. Hons. Mathematics, B.Sc. Hons. Biotechnology, M. Sc. Zoology, B.Sc. Hons. Chemistry B.Sc. Hons. Physics, B.Sc. Non medical, B.Sc. Computer Science and M.Sc. Physics participated. Students were asked to express their ideas through slogan writing as per given instructions. The young learners displayed their artistic skills through an expressive ideas through drawing and art. Students of various courses participated in the competition with immense zeal and enthusiasm and thoroughly enjoyed the activity. Spontaneity and confidence were the hallmark of the competition. The students left everyone awe-struck as they presented their talent so immaculately and effortlessly. They were appreciated for their superb performance. The final judgment of this event was concluded by Dr Deepika, Ms Prabhjeet, Ms. Ramanpreet and Ms Akshita. The result was declared on dated 11 October, 2021. The first position was bagged by Aanchal (B.Sc N.M Sem V), the second position was bagged by Pawanpreet Kaur (B.Sc. Hons. Agriculture Sem 7th), and Palvi Rani ( B.Sc Hons Biotechnology Sem V) third position was secured by Muskan Sharma (B.Sc. Hons. Agriculture Sem 7th) and Harpreet Kaur (M.Sc. Zoology Sem I). This event encouraged the students to independently examine their presentation skills. Different departments put their best foot forward by participating with great enthusiasm. The event was an opportunity for the students to unite their knowledge with their creative streak and express their views using the colors of imagination. The artistic skills of students shown and their potential to achieve it. The competition provided information of this issue.
Career opportunities after UG and PG Degree in Chemistry on Oct 1, 2021
The Department of Chemistry, Baba Farid College, Bathinda organized a session on Career opportunities after UG and PG Degree in Chemistry on Dated Oct 1, 2021 for the courses of M.Sc Chemistry, BSc Honors Chemistry and BSc Non-Medical. The key speaker for the session was Mr Ankush Agnihotri who is working as a senior lecturer in Government High School, Jangiana (Barnala). There were total 74 students who attended this alumni interaction.The session was much awaited and much needed for the students of Science after the pandemic. The session was well narrated with real life examples and experiences by Mr Agnihotri. This interaction helped students to achieve their identified career options or acquiring their professional goals. The role of a career guidance expert ranges from acting as a guide to leading the entire course of action. Mr. Ankush Agnihotri gave a brief detail about how to apply for various government exams and how to prepare for the same. He also gave a road map on how the students can prepare for university entrance exam in their final year itself and the biggest mistake the students make which cost them their seat. The students also cleared their dilemma on whether to go for B.Ed, Masters or IELTS after the completion of their graduation. Mr.Agnihotri patiently listen to each question and satisfied each student by answering them n one-to-one interactive session during the Alumni meet. The session was followed by the query of students which helped them clear their minds toward their career and goals. Bishroop Dutta were the coordinators of this program. This interaction was conducted under guidance of Dr.Vivek Sharma (HOD CHEMISTRY) and supervised by Dr. Amandeep Singh (Dean academic, BFC) Student coordinators were Heena, Dolly Garg and Mandeep kaur. Dr.Vivek Sharma HOD (Department of Chemistry) gave the Thanks note at the end of the session.

Online Quiz Competition on 20 September, 2021
Skill Development Cell, Baba Farid College, in Collaboration with Department of Chemistry, BFC organized a Quiz Competition on Practical Chemistry on 20 September, 2021. The main motive of this competition was the improvement of Lab skills of the students. A good Number of students from different courses participated in this event. In this competition multiple choice questions were given to students which they had to answer within one minute each. In the effort to make Baba Farid College, a strong kernel of technical and Lab skill development, the Skill Development Cell (SDC) had been constituted last year. The Judges of this event were Mr. Rakesh Kumar ( Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry,BFC) and Mr Gurmeet (Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry,BFC). The Judges encouraged the students and appreciated the efforts exhibited by them and faculty. Tanu (B.Sc Medical Sem 5), Swati (B.Sc Medical Sem 5), and Harmanjeet(B.Sc Medical Sem 5) got 1stposition, Sukhdeep Singh (B.Sc Medical Sem 5), Rachit Makkar (B.Sc Medical Sem 5) and Navneet Singh (B.Sc Hons Chemistry Sem 5) got 2ndposition and Simran (B.Sc Medical Sem 5), Himani (B.Sc Medical Sem 5) and Savia (B.Sc Hons Chemistry Sem1) secured third position. The participants learnt a lot of new things through this competition showed their keen interest in attending similar kind of activities in future. SDC is planning to organize many more activities to improve the technical and Lab skills among the students.

Online Alumni Meet on 28th Aug, 2021
Faculty of Sciences in association with Almuni association of Baba Farid College organized "online Alumni Meet" for Year 2019 and 2020 passout students of B.Sc. (Non-Medical, Medical, Biotechnology, CSM), BCA, PGDCA, M.Sc. IT, M.Sc. IT (LE), M.Sc. Physics, M.Sc. Zoology, M.Sc. Botany, M.Sc. Chemistry, M.Sc. Mathematics on dated 28th Aug, 2021. It was a wonderful event for the students to refresh their memories. Dr. Tejinder Singh(Head, Department of Computer Science) welcomed all the alumni for responding to the invitation from college and being present for the alumni meet in spite of their busy schedule. Each one of the alumni shared their memories. This was followed by speeches by alumni from different batches. All Heads of the concern departments were present there and they shared their views with alumni. The event managed by An alumna Mr. Bishroop Dutta, Co-coordinator, Alumni association of Baba Farid College. He is also working as Assistant Professor in department of chemistry, BFC.
The event was stimulating and enjoyable as well as students learned a lot as all members shared their new ideas and information. Alumni also express their views regarding necessities of skill in students for fulfilling the demand of industry and expressed how BFC helped them to get a good job.
Nazia, Supreet, Tammana alumni of Biotechnology department Shared their views regarding golden memories of college. Tammanna Also shared moments of trip during college life and she Thanked all the teachers of department for their guidance.
Paras, alumna of Computer Science department who is working in Deloitte Company, said that BFC is a best college in northern region because he got wonderful experience of earning by learning projects at the time of study in BFC. He praised the teachers and said that teachers are our second parents. Anu, Ronica Alumni of Computer Science department also shared their views.
Kirti, Alumna of Physics department who is working in Infosys company, shared her unforgettable moments of class environment, cultural and sports activities. She praised teaching methodology of teachers of physics department. Rekha, Sania, Navneet Alumni of Physics department also shared their thoughts of college life.

Sukhdeep Alumna of Mathematics shared her views regarding experienced teachers of college and their valuable guidance.
Many other alumni of Baba Farid College also shared their views towards their teachers and Baba Farid college. Most of them are working in top Software companies, Industries in India and in other countries. They expressed that how the working experience of live projects helped them to understand industrial environment in advance for getting a good job. They appreciated the placement and cultural activities of college for building of confidence. Most of the students talked about how practical exposure in BFC helped them to get a job.
The session was concluded by the vote of thanks by Dr. Ritu Pawan(Head, Department of Biotechnology), BFC to all the alumni present in the meeting.
The Principal, Baba Farid College appreciated the efforts of Alumni association and congratulates them for this successful meet. The event was a great success in its prime motive of connecting alumni.
Future Scope of Chemistry in Higher Studies" on 3rd April, 2021
The Department of Chemistry, Baba Farid College, Bathinda organized an International Webinar on "Future Scope of Chemistry in Higher Studies" on 3rd April, 2021 from 3:00pm to 4:00pm On Microsoft teams. Its main objective is to help the students to explore the career opportunities available for Both UG and PG in the field of Chemistry, which will support and give direction in choosing and excel in Their professional career. The webinar will illustrate the scope of Chemistry and its application in various Fields so as to ignite zeal in the minds of students to pursue a career in the field of pure and applied Chemistry.

E - Poster Activity on "Green chemistry, Advances in science and technology and Environmental Chemistry"
E-Poster Activity on "Green chemistry, Advances in science and technology and Environmental chemistry" was organized by Department of Chemistry, in collaboration with science club, BFC on February 27th 2021 via Microsoft Teams Ms. Twiza and Mr. Bishrup Dutta was coordinator of this programme. This interaction was carried out under the guidance of Dr. Vivek Sharma (HOD CHEMISTRY ).There were total 17 students who participated in this activity. It was organised on the occasion of National science Day, this activity it was conveyed to students how Sustainable and Green Environment is need of the hour. Students were encouraged to adopt a green lifestyle as it is more important than ever before . These small changes can help reduce the pollution that threatens our health and our environment, also protecting our natural resources. Going green means to pursue knowledge and practices that can lead to more environment friendly and ecologically responsible decisions and lifestyles, which can help protect the environment and sustain its natural resources for present and future generations. The lecture was overall valuable for students and was a great success because of participation of students. Dr Manish Bansal ( Vice Principal ,BFC) and Dr. Pardeep Kaura( Principal) , BFC) congratulated the faculty of Chemistry Department of Baba Farid College for organizing this activity.
Alumni Interaction on "Scope of chemistry in industries"
Chemistry plays an important and useful role towards the development and growth of a number of industries. This includes industries like glass, cement, paper, textile, leather, dye etc. We also see huge applications of chemistry in industries like paints, pigments, petroleum, sugar, plastics, Pharmaceuticals.
In this view, the department of chemistry, Baba Farid college, Bathinda organized an alumni interaction on 30th August 2020 (i.e, Sunday) at 11:00AM. Mr. Pardeep singh, Assistant scientist (working in research and development department and quality control) was invited for this alumni interaction. He addressed online session using Microsoft Teams. Bishroop Dutta and Harsimran Singh were the coordinators of this program. This interaction was conducted under guidance of Harsimran Singh (HOD CHEMISTRY) and supervised by Dr. Amandeep Singh (Dean academic, BFC) and Mr. Navdeep kochhar (Dean examination, BFC). Student coordinators were Cheeril Rana and Arshpreet kaur.
There were total of 31 students who attended this alumni interaction. Through this interaction it was conveyed that industrial chemistry plays a great role in our society latest research of innovation are based upon the industrial chemistry it has huge application in many fields. It also deals with physical and chemical process towards transformation of raw material into product that are beneficial to our society. The Indian chemical industry is one of the established traditional sectors of the country that play an important role in the country's economic development. This sector forms the basic goods industry and a crucial input for industrial and agricultural development. The Indian chemical industry is one of the oldest industries in India and has made immense contribution to the industrial and agricultural development of India, it helps both in large and small-scale. The chemical industry serves the needs of sectors such as textiles, leather, plastics, paper, printing inks and food stuffs, etc, the chemical industry can be broadly classified into two segments – organic and inorganic chemicals; organic chemicals industries cover over half of all known chemical compounds, and include petrochemicals, drugs, cosmetics, agrochemicals while Inorganic chemicals comprise alkalis, dyes and dyestuffs etc.
Some of the main growth segments of Indian Chemical Industry are the -
1) Petroleum and Petrochemicals
2) Pesticides
3) Specialty Chemicals
4) Pharmaceuticals & Bulk Drugs
Chemical sector forms a part of the basic goods industry and it is a crucial input for industrial and agricultural development , Over the year, the chemical industry has been evolving with a shift towards product innovation, brand building, and environmental friendliness besides, customer focus which is gaining significance in the industry. The chemical industry will be the main among the most diversified industrial sectors and includes basic chemicals and its products viz. petrochemicals, fertilizers, paints, gases, dyes, etc. It includes both large and small-scale units of the chemical industry of the nation and the entire world. Chemical engineering is a branch of engineering that applies physical sciences and life sciences. It essentially deals with the engineering of chemicals, energy and the processes that create and convert them. Modern chemical engineers are concerned with processes that convert raw materials or chemicals into more useful finished goods.
And one the best and leading institutes in india for the NDT level 2 in oil and gas in the ANDT institute greater noida which helps in building the career of the student for their bright future. ANDT institute gives the 100% job assurance to the students and we send the the students abroad if he or she has cleared the placement process It is one month course and we proide all the knowledge and creative skills to the candiate so that it can be easy for them in their further future. we run the classes both online and offline and if students has any quaries then they can take the extra classes to clear their quaries or problems and and make their vision clear.
Overall this alumni interaction was a success because of participation of students and support by faculty.
Manish Bansal (Vice Principal, BFC) and Dr. Pardeep kaura (principal, BFC) congratulated the faculty of chemistry department. Of BABA Farid college for organising this activity
Webinar on "Why science: Its Research Implications in Everyday Life"
A webinar was organized by the Department of Chemistry, BFC on November 19th 2020 via Microsoft Teams. Dr. Divya Sareen, Post doc, Kangwon National University, Chuncheon, South Korea, Assistant Professor, R.S.D, College Ferozpur and Dr. Mandeep Kaur, Assistant Professor, SGTB Khalsa College, Sri Anandpur Sahib chaired the session. The session was organized to support students in their academic or research career. Both were welcomed by Dr. Ankita and Dr. Priya , Assistant Professsor, Department of Chemistry, BFC. Around 120 Students and faculty members attended this webinar.
In the webinar, Dr. Divya Sareen shared with the students the basic information on essentiality of Research implications in everyday life. She also shared how Chemistry is related with all other fields and how its importance can ignite an interest in many young students to pursue a career in Research. Dr. Mandeep Kaur also shared her experience with the students about her research journey and about various entrance exams to get admission in various courses of various Universities and Colleges. The detailed information about research field was discussed with the Students. Dr. Divya also advised the students to select further subject after completion of graduation. The lecture was much valuable for students. Dr. Divya and Dr. Mandeep shared their contact information with the students and motivated them to study more and more. In the end of the session Dr Manish Bansal (Principal) presented vote of Thanks
E-Poster Activity on 06th Nov., 2020
E-Poster Acitivity on "Sustainable and Green Environment" was organized by Department of Chemistry, BFGI on November 06th 2020 via Microsoft Teams. Dr. Ankita Saini was coordinator of this programme. This interaction was carried out under the guidance of Dr. Vivek Sharma (HOD CHEMISTRY). There were total of 25 students who participated in this activity. Through this activity it was conveyed to students that how Sustainable and Green Environment is a need of an hour. Students were encouraged as it is more important than ever to adopt a green lifestyle. These small changes can help reduce the pollution that threatens our health and our environment, while also protecting our natural resources. Going green means to pursue knowledge and practices that can lead to more environmentally friendly and ecologically responsible decisions and lifestyles, which can help protect the environment and sustain its natural resources for current and future generation. The lecture was overall valuable for students and was of great success just because of participation of students. Dr Manish Bansal (Vice Principal, BFC) and Dr. Pardeep Kaur(Principal, BFC) congratulated the faculty of Chemistry Department of Baba Farid College for organizing this activity.
Alumini Interaction: "Career opportunities after Undergraduate degree in Chemistry"
Alumini Interaction on "Career opportunities after Undergraduate degree in Chemistry" was organized by the Department of Chemistry, BFC on 8th October 2020 at 11:00 am onwards via Microsoft Teams. Mr. Vijay Kumar, Research Scholar Central University Bathinda chaired the session. The session was organized to support students in their academic or research career. Dr. Vivek and Ms. Sheenu, Assistant Professsor, Department of Chemistry, BFC were coordinators of this programme. Around --- Students and faculty members attended this webinar.
In the interaction Mr. Vijay Kumar shared with the students the basic information on essentiality of Research implications in everyday life. He also shared how our Chemistry was related with all other fields and how its importance could ignite an interest in many young students to pursue a career in Research. He also shared his experience with the students his research journey and knowledge about various entrance exams to get admission in various courses of various Universities and Colleges. The detailed information about research field was discussed with the Students. He also discussed various courses that students could opt after having undergraduate degree in Chemistry. He also advised the students to select subject early after completion of graduation.
Students also discussed their queries with Mr. Vijay Kumar and got satisfactory answers for their queries.The lecture was overall valuable for students.Mr. Vijay Kumar shared his contact information with the students and motivated them to study more and more.
Dr Manish Bansal (Principal) presented vote of thanks in the end of the session.
Chemical and Biological Sciences - Advanced Instrumentation and techniques
Department of Chemistry, Biotechnology and Medical Sciences of Baba Farid College, Bathinda organized "One day Workshop-on Chemical and Biological Sciences-Advanced Instrumentation and techniques 2019" for B.Sc. III (N.M, BT and Medical) and M.Sc. Chemistry students on dated 27 March, 2019. In this fest 188 students which includes 50 students from other colleges participated in both Sessions .In this fest training on "Hands-on operation and Instrumentation session by Dr. Santosh Kumar Bhardwaj( Assistant Manager of Shimadzu (New Delhi)was given to explore basic equipment's used in industry. The event was graced by Mr. B.D. Sharma (Deputy Director Activities, BFGI) and Hod's of all other departments. During second session of workshop PG students of Chemistry explored designing used in Research Project in Engineering Department and UG students enhanced their practical skills in Chemistry Lab and biotech lab. Students found the workshop very beneficial for them and stated that this has really enhanced their knowledge of instrumentation and practical techniques.

Alumni on 11th March, 2019
An interactive session for B.Sc. honors Chemistry and M.Sc. I, II Chemistry Students was conducted on 11/03/2019 by Ms Kamalpreet Kaur (2014-16 Batch) currently pursuing PhD from Central University of Punjab. The session was interactive as the alumni discussed about various choices after post graduation, importance of NET, some important topics of NET Exam and various other institutions from where a student can pursue their PhD in addition other areas of interest a student must be aware of. He also shared his personal experiences as a BFGI student and highlighted the key factors of choosing BFGI for her Post Graduation. Overall the whole session was very interactive and fruitful. The session ended with a vote of thanks by students and Ms. Kamalpreet Kaur was presented a token of memory.
Biography Presentation (22nd February, 2019)
On 22nd February, 2019 an activity was organized by Department of Chemistry for the students of B.Sc. Honors Chemistry and M.Sc. I and II (Chemistry), where the students were shown the biography of three eminent scientists Sir ISSAC NEWTON, ALBERT EINSTEIN and STEPHHEN HAWKINGS. These biographies helped our students to know about these great scientists and their discoveries as well as all the hardships they had in their lives, and how they overcame all these circumstances to be what they were. Also the students were asked questions related to the videos shown and they won exciting prizes. The event was graced by the presence of Prof. Gurmeet singh (Coordinator Activities, BFC) and all the faculty members of chemistry department.
Diwali Celebrations
Welcoming the festival of lights, students of Baba Farid College , unfolded their creative abilities in a string of activities on Thursday(27/10/2016). Various competitions like Rangoli Making, Thali Decoration and Diya Decoration were organized by the chemistry department of Baba Farid College. Students participated enthusiastically in all the competitions. The items prepared by students included different types of diyas and pooja thalis which were very colorful and decorated with ribbons, sparkles, beads, shells, stars, mirrors, glitters etc. The zealous participants etched out beautiful creative rangoli designs.

Fresher's Party – Ahlaanbik
On 7th September, 2016,"AHLAANBIK ", Welcome party for first year students of M.Sc. (Chemistry) was organized by their seniors. Party proved to be over and more jubilant and exciting. The very purpose of the Fresher's Party was to welcome newcomers in friendly atmosphere and to encourage their creative impulses to boost their confidence. Such programs are organized so as to generate feeling of fraternity among seniors and juniors. With pulsating ambience, flashing lights and foot tapping music, party began with blast. All events were artistically and beautifully presented in colours as well as style. Seniors synergized their efforts towards a plethora of scintillating performances in terms of tradition, fusion and western dances. Audience were kept enthralled by mind blowing performances of dances, songs, etc. They had also enjoyed at Selfie Station. There were various games which entertained all. Participants were supported and encouraged by everyone as they performed on stage. The Guest of honour were Dr. Gurmeet Singh Dhaliwal (Chairman, BFGI), Smt. Paramjeet Kaur Dhaliwal (Director Admin, BFGI) Dr. Pardeep Kaura (Deputy Director Academics, BFGI), Dr. W.S. Brar (Principal, BFC), Mr. B.D Sharma (Deputy Director Activities), Mrs. Ranbir Kaur Brar (Dean Student Welfare, BFC), Mr. Manish Bansal (Vice-Principal, BFC), Mr. H.L Jasuja (Dean Sciences ,BFC). They enjoyed the function a lot, wished good luck to students and appreciated the whole function. Main challenge of event, Mr. and Ms. Fresher were selected on basis of their performances in three different rounds. First,it was introducing round, followed by talent round and then final "Ques-Ans" round. So at the end, Mr. Gagandeep Singh was selected as Mr. Fresher and Ms. Jaspreet Kaur was crowned as Ms. Fresher. Fresher's appreciated the whole hearted efforts and love of their seniors.
Greeting Card Making Competition on Teacher's Day
On 5th September 2016, Greeting Card Making Competition was organised by Chemistry Department for students of B.Sc(NM) and M.Sc(Chemistry).Theme based on which greeting card had to be prepared was "The Teacher". The ability to create an effective product, creativity involves two processes-thinking and then producing. Students proved and outdid each other in terms of creativity and innovative ideas and decorated beautiful greeting cards on Teacher's Day. Judges were pleased with innovative ideas and fine work put up by the students. From B.Sc(NM)-II Year Harmandeep Kaur and Prabhjot Kaur were the proud recipients of first prize. Monika and Seema from M.Sc.(Chemistry)-II Year bagged second position. Komal and Sheetal from M.Sc. (Chemistry)-II Year stood third .Competition was full of life, passion and spirit.

Le Scienze 2016
Extracurricular activities play a vital role in the overall development of students. In order to provide them an opportunity to showcase their talent and innovative ideas Chemistry and Biotechnology Departments of Baba Farid College organized an Inter College Competitions named "Le Scienze 2016" including competitions like Quiz, Poster Presentation, illustrations and Science Models from waste material on March 31, 2016.Such activities helps students to understands the importance of logical thinking, time management and intellectual competence. Students from various colleges affiliated to Punjabi university and Panjab University like S.D College, Barnala; D.A.V College, Malout; University College, Jaito; Malwa College, Kotkapura; Govt. Brijindra College, Faridkot; Govt. Rajindra College, Bathinda ,D.A.V College, Bathinda and other colleges of Baba Farid group of institutions participated actively. More than 170 students from different courses and colleges proactively participated in various activities to showcase their innovative ideas. In Quiz Competition we had audio/video rounds and all the topics covering the current affairs as well as general knowledge. Topics for the poster presentation and illustration were Environmental Science, Nano Science, Polymers, Material science, Inter disciplinary Sciences and Green Chemistry. Students participated with great zeal.
In Quiz we had three participants in each team and the team of Maumita Ghosh (B.Sc. Biotech IInd year BFC) , Harwinder Singh( B.Sc. NM IIIrd year BFC), Shallu Garg ( B.Sc. CS IIIrd year, BFC) stood first followed by and Deepinder Singh (B.Sc. Biotech IInd year, BFC), Anmol Verma ( B.Sc. Biotech Ist year, BFC) and Mamta Rani ( B.Sc. Biotech Ist year, BFC); (Sourav Goyal( B. Tech ECE 2nd yr, BFCET), Nitin Garg( B. Tech ECE 2nd Sem, BFCET), Md. Afzal Alam Tafadar (B.Tech ME) they stood second and third respectively.
Poster and Illustration Presentation was judged by Dr. Meenu (Assistant Prof. Modi college Patiala) and Dr. Paramjeet Kaur (Assistant Professor, DAV college Bathinda).In these competitions Komal Rani (M.Sc. Ist year Chemistry, BFC) bagged first prize ; Pankaj and Vijay Kumar (M.Sc.Ist year Chemistry , BFC ); Rachna ((M.Sc. Ist year Chemistry, BFC) got second and third positions respectively.
The Judges for the competition "Science Model Out of Waste Material" were Dr. Meenu (Assistant Prof. Modi college Patiala) and Dr. Himani (Assistant Prof. SD College Barnala).In this competition first prize was bagged by Mehak Verma (B.Sc. BT IIIrd year, SD College, Barnala) followed by Gagandeep Kaur (B.Sc. BT Ist year, SD College, Barnala) and Mandeep Kaur (B.Sc. Medical IInd year, BFC) they stood second and third respectively.
It was really a tough job for the judges to declare the winner list of all the activities occurred because of the competence level of all the participants. The Competition was graced by Dr. W.S. Brar (Principal BFC), Mr. H.L Jasuja(Dean Science), Ms. Ranbir Kaur(Dean Student Welfare, BFC)

Fresher's Party 'Rasmetazz'
Department of Chemistry of Baba Farid College organized a Fresher's Party 2015 Rasmetazz for welcoming the new students. They welcomed the Students of M.Sc. I by giving them a token of smile and luck for their bright future in BFGI. Students also showed their talent by presenting various cultural items. Several games were organized for students as well as teachers and everyone enjoyed the party a lot. During this party Dr. W.S Brar (Hon'ble Principal BFC) applauded the students and wished them good luck for their bright future. This occasion was also graced by Dr. B.D. Sharma (Deputy Director Activities), Mr. Manish Bansal(Vice Principal, BFC) and Ms. Ranbir Kaur Brar (Dean Student Welfare), Mr. H. L. Jasuja (Dean Science). In the end of the party, Simranjeet Singh and Monika Garg were selected as Mr. and Ms. Fresher of the party.

Department of Chemistry of Baba Farid College organized a farewell party "BON COURAGE" for their outgoing class. Students showed their talent by presenting various cultural items. Several games were organized and everyone enjoyed the party a lot. Seniors were given a token of remembrance and compliments by their juniors. During this party Dr. Gurmeet Singh Dhaliwal, (Chairman BFGI) applauded the students and wished them good luck for their bright future. This occasion was also graced by Prof. (Dr.) Nachatter Singh(Director Academics), Dr. Pardeep Kaura (Deputy Director Academics), Dr. B.D. Sharma (Deputy Director Activities), Mr. Manish Bansal(Vice Principal, BFC) and Ms. Ranbir Kaur Brar(Dean Student Welfare). In the end of the party, Mandeep Singh and Archie Mehta were selected as Mr. and Ms. farewell of the party.

Science (from latin word Scientia, meaning "knowledge") is a systematic enterprise that builds and organizes knowledge in the form of predictions about nature and the universe. Science has touched each and every aspect of our lives and has changed the whole world. so keeping all that Science has given us in mind SCIENCE CLUB of BABA FARID COLLEGE, Bathinda celebrated Science Day on 4 march,2015.
Various events were conducted to explore the hidden talents of students. One such event was Best out of Waste. Which moves with slogan Reuse/Recycle/Repair. Students came forward with very innovative ideas and made best use of waste and useless material. In this event Deepak (B.Sc. agriculture) won first prize. He made a water heater by using the carbon rod of the used out dry battery cell. Reuse of torn out and the broken material was done in a very good way for the preparation of decorative pieces and other useful materials.
For summarizing the contribution of science towards the mankind on a single sheet of paper, Collage making was the second event conducted by science club. In this event Bhupinder singh (B.Sc. Biotechnology Ist year) won the first prize.

Science has given a gadget to capture and retain with us our best memories for lifetime. Photography was the third event conducted to cover the beautiful nature and to explore the hidden thoughts of students through their photography, as the pictures clicked were very thoughtful and were saying the complete stories. Each and every picture had a very good theme behind it. The winner Ranjan (Bsc. Agriculture) through his photography tried to give message "To Save Water" and "Importance of water for Human Beings". All the winners were awarded the trophies by Respected Dean Student Welfare. She also guided and appreciated the event and motivated the students to participate maximum in these types of activities. The managing director of BFGI, Dr. Gurmeet Singh Dhaliwal and Principal BFC, Dr. Pradeep Kaura also visited the event . They highly appreciated the students and motivate them for participation in extra activities.
Other winners are
- Bhupinder singh Ist
- Hardeep singh(B.Sc BT ) IInd
- Simrat(Bsc BT) IIIrd
Best out of waste
- Deepak Ist
- Rupinder Kaur (BSC NM III) IInd
- Neha goyal(Bsc NM I) IIIrd prize
A Farewell Party: Adieu friends
Farewell is a bag of mix feelings. This is definitely a sad day for those who are leaving and at the same time ,it is full of hopes as they are going to achieve their missions in next phase of life. There is a feeling of gratitude for all those who helped you to learn ,grow and become the person ,you are today.
In every college, there is a tradition that juniors students give a farewell party to the senior outgoing students. Following the same tradition, our students of MSc Chemistry Ist year honoured their seniors with a farewell party and made their last day of college a memorable day.
All the arrangements and activities were organised by the students themselves under supervision of chemistry teachers. Early in the morning, the students decorated thehall like a bride. Then all the teachers of department and students of MSc Chem-II year were welcomed by MSc Ist year students. With a welcome speech by Ms. KuldeepKaur ,the party started. Different –different activities like dance,mimicry , play , games etc. had conducted alongwith compliments on teachers and senior students. Each senior student was given a token of remembrance.

The Guest of honour were Mr. Amitoj Dhaliwal (Executive Assistant to the Managing Director), Dr. Pradeep Kaura (Deputy Director Academics), Mr. Harpal Singh Sandhu ( Deputy Director Facility) , Dr. B.D.Sharma(Deputy Director Activities), Ranbir Kaur (Dean Student Welfare) Dr. W,S. Brar (Principal BFC) ,Mr. Manish Bansal (Vice- Principle BFC), Mr.H.L.Jasuja ( Dean Sciences) . They enjoyed the function very much and Dr. B.D.Sharma blessed the students with their precious wishes and appreciate the whole function .
In last among seniors Mr. and Miss Farewell tag was also awarded on basis of modelling and questioning round. Ms.Deepika became Miss Farewell and Mr. Deepak became Mr. Farewell. They were awarded with a crown and a gift respectively by Mr. Amitoj Dhaliwal and all other guest of party. The students enjoyed the DJ. This whole function was amemorable event.
All students departed with wet eyes and with sweet memories. |