Competition on explaining Physics Equipment's/Components on December 13, 2021
Science Club, Faculty of Sciences, Baba Farid College, in Collaboration with
Department of Physics, BFC organized an activity "Competition on explaining Physics Equipment's/ Components" on December 13, 2021. The objective of
this competition was to motivate the students to understand the technological
world in which they live, and take an informed interest in science and scientific
developments. Learners also develop an understanding of the scientific skills
essential for, higher education or a career in science. A good Number of students from different courses participated in this event. In this competition Model, Black-board, Power Point Presentation were given to students which they had to complete within a given time limit. In the effort to make Baba Farid College, a strong kernel of technical and basic skill development, the Science Club has been constituted last year. The judgment was done on the basis of number of correct answers marked by the students. Students secured the position are Shalvi (B.Sc Hons Physics Sem 1) whose got 1stposition , Vivek Singh (B.Sc.Hons Physics Sem 1) secured Second position, Vanshika (B.Sc. Hons Physics Sem 1) got the third position. The participants learnt a lot of new facts through this competition and showed their keen interest in attending similar kind of activities in future. Science Club is planning to organize many more activities to improve the fundamental skills among the students.

National Workshop on Recent Advances in Natural Radionuclides and Multifunctional Materials (RANRAMM-2021)
Venue of the workshop – Conference Hall, Innovation Centre, Baba Farid College, Bathinda
Convener of the workshop - Dr. Jaswinder Pal, AP, Department of Physics, Baba Farid College
Organizing Secretary - Dr. Sudhir Mittal, Head, Department of Physics, Baba Farid College
Workshop Director - Dr. Manish Bansal, Vice Principal, Baba Farid College
Patron - Dr. Pardeep Kumar, Principal, Baba Farid College
Chief Patron - Dr. Gurmeet Singh Dhaliwal, Chairman, Baba Farid Group of Institutions
This workshop has been organized with the collaboration of MRSI and NTSI, and funded by BRNS and MTTF India. Session I- Prof. Jasbir Singh Hundal, Professor and Head, MRSPTU, Batinda and Dr. Mehar Chand, president MTTF India, were the keynote speakers for this session. Session II- Dr. SK Mondal, Scientist CSIO Chandigarh was the guest speaker for this session. Dr. Mondal in his lecture explained the various approaches used for the fabrication of optical fibers. The second day of the workshop started with a visit of all the participants to CUP Bathinda for demonstrations on various major equipments like XRD, NMR, SEM, FTIR, XPS, UV Spectrometer, Mass Spectrometer and many more. Session III- The Dr. A L Sharma, Assistant Professor Physics, CUP Bathinda was the guest speaker for this session. Dr. Sharma has focused his lecture on the different types of the renewable energy resources. Session IV- Dr. B.K Sapra, Head of Division Radiological Physics & Advisory Division BARC, Mumbai was the guest speaker for this session. Dr. B.K. Sapra gave a popular informative talk on "Understanding COVID-19 aerosol transmission: Tools and techniques". Session V- The Dr. Prashant S. Alegaonkar, Head of Physics Department, CUP, Bathinda was the guest speaker for this session. Dr. Prashant has focused his lecture on the carbon nanotubes and Microwave absorbers. Valedictory session- The Dr. Prashant S. Alegaonkar, Head of Physics Department, CUP, Bathinda was the chief guest for this session. The participation certificates to all the participants were given in this session
Alumni interaction program "Meet Our Alumni - A Student - Alumni Interaction Program" on 17 Nov, 2021
Physics Department with Alumni Association of Baba Farid College organized an alumni interaction program "Meet Our Alumni - A Student -Alumni Interaction Program" through offline mode on 17 Nov, 2021 at 10:00am - 11:00am in Mini Seminar Hall. The main focus of this interaction was on various Entrepreneurship opportunities for Physics students. The guest alumni speaker Mr. Arvinder Singh ex-student of M.Sc. (Physics) and presently running his own coaching institute (Ingenious Educators) was invited for this alumni interaction program.
Er. Sahil Gupta and Mr. Kamaljeet Singh were the coordinators of this program. As Convener, Mr. Kamaljeet Singh started this program and he welcomed the guest alumni. Dr. Sudhir Mittal, head of the department, also expressed thanks to the guest speaker in a couple of words. There were total of 36 students of M.Sc.Physics, B.Sc. Non-Medical/ CS and B.Sc. (Hons) Physics, present in this program. All the faculty members of the Physics department were also present. Mr. Arvinder Singh was the student of 2019-2021 Batch of M.Sc Physics and he has now own Coaching center in Hari ke Kalan (Sri Mukhtsar Sahib).

Initially, Mr. Arvinder Singh explained about his study experience in Baba Farid College during his student life. Also he added that the HOD as well as the faculty of the Physics department, always supported and motivated him to participate in every academic and extra-curricular activity to learn something and they also encouraged all the students for placements in various multinational companies. He gave knowledge about various opportunities available for Physics students. He explained the success steps to the students and told how they could be successful in their field by setting their goal, focusing on their goal and work hard in positive direction. He provided the knowledge of various career options for Physics students like Entrepreneurship field, Private field, teaching field, research field, scientist job opportunities and defence jobs. He explained that the graduates in M.Sc Physics can easily get technical jobs, in both private and public sector. Some of the common job positions or profiles for a Physics enthusiast are Online tutor, College lecturer, Assistant Professor, Observation Scientist, Laboratory Technician, School Science Technician or Research Analyst, Assistant Scientist, Physics Training Manager, Software Engineer, Network Administrator, IT Consultant, Security Expert, Java Developer, Systems Support Administrator, Interface Engineer etc. Students could also apply for jobs in Aerospace and Defence, Automobile, IT and Software, Railways, Nuclear and Renewable energy, Oil and Gas, Electronics and Telecommunications and the manufacturing sector. During this Interaction program some student put questions about the Physics field and career selection, and Mr. Arvinder Singh solved their queries with impactful explanation.
Overall this program was very interactive because of participations of students and support by faculty. Student really enjoyed this alumni interaction program as they sent messages that it was really very knowledgeable, and they learnt a lot about career options for Physics students. Er. Sahil Gupta presented vote of thanks to alumni guest speaker, all the students and the committee members for making this event successful. In fact, this interaction aimed to provide knowledge regarding career opportunities available for students of the M.Sc. Physics, B.Sc Non-Medical/CS and B.Sc. (Hons.) Physics.
Quiz Competition on Physics in Daily Life on 09, November 2021
Skill Development Cell, Baba Farid College, in Collaboration with Department of Physics, BFC organized a Quiz Competition on Physics in Daily Life on 09,November 2021. The main motive of this competition was the improvement of basic knowledge of the students. A good Number of students from different courses participated in this event. In this competition multiple choice questions were given to students which they had to answer within a given time limit. In the effort to make Baba Farid College, a strong kernel of technical and basic skill development, the Skill Development Cell (SDC) has been constituted last year. The judgment was done on the basis of number of correct answers marked by the students. Students secured the position are Navneet Singh (B.Sc Hons Chemistry Sem 5) who got 1stposition , Jatin Manchanda (B.Sc.Hons Physics Sem 5) secured Second position , Rajpreet Singh (B.Sc. NM Sem 5) and Hardeep Singh (B.Sc. Hons Physics Sem 5) got the third rank. The participants learnt a lot of new facts through this competition and showed their keen interest in attending similar kind ofactivities in future. SDC is planning to organize many more activities to improve the fundamental skills among the students.
Expert Talk on "Applications of Electronics Components" on October 05, 2021
Skill Development Cell, Baba Farid College Bathinda in collaboration with Department of Physics organized an Expert talk on "Applications of Electronics Components" on October 05, 2021 for the UG and PG students of Baba Farid College. The main objective of this Session was to introduce real life applications of Physics and how we can apply its concepts in different fields. Our Resource Person Er. Sahil Gupta started his talk with the introduction of basic Components of Electronics, which are the essential and the fundamental part of any machinery used in various fields like our day to day life appliances, in Medical and Computer field. He also described how this whole electronic world is based on these basic components like Diode, Resistance, Transistors and many more. With the help of presentation, he gave the pictorial as well as the circuital analysis of the components and how these components work in the system.He also established the difference between the era without electronics and this modern era with the advanced electronics. Students asked the questions concerning different applications. Thoughts presented by speaker during this session were very informative for the students. They were very much satisfied by getting information and knowledge about the Applications of Electronics Components and their usage in routine life. Students appreciated the organizing Committee of Skill development Cell, Baba Farid College for organizing such valuable and informative event.

Alumni interaction Program on Sep 30, 2021
Department of Physics with the Alumni Association of Baba Farid College, Bathinda has organized an activity "Meet our alumni - A student Alumni interaction Program" on dated Sep 30, 2021 at 10:00am -11:00am. The main focus of this interaction was to tell the students about the various carrier opportunities after Graduation and Post Graduation in Physics. The guest speaker Mr. Harmandeep Singh(Deg. Physics Lecturer, PGT, Anand Sagar) was invited for this interaction program.
Dr. Jasmeet Kaur and Mr. Lakhwinder Singh were the coordinators of this program. The Convener, Dr. Jasmeet kaur started this program and she welcomed the guest and expressed thanks to the guest speaker in a couple of words.There were total of 70 students of B.Sc. NM/CS-1st year, B.Sc. (Hons) Physics and M.Sc(Physics)-1st year present in this program. All the faculty members of the Physics department were present. Mr. Harmandeep singh was an old student of Baba Farid College of 2018-2020 Batch of M.Sc (Physics).

In the beginning, Mr. Harmandeep singh explained about his study experience in the Baba Farid College during his student life. Also he added that the HOD as well as the faculty of the Physics department, always supported and motivated him to participate in every academic and extra-curricular activity to learn something and they also encouraged all the students for placements in various multinational companies. He gave knowledge about various opportunities available for Physics students. He explained the success steps to the students how they could be successful in their field by setting their goal, focusing on their goal and work hard in positive direction. He also provided the knowledge of various career options for Physics students like teaching field, research field, scientist job opportunities and defence jobs. He explained that the graduates in B.Sc NM/CS and B.Sc(hons) Physics could easily get technical jobs, in both private and public sector. During this Interaction program some student put questions about the Physics field and career selection, and Mr. Harmandeep Singh solved their queries with effective explanation.
Overall this program was very interactive because of participation of students and support by faculty. Student really enjoyed this interaction program as they sent messages about the program that it was really very knowledgeable, and they learnt a lot about career options for Physics students. In the end, Dr. Sudhir Mittal, Head of Department of Physics BFC, presented the vote of thanks to the guest speaker, all the students and the committee members for making this event successful. Dr. Manish Bansal vice-principal Baba Farid College appreciated all the organizing committee members to plan this type of activity.
Slogan writing Competition on 8th October, 2021
Women Development Cell in collaboration with Chemistry, Physics, Biotechnology Department organized "Slogan Writing Competition" based on theme "Dowry System". The competition was open to all the students of Baba Farid College which is held on 8th October, 2021. The objective of all these initiatives was to get rid of this problem, appealing to the social and moral consciousness of the people, providing education and economic independence for women and effective enforcement of legislation against the dowry system. In India, nowadays dowry system is becoming like business for some caste. In Spite of the varied legislation to ban the practice of dowry, the regret is that it still persists. Dowry is thus a great impediment in the progress of education of girls and girls being deprived of higher education are unable to raise their status. Dowry has been a prevalent practice in India's modern era. There are variations on dowry prevalence based on geography and class. There are many causes of this like Economic, Social, and Religious. The Advocators of dowry system may come up with various unreasonable reasons to support the system but the fact remains that it does more harm than good to the society as a whole. The prevalence of dowry system has to lead to an increase in the incidents of bride harassment, ironically the same thing to prevent which people give dowry for. Dowry infuses a sense of greed into people who think that by pressurizing the girl they can force her into getting money from her parents to support their own greedy motives. Dowry is becoming a nightmare for Women. The cases of infanticide are increasing. Poor parents do not have any other option. They cannot afford to have a girl child, and hence they are intentionally killing infant girl. More than 8000 women are killed because of Dowry. It is very clear that Dowry is creating violence. Groom's parents are misusing this pure tradition. And they are not aware that they are misusing it, because they are not educated about the traditional dowry system. Everyone is just following the new dowry system blindly. Dowry is complete injustice with women and does not give women equal status in society. Because of dowry men will always be superior to women. This is creating a mess and negative environment in society. Under the Dowry Prohibition Act, taking or giving dowry is a crime and illegal. If you see someone taking or giving dowry then you can lodge a complaint against them. This competition helps to motivating the girls to express their own thoughts on this topic. This competition used to convey the message of awareness to the society and helping to make efforts to resolve the problems related to it.

Dowry system is good unless and until it is considered as a gift given to the bride by her parents. If the groom's parents are demanding money to get married as a "Dowry" then that is completely wrong and illegal. This activity has made an effort to scrutinize and evaluate legal provisions which have been adapted and adopted by the Indian Legal System to minimize nuisance of Dowry Deaths, highlight loopholes and along-with its betterment in the legal system & the society and also to spotlight the available remedies as also how to further argument such remedies so as to be beneficial to the genuinely aggrieved party. It is understood that the word Dowry is a social evil, but as it can be seen in section 6 of the D.P. Act which says Dowry to be for the benefit of the wife or her heirs, here we should understand that Dowry is simply a sum of property (whether it is money or any other property) given by her parents or her parents' family out of sheer love and affection to protect the social and financial interest of a woman and which is not social evil. In-fact the social evil is the demand of dowry by the husband or his family, faced by the wife and her family. This type of activities help to improve the condition of women and new thoughts related to improve the life of the women who suffer from this evil. By this type of activities students are properly understand the condition and they are help to resolve it. Students are the nation builder so they are becoming a source in future to stop this type of activities.This competition was organized under the guidance of Ms. Seema Ahuja, Assistant Professor Department of Agriculture. The online registration process had been done through Google Link. The last date to send the entry was 7th October, 2021. Almost 27 participants from the various programs like B.Sc. Hons. Mathematics, B.Sc. Hons. Biotechnology, M. Sc. Zoology, B.Sc. Hons. Chemistry B.Sc. Hons. Physics, B.Sc. Non medical, B.Sc. Computer Science and M.Sc. Physics participated. Students were asked to express their ideas through slogan writing as per given instructions. The young learners displayed their artistic skills through an expressive ideas through drawing and art. Students of various courses participated in the competition with immense zeal and enthusiasm and thoroughly enjoyed the activity. Spontaneity and confidence were the hallmark of the competition. The students left everyone awe-struck as they presented their talent so immaculately and effortlessly. They were appreciated for their superb performance. The final judgment of this event was concluded by Dr Deepika, Ms Prabhjeet, Ms. Ramanpreet and Ms Akshita. The result was declared on dated 11 October, 2021. The first position was bagged by Aanchal (B.Sc N.M Sem V), the second position was bagged by Pawanpreet Kaur (B.Sc. Hons. Agriculture Sem 7th), and Palvi Rani ( B.Sc Hons Biotechnology Sem V) third position was secured by Muskan Sharma (B.Sc. Hons. Agriculture Sem 7th) and Harpreet Kaur (M.Sc. Zoology Sem I). This event encouraged the students to independently examine their presentation skills. Different departments put their best foot forward by participating with great enthusiasm. The event was an opportunity for the students to unite their knowledge with their creative streak and express their views using the colors of imagination. The artistic skills of students shown and their potential to achieve it. The competition provided information of this issue.
Online Alumni Meet on 28th Aug, 2021
Faculty of Sciences in association with Almuni association of Baba Farid College organized "online Alumni Meet" for Year 2019 and 2020 passout students of B.Sc. (Non-Medical, Medical, Biotechnology, CSM), BCA, PGDCA, M.Sc. IT, M.Sc. IT (LE), M.Sc. Physics, M.Sc. Zoology, M.Sc. Botany, M.Sc. Chemistry, M.Sc. Mathematics on dated 28th Aug, 2021. It was a wonderful event for the students to refresh their memories. Dr. Tejinder Singh(Head, Department of Computer Science) welcomed all the alumni for responding to the invitation from college and being present for the alumni meet in spite of their busy schedule. Each one of the alumni shared their memories. This was followed by speeches by alumni from different batches. All Heads of the concern departments were present there and they shared their views with alumni. The event managed by An alumna Mr. Bishroop Dutta, Co-coordinator, Alumni association of Baba Farid College. He is also working as Assistant Professor in department of chemistry, BFC.
The event was stimulating and enjoyable as well as students learned a lot as all members shared their new ideas and information. Alumni also express their views regarding necessities of skill in students for fulfilling the demand of industry and expressed how BFC helped them to get a good job.
Nazia, Supreet, Tammana alumni of Biotechnology department Shared their views regarding golden memories of college. Tammanna Also shared moments of trip during college life and she Thanked all the teachers of department for their guidance.
Paras, alumna of Computer Science department who is working in Deloitte Company, said that BFC is a best college in northern region because he got wonderful experience of earning by learning projects at the time of study in BFC. He praised the teachers and said that teachers are our second parents. Anu, Ronica Alumni of Computer Science department also shared their views.
Kirti, Alumna of Physics department who is working in Infosys company, shared her unforgettable moments of class environment, cultural and sports activities. She praised teaching methodology of teachers of physics department. Rekha, Sania, Navneet Alumni of Physics department also shared their thoughts of college life.

Sukhdeep Alumna of Mathematics shared her views regarding experienced teachers of college and their valuable guidance.
Many other alumni of Baba Farid College also shared their views towards their teachers and Baba Farid college. Most of them are working in top Software companies, Industries in India and in other countries. They expressed that how the working experience of live projects helped them to understand industrial environment in advance for getting a good job. They appreciated the placement and cultural activities of college for building of confidence. Most of the students talked about how practical exposure in BFC helped them to get a job.
The session was concluded by the vote of thanks by Dr. Ritu Pawan(Head, Department of Biotechnology), BFC to all the alumni present in the meeting.
The Principal, Baba Farid College appreciated the efforts of Alumni association and congratulates them for this successful meet. The event was a great success in its prime motive of connecting alumni.
INNOVIZ 2021 - An Online Physics and Mathematics Quiz Competition
The Physics and the Mathematics Departments under the Science Club, Baba Farid College, Bathinda, has organized a national level competition "INNOVIZ 2021 - An Online Physics and Mathematics Quiz Competition" for the science graduates of pan-India on dated 07th May, 2021. This competition was conducted to encourage the students to look beyond their textual knowledge and establish a relationship between theory and application of the learnt concepts. In this context, the Physics and Mathematics Departments of Baba Farid College have invited the students to participate in this online competition from the comfort of their homes. The students from various colleges from the pan-India have sent their entries through Google form up to 30th April, 2021.
Dr. Jaswinder Pal from the Physics department and Ms. Jaswinder Kaur from the Mathematics department were the coordinators of this event. This competition was carried out under the guidance of Dr. Sudhir Mittal (HOD Physics) and Ms. Shifali Goyal (HOD Mathematics), and inspected by Dr. Amandeep Singh (Dean Academic, BFC) and Mr. Navdeep Kochhar (Dean Examination, BFC). There are in total of 229 candidates from the various programmes like B.Sc Non-Medical, B.Sc Computer Science, B.Sc (Hons.) Physics, B.Sc (Hons.) Mathematics, B.A. with Mathematics, B.Sc (CSM) and B.Sc (MCM) were participated in this competition. Among them total of 104 students were registered for online Mathematics quiz and 125 students were registered for online Physics quiz.
Winners of online Physics Quiz Contest |
Pratibha Singla |
Kuljinder Kaur |
Muhammed Shanshahid |
There was no entry fee for this competition. This Quiz has consisted of 50 questions (MCQ) and each question carried two marks. The questions were based on the all Physics subjects (for Physics Quiz) and Mathematics subjects (for Mathematics Quiz) of graduation level. There was no any type of negative marking in this quiz. The maximum time for this quiz was the 50 minutes. The students put their best foot forward and took part in the competition with zest. It was a great opportunity to contemplate these young minds to displaying their technical and scientific knowledge, and also their knowledge on general awareness. The students thoroughly enjoyed the activity. Spontaneity and confidence were the hallmark of the competition. The students left everyone awe-struck as they presented their overall knowledge so immaculately and effortlessly. They were appreciated for their superb performance. The result declaration has been done on dated 11th May, 2021. In the Physics Quiz, the first position was bagged by Pratibha singla (B.Sc Hons. Physics - 6th Sem) of Akal University, Talwandi Sabo and, the second position bagged by two students collectively named Kuljinder Kaur (B.Sc Non-Medical - 4th Sem) of Baba Farid College Bathinda and Muhammed Shanshahid (B.Sc Hons.Physics - 6th Sem) of Hindu College, Delhi University, Delhi. In the Mathematics quiz, the first position was bagged by Mehakdeep Singh (B.Sc Hons. Mathematics - 4th Sem) of Baba Farid College Bathinda and the second position was bagged Muskan Chhabra (B.Sc Non-Medical - 2nd Sem) of Govt. College, Sri Muktsar Sahib. The winners have been awarded with the cash prize of Rs. 2100/- and Rs. 1100/- for the 1st and 2nd position, respectively. The e-certificate of participation was also given to all the winners & participants.
Winners of online Mathematics Quiz Contest |
Mehakdeep Singh |
Muskan Chhabra |
Dr. Manish Bansal (Vice Principal, BFC) and Dr. PardeepKaura (Principal, BFC) congratulated the winners and expressed their deepest appreciations and acknowledged the efforts made by faculty of Physics and Mathematics Department of Baba Farid College to organize this activity. This event encouraged the students to independently examine their technical and scientific skills.
Expert Talk on "Basics of Arduino"
Skill Development Cell of Baba Farid College, Bathinda in collaboration with Department of Physics Baba Farid College organized an expert talk on"Basics of Arduino" on May 7, 2021for B.Sc. (NM/CS), B.Sc. (Hons. Physics) and M.Sc. (Physics)students ofBabaFarid Collegeheld through Microsoft Teams and was attended by 105 students. The main objective of this expert talk was to give basic knowledge about the use of Arduino to the students.Mr. Birinderjit Singh, Assistant Professor, Chandigarh University was the resource person and he started his talk with the introduction of Industry 4.0. Further, he presented some basic experiments of Arduino "online" on website Then he performed basic LED blinking experiment live using MATLAB software.The session was very interactive and students participated enthusiastically.Students asked many questions regarding implementation and use of computational tools in the development of science and technology. Thoughts presented by speaker were very informative for the students. Students were very much satisfied by getting the latest information and knowledge about the computational tools and their applications in science and technology.They appreciatedthe organizing Committee of Skill development cell, Baba Farid college for organizing such valuable and informative event.The event ended with a vote of thanks for the expert and attendees.

Slogan Writing Competition
Women Development Cell in collaboration with Physics and Mathematics Department organized a "Slogan Writing Competition" based on theme "Female feticide" for all students of Baba Farid College. The objective of all these initiatives was to work towards ensuring that girls are born, loved and nurtured and grow up to become empowered citizens of this country with equal rights. It was to promote the gender equality and to raise the consciousness of the society towards the girl child so that she could be valued and respected. This competition was arranged under the guidance of Ms. Seema Ahuja, Assistant Professor Department of Agriculture. The online registration had been done through Google Link. The last date to send the entries was 30 March, 2021. Almost 20 participants from the various programmes like B.Sc. Hons. Mathematics, B.Sc. Hons. Physics, B.Sc. Non medical, B.Sc. Computer Science and M.Sc. Physics participated. Students were asked to express their ideas through slogan writing as per given instructions. The young learners displayed their artistic skills through an array of creative slogans. Students of various courses participated in the competition with immense zeal and enthusiasm. The students thoroughly enjoyed the activity. Spontaneity and confidence were the hallmark of the competition. The students left everyone awe-struck as they presented their talent so immaculately and effortlessly. They were appreciated for their superb performance. The final judgment of this event was given by Dr. Jasmeet Kaur and Ms. Seema Ahuja. The result was declared on dated March 31, 2021.

The first position was bagged by Akashdeep Jindal (B.Sc. Hons. Mathematics), the second position was secured Sanjana (B.Sc. Hons. Mathematics) and third position was secured by Geetanjali (M.Sc. Physics). This event encouraged the students to independently examine their presentation skills. Different departments put their best foot forward by participating with great enthusiasm. The event was an opportunity for the students to unite their knowledge with their creative streak and express their views using the colors of imagination.
Guest Lecture on "How to prepare for the technical round in a placement drive" on March 05, 2021
Department of Physics, Baba Farid College, Bathinda with the Association of Training and Placement Department, BFGI organized a guest lecture on the topic "How to prepare for the technical round in a placement drive"on dated March 05, 2021 at 11:00am -12:00pm. The main focus of this interaction was to tell the students about technical rounds in the various placementdrives. The guest speaker Ms. Kirti Goyal (Operational Executive Officer, INFOSYS) was invited for this interaction program.
Dr. Jaswinder Pal and Mr. Lakhwinder Singh were the coordinators of this program. As Convener, Dr. Jaswinder Pal started this program and he welcomed the guest and expressed thanks to the guest speaker in a couple of words.There were total of 55 students of B.Sc.NM/CS-1st year and B.Sc. (Hons) Physics, present in this program. Also all the faculty members of the Physics department were present. Ms. Kirti Goyal is also the old student of Baba Farid College of 2017-2020 Batch of B.Sc Non-Medical (CS).

Initially, Ms.Kirti Goyal explained about her study experience in the Baba Farid College during her student life. Also she added that the HOD as well as the faculty of the Physics department, always supported and motivated her to participate in every academic and extra-curricular activity to learn something and they also encouraged all the students for placements in various multinational companies.She gave knowledge about various opportunities available for Physics students. She explained the success steps to the students how they could be successful in their field by setting their goal, focusing on their goal and work hard in positive direction. She also provided the knowledge of various career options for Physics students like teaching field, research field, scientist job opportunities and defence jobs. She explained that the graduates in B.Sc NM/CS and B.Sc(hons) Physics could easily get technical jobs, in both private and public sector.
In her speech, Ms. Kirti explained the on campus as well as off campus placements drives. She explained the overall procedure (step by step) that would be adopted for all types of placements drives. At first step there is a pre-placement presentation. In the pre-placement presentation, the companies that have come for the campus placements put up presentations regarding their organization. You get to know all about the companies, their recruitment process and the salaries you can expect. Then she explained the various other steps like eligibility criteria, resume shortlisting, written examination, Group discussion, Technical interview and formal interview. In technical interview students would be checked for their knowledge related to the subject they are studying, and other important technical knowledge that will be related to their profession. This round is mostly conducted in a one-on-one setting, but if there are many students and interviews are short on time, they may conduct interviews as a group. During this Interaction program some student put queries about the Physics field and career selection, and Ms Kirti Goyal solved their queries with effective explanation.
Overall this program was very interactive because of participation of students and support by faculty. Student really enjoyed this interaction program as they sent messages that it was really very knowledgeable, and they learnt a lot about career options for Physics students. Mr. Navdeep Kochhar, Head Training and Placement Cell BFC, presented the vote of thanks to the guest speaker, all the students and the committee members for making this event successful. Dr. Manish Bansal vice-principal Baba Farid College appreciated all the organizing committee members to plan this type of activity.
How It Works ? (HIW) - An Online Video Contest Based on Various Science Mechanisms
Science is all around us. And with a few everyday items that can be found in our house, we can learn various scientific concepts like static electricity, acid-base reactions, oxidation, electromagnetic waves, thermodynamics, electromagnetic induction and electronics etc. Keeping up with this thought, the talent and creativity of the students was well judged in an Online Activity "How It Works? (HIW)-An online Video Contest based on Various Science Mechanisms" organized by the Science Club, Baba Farid College, Bathinda, on December 04, 2020 for all the students of Baba Farid College. In this activity the students from various departments of Baba Farid College explained the science in household things and their working through videos and submitted their videos through Google Form from the comfort of their homes. The theme of this Contest was science involved in daily life. The participants had to choose any concept/phenomenon, in which any basic science is involved, and to explain the scientific reasons/ physical law/ chemical law to clarify the selected concepts/ phenomena. Participant had to submit his /her audio visual recording for the participation.
Dr. Jaswinder Pal and Dr. Jasmeet Kaur were the coordinators of this event. This competition was organized under the leadership of Dr. Sudhir Mittal (HOD Physics). Dr. Amandeep Singh (Dean Academic, BFC) and Mr. Navdeep Kochhar (Dean Examination, BFC) also gave their valuable suggestions and supervised the whole arrangement of this activity. The online registration process was done through Google form. 14 candidates from the various programmes like B.Sc. Hons.(Chemistry), B.Sc. Hons (Physics), B.Sc. Hons.(Math.), B.Sc Hons. (Biotechnology), B.Sc.(Non medical), B.Sc.(Computer Science) and M.Sc Physics were registered in this competition. The objective of this event was not only to inculcate a scientific attitude and research-mindedness but also creating teaching aids. It involves students to participate in activities so as to understand the cognitive, affective and psychomotor aspects of the task. This competition also provided a medium for popularizing Science and increasing awareness among stakeholders about the close relationship between Science, Technology and Society. In this competition, the participants shared their creative ideas and solution to everyday challenges through their innovative working / non-working models, exhibits, projects and presentations supported by reports, display and research findings.

The followings were some of the concepts that had been explained by the students.
- Extraction of DNA from Banana.
- Working mechanism of Gas Geyser.
- Working mechanism of refrigerator.
- Working mechanism of washing machine.
- Theory behind remote control of various systems.
- Construction and working of AC/DC motor. And much more….
Dr. Jaswinder Pal and Dr. Jasmeet Kaur were the judges of this event. The result was declared on dated December 10, 2020. The first position was secured by Aishwarya Kashyap (B.Sc Hons. Biotechnology–5thSem), the second position was shared by two students, Kamaljeet Singh (M.Sc Physics –3rdSem) and Akshita (B.Sc Hons. Mathematics – 1stSem), and third position was also secured by two students Rubalpreet Kaur (B.Sc Hons. Physics 1stSem) and Simarjeet Kaur (B.Sc Hons. Physics 1stSem). Dr. Pardeep Kaura (Principal, BFC) and Dr. Manish Bansal (Vice Principal, BFC) congratulated the winners and praised the efforts done by the faculty of Physics Department to organize this activity.
Brain Bytes 2020- An Online Quiz Competition on 11th December, 2020
The Physics Department under Science Club, Baba Farid College, Bathinda, has organized "Brain Bytes 2020- An Online Quiz Competition" for all the students of the Baba Farid College on Microsoft Team on 11th December, 2020. This competition was conducted to encourage the students to look beyond their textual knowledge and establish a relationship between theory and application of the learnt concepts. In this context, Physics Department of Baba Farid College has invited the students to participate in this online competition from the comfort of their homes. The students from various departments of Baba Farid College have sent their entries through Google form upto 9th December, 2020.
Dr. Jaswinder Pal and Dr. Jasmeet Kaur were the coordinators of this event. This competition was carried out under the guidance of Dr. Sudhir Mittal (HOD Physics) and inspected by Dr. Amandeep Singh (Dean Academic, BFC) and Mr. Navdeep Kochhar (Dean Examination, BFC). There are in total of 42 candidates from the various programmes like B.Sc. Hons.(Chemistry), B.Sc. Hons (Physics), B.Sc. Hons.(Math.), B.Sc Hons. (Biotechnology), B.Sc. (Non medical), B.Sc. (Computer Science), B.Sc Hons Agriculture, BCA and M.Sc Physics were participated in this competition.
There was no entry fee for this competition. Questions in the quiz were in the form of MCQ and were assigned on Microsoft Team under team named Brain Bytes. The questions were based on GK, General Science, Current affairs and Reasoning. This Quiz has consisted of 40 questions (MCQ) and each question carried two marks. There was no any type of negative marking in this quiz. The maximum time for this quiz was 40 minutes. The students put their best foot forward and took part in the competition with zest. It was a great opportunity to contemplate these young minds to displaying their technical and scientific knowledge, and also their knowledge on general awareness. The students thoroughly enjoyed the activity. Spontaneity and confidence were the hallmark of the competition. The students left everyone awe-struck as they presented their overall knowledge so immaculately and effortlessly. They were appreciated for their superb performance.

The result of the quiz has been generated automatically in the Microsoft Team. The result declaration has been done on dated 11th December, 2020. The first position was bagged by the three students collectively named Bhavna Garg (M.Sc Physics – 1st Sem), Kritika Aggarwal (B.Sc Non-Medical (CS) – 3rd Sem) and Sheenu (B.Sc Non-Medical (CS) – 3rd Sem), the second position was bagged by the two students collectively Jashandeep Singh (B.Sc Non-Medical (CS) – 1st Sem) and Prerna (B.Sc Non-Medical – 3rd Sem), and third position was also bagged by two students Jaismeen Kaur (B.Sc Non-Medical – 5th Sem) and Kuljinder kaur (B.Sc Non-Medical (CS) – 3rd Sem). The e-certificate of participation was given to all the winners & participants.

Dr. Manish Bansal (Vice Principal, BFC) and Dr. PardeepKaura (Principal, BFC) congratulated the winners and expressed their deepest appreciations and acknowledged the efforts made by faculty of Physics Department of Baba Farid College to organize this activity. This event encouraged the students to independently examine their technical and scientific skills.
Unlock your Innovation-A PowerPoint Presentation Competition-2020 PowerPoint presentations keep the audience engaged and excited, also, not letting them loses their concentration. As future leaders, students would be required to make such presentations. Effective presentations help the listener and viewer understand the concept better and, instead of sulking and yawning faces, one can find a rapt audience. Great presentations unite all of the above ideas. Keeping up with this thought, the talent and creativity of the students was well brought out in an Online Activity "Unlock your Innovation-A PowerPoint Presentation Competition-2020" organized by Science Club, Baba Farid College, Bathinda, on November 17, 2020 for all the students of Baba Farid College.
The themes for the competition were as follows:
- Carbon Nanotubes
- Physics in Sports
- Physics in Environment-Wind, Lightening, Rainbow etc.
- Working Principle of Refrigerator, AC, Microwave oven
- Transformers-Types, Principle and Working
- Optical spectroscopy of condensed matter
Dr. Jaswinder Pal and Mr. Sourabh Maini were the coordinators of this event. This competition was held under the guidance of Dr. Sudhir Mittal (HOD Physics). Dr. Amandeep Singh (Dean Academic, BFC) and Mr. Navdeep Kochhar (Dean Examination, BFC) supervised the whole arrangement of this online activity. Dr. Jasmeet Kaur (Assistant Professor, Physics) was also there for encouraging and judgment. The online registration process was carried out through Google form. 17 Candidates from the various programmes like B.Sc. Hons.(Chemistry), B.Sc. Hons (Physics), B.ScHons. (Agriculture), B.Sc.(Non medical) and B.Sc.(Computer Science) were registered in this competition.
The students put their best efforts and took part in the competition with enthusiasm. The audience and judges were hugely impressed by the speakers. Every participant was bombarded with questions after the presentations which were handled quite tactfully by the all students. The final judgment of this event was announced by Dr. Jaswinder Pal, Dr. Jasmeet Kaur, and Mr. Sourabh Maini. Prior to the announcement of winners, the judges gave their comments and words of wisdom to the students so as to further improve their presentations and take it to a higher level. It was very motivating to hear them. Overall it was a great learning experience for everyone.

The result was declared on dated November 24, 2020. The first position was bagged by Heena(B.Sc Hons. Chemistry- 1stSem), while the second position was secured by Rubalpreet Kaur (B.Sc Hons. Physics - 1stSem .The third position was bagged by Komal (B.Sc Hons. Physics 1stSem). The e-certificates were given to all the winners and participants.
Dr. Pardeep Kaura (Principal, BFC) and Dr. Manish Bansal (Vice Principal, BFC) congratulated the winners and appreciatedthe participants for their great efforts. They also congratulated all the faculty of Physics Department of Baba Farid College for organizing such activity. In fact, this event persuaded the students to check their presentation skills.
Webinar on International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women on 25/11/2020
Violence against women and girls is one of the most widespread, persistent and devastating human rights violations in our world today remains largely unreported due to the impunity, silence, stigma and shame surrounding it. Violence against women continues to be an obstacle to achieving equality, development, peace as well as to the fulfillment of women and girls' human rights. Any country cannot be fully developed without putting an end to violence against women and girls. In this view, the Department of Physics with the association of Women Development Cell, Baba Farid College, Bathinda organized a one day webinar on the occasion of "International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women" on November 25, 2020 (i.e. Wednesday) at 12:30 p.m. to 1:30 p.m. Shri Jagjit Singh Mann (Deputy Director, Nehru Yuva Kendra, Sangathan, Himachal Pradesh) was the invited speaker for this webinar who addressed the online session using ‘Microsoft Teams'.
Dr. Jaswinder Pal and Dr. Jasmeet Kaur were the coordinators of this program. This webinar was carried out under the guidance of Dr. Sudhir Mittal (HOD Physics) and supervised by Dr. Amandeep Singh (Dean Academic, BFC) and Mr. NavdeepKochhar (Dean Examination, BFC). As Convener, Dr. Jaswinder Pal started the webinar and he welcomed the guest speaker .Dr. Sudhir Mittal, head of the department, also expressed thanks to the guest speaker.There were total of 95 students of M.Sc.Physics, B.Sc. (Hons) Physics and B.Sc Non-Medical/CS was present in this webinar. Also all the faculty members of the Physics department were present.
In the beginning, the guest speaker explained the various forms of the violence against women stigmatize our society. Violence against women includes child marriage, domestic violence and sexual violence, rape and human trafficking. It also includes sexual harassment, cyber-bullying, dating violence and elder abuse. He told that all forms of physical and sexual violence are gender inequality and discrimination, which violate the fundamental human rights of women and girls.
The guest speaker told that the Violence against women and girls is a global problem. It is a moral offence against all women and girls and a mark of shame for all of us and our societies, and a major obstacle to inclusive, equitable and sustainable development. It is an issue that not only harms the individual but also has far-reaching consequences for families and for society. Other consequences include long-term physical and mental health impacts and costs to individuals and society in services and lost employment days. This is also a deeply political issue.
Mr. Maan told that we live in a male-dominated world. Women are made vulnerable to violence through the multiple ways in which we keep them unequal. In the past year we have seen growing attention to manifestation of this violence. Sexual harassment is experienced by almost all the women at some or the other point in their lives. No space is immune. It is rampant across institutions, private and public. This is by no means a new issue, but the increasing public disclosure by women from all regions and all walks of life is bringing the magnitude of the problem to light. This effort to uncover society's shame is also showing the galvanizing power of womenmovements to drive the action and awareness needed to eliminate harassment and violence everywhere.

At the end of the webinar, the guest speaker motivated all the students and faculty members to prevent and address the violence that affects millions of women around the world. He told that on this day; let us remember that all of us have a crucialto play in ending violence against women. We must speak out against harassment and violence in our workplaces, in our social arenas and through media and popular culture. Together we can ensure that women and girls everywhere can live free of violence.
Overall this webinar was a success just because of participations of students and support by faculty. Dr. Jaswinder Pal presented vote of thanks to guest speaker, to all the students and to all the committee members to make this event a success. In fact, this interaction aimed to aware the students how to prevent and eliminate the various violence against women and girls. Dr. Manish Bansal (Vice Principal, BFC) and Dr. Pardeep Kaura (Principal, BFC) congratulated the faculty of Physics Department of Baba Farid Collegefor organizing this activity.
Rang De-A Rangoli Competition on 19 Oct., 2020
Rangoli is a traditional form that brightens up an occasion and is believed to be harbinger of good luck. Beautiful patterns can be created on the floor using colored rice, flowers, colored sand or paints. Keeping up with this thought,the talent and creativity of the students was well brought out in an Online Activity "Rang De-A Rangoli Competition" organized byScience Club, Baba Farid College, Bathinda, on 19 Oct 2020for all the students of Baba Farid College. The theme for the competition was "Indian Festivals". The word ‘Rangoli' is said to have been derived from the words ‘rang' and ‘aavalli' which refers to a row of colors.The main purpose of this competition is to enhance awareness of Indian culture among the students and to motivate creative expression of the given subject in the form of an art. At the same time, skills of aesthetics, creativity and innovation can be developed amongst them. Dr. Jaswinder Pal and Dr. Jasmeet Kaur were the coordinators of this event.
This activity was managed under the guidance of Dr. Sudhir Mittal (HOD Physics) and supervised by Dr. Amandeep Singh (Dean Academic, BFC) and Mr. Navdeep Kochhar (Dean Examination, BFC). The online registration process was carried out through Google form. Almost 17 participants from the various programmes like B.Sc. Hons. Mathematics, B.Sc. Hons.Physics, B.ScHons. Agriculture, B.Sc. Non medical, B.Sc. Computer Science and M.Sc. Physics participated in this competition and submitted their Rangoli images on dated September 19, 2020 through Google form.
The competition aimed at honing aesthetic skills, creativity and innovation of the youngsters. Students from various departments participated earnestly and with enthusiasm. Rangoli making is an integral part of Indian tradition and culture. Beautiful Rangolis adorn the Indian houses especially during festivals. The participants created innovative designs of Rangoli using waste material, grains, bamboos, diyas, flowers and sawdust apart from rangolicolours. It was a great chance to weigh up these young minds creating and displaying their ideas using colors. All the students enjoyed this activity from the core of their heart.

The final judgment of this event was done by Dr. Jasmeet Kaur and Dr. Jaswinder Pal. The result was declared on October 28, 2020. The first position was secured by Nisha Kataria (B.Sc Hons. Agriculture 5thSem), the second position was secured by the two students collectively, Ramandeep Kaur (B.Sc Hons. Mathematics 1stSem) and Alisha (B.Sc Hons. Agriculture 5thsem) and third position was shared by Rubalpreet (B.Sc Hons. Physics 1stSem). Also a consolation prize was given to Deepti (B.Sc Hons Mathematics 1st Sem).
Dr. Manish Bansal (Vice Principal, BFC) and Dr. PardeepKaura (Principal, BFC) gave their good wishes to the winners and appreciated the efforts made by the faculty of Physics Department of Baba Farid College. The colorful and vibrant Rangolis presented a picture of festivity and gaiety. This event motivated the students to scrutinize their presentation skills.
EVINCE 2020-A Poster Making Competition
Science Club, Faculty of Sciences, Baba Farid College, Bathinda, organized an online activity "Evince 2020-A Poster Making Competition" based on the various themes for all the students of Baba Farid College. The objective of the competition was to bring out the creativity of the students and also to gauge their awareness quotient. Dr. Jasmeet Kaur, Ms. Sumandeep Kaur and Dr. Jaswinder Pal were the coordinators of this event.
This competition was carried out under the guidance of Dr. Sudhir Mittal (HOD Physics) and supervised by Dr. Amandeep Singh (Dean Academic, BFC) and Mr. Navdeep Kochhar (Dean Examination, BFC). The online registration process was carried out through Google form. Almost 15 participants from the various programmes like B.Sc. Hons. Mathematics, B.Sc. Hons. Physics, B.Sc. Non medical, B.Sc. Computer Science and M.Sc. Physics participated in this competition and submitted their posters on dated 28 September, 2020 through Google form. Students were asked to express their ideas through paintings and sketches as per given instructions. The young learners displayed their artistic skills through an array of posters. Students of various courses participated in the competition with immense zeal and enthusiasm and made beautiful posters. It was a great opportunity for the young minds for creating and displaying their ideas on paper. The students thoroughly enjoyed the activity. One could see and feel the enthusiasm that the students had in their presentation. This activity kept the student engaged and it was organized to explore and encourage creativity in students and offer them a platform to showcase their skills. It inspired them to think and work creatively in order to promote artistic excellence
The final judgment of this event was announced by Dr. Jasmeet Kaur and Dr. Jaswinder Pal. The result was declared on dated October 05, 2020. The first position was bagged by Bhawna (B.Sc. NM Sem 5) and the second position was bagged by Harmanpreet Kaur (B.Sc. NM Sem 3rd). Consolation position was given to Chaspinder Kaur (M.Sc. Physics). Dr. Manish Bansal (Vice Principal, BFC) and Dr. Pardeep Kaura (Principal, BFC) passed on good wishes to the winners. Also they acknowledged the efforts made by faculty of Physics Department of Baba Farid College to organize this activity.

The competition was like an extravagance for the young painters and the spectators as well, as they have used their brilliance of painting blended with the perceptions displayed on the painting sheet. Further the young artists also displayed the uniqueness and beauty of the earth was commendable.
Online Career Guidance and Counseling Session by Shri BD Sharma
Physics Department of Baba Farid College organized online career guidance and counseling session for the students of B.Sc (Hons.)-Physics and M.Sc-Physics on 11th September, 2020. The session was chaired by Mr. B.D. Sharma (Deputy Director, Career Guidance and Counseling), who addressed the online session using ‘Microsoft Teams'. He was assisted by the following faculty members ofPhysics Department:
Dr. Sudhir Mittal (H.O.D.,Physics)
Dr. Jaswinder Pal (A.P.,Physics)
Mr. Sourabh Maini (A.P.,Physics)

Every student faces the question of ‘what next' after UG/PG. It is at this point that a career counsellor steps in and helps the student. The Career decisions play a pivotal role in shaping the future growth and development of students. History has proved that with passage of time several career fields became obsolete. With advanced technologies, some jobs got vanished while the new ones emerged. One who can keep up with the trends is definite to face the competition. As the new career options emerge, new skills are demanded in the industry and a student needs to be aware of these advancements. Career counselling here acted as a torch bearer for the whole work force that can be made aware of the industrial changes in advance so as to hone their skills accordingly and be prepared for the upcoming changes. The main objective of the career counselling is to help students to decide a field that is in accordance to their skills and their job expectations. Thus, with the help of career counselling, most of the students end up choosing the right career, and perform their best, which ultimately helps them to succeed. In the present scenario of multiple career options, knowing about choices available helps the students in their decision-making process. Taking all these issues into account Physics Department of BFC organized career guidance and counseling Session.
The session started with an introduction given by the Head of the Physics Department, Dr. Sudhir Mittal. He encouraged all participants to make full use of the knowledge and experience of Shri B.D. Sharma. Shri B.D. Sharma suggested students to choose the career which suits their interest and how such a choice makes it easier for them to grow. He added that one should choose career options that match one's interest because knowing what you value most will help you refine your career search.This made sure that everyone gets a clear perspective in the long run. All the factors affecting the choice of the students were discussed and the myths and superstitions regarding the choices were removed to a large extent. He also advised them to plan multiple activities during their vacations to hone their skills. Total 26 students took part in the session and were benefitted from the session. The queries of the students were addressed and they were provided with the helpful insight into the best career options they can undertake according to their skills and interests.
Overall the workshop was very useful to judge one's skills and move in the direction where one can achieve as well as enjoy their career.
The session ended with the vote of thanks which was presented by Dr. Sudhir Mitta.
Insights from our Alumni "A Student - Alumni Interaction Program" on 10 September, 2020
Alumni Association of Baba Farid College organized an alumni interaction program "Insights from our Alumni-A Student -Alumni Interaction Program" through Microsoft teams on September 10, 2020 at 2:00pm -3:00pm. The main focus of this interaction was on various career opportunities for Physics students. The guest alumni speaker Ms. Ritika Gargan ex-student of M.Sc. (Physics) and presently running her own coaching institute was invited for this alumni interaction program.
Dr. Jaswinder Pal and Mrs. Sumandeep Kaur were the coordinators of this program. As Convener, Dr. Jaswinder Pal started this program and he welcomed the guest alumni. Dr. Sudhir Mittal, head of the department, also expressed thanks to the guest speaker in a couple of words. There were total of 26 students of M.Sc.Physics and B.Sc. (Hons) Physics, present in this program. Also all the faculty members of the Physics department were present. Ms. Ritika was the student of 2010-2012 Batch of M.Sc Physics and she had bagged 5th position in M.Sc Physics in Punjabi University Patiala.
Initially, Ms. Ritika explained about her study experience in Baba Farid College during her student life. Also she added that the HOD as well as the faculty of the Physics department, always supported and motivated her to participate in every academic and extra-curricular activity to learn something and they also encouraged all the students for placements in various multinational companies. She gave knowledge about various opportunities available for Physics students. She explained the success steps to the students that how they can be successful in their field by setting their goal, focusing on their goal and work hard in positive direction. She provided the knowledge of various career options for Physics students like teaching field, research field, scientist job opportunities and defence jobs. She explained that the graduates in M.Sc Physics can easily get technical jobs, in both private and public sector. Some of the common job positions or profiles for a Physics enthusiast are Online tutor, College lecturer, Assistant Professor, Observation Scientist, Laboratory Technician, School Science Technician or Research Analyst, Assistant Scientist, Physics Training Manager, Software Engineer, Network Administrator, IT Consultant, Security Expert, Java Developer, Systems Support Administrator, Interface Engineer etc. Students can also apply for jobs in Aerospace and Defence, Automobile, IT and Software, Railways, Nuclear and Renewable energy, Oil and Gas, Electronics and Telecommunications and the manufacturing sector. During this Interaction program some student put queries about the Physics field and career selection, and Ms Ritika solved their queries with impactful explanation.
Overall this program was very interactive because of participations of students and support by faculty. Student really enjoyed this alumni interaction program as they sent messages that it was really very knowledgeable, and they learnt a lot about career options for Physics students. Dr. Jaswinder Pal presented vote of thanks to alumni guest speaker, all the students and the committee members for making this event successful. In fact, this interaction aimed to provide knowledge regarding career opportunities available for students of the M.Sc. Physics and B.Sc. (Hons.) Physics.

Presentation on Best Out of Waste
Presentation on Best out of Waste. (Click Here)
Online Activity Creative Writing Competition
Creative writing expresses the writer's thoughts and feelings in an imaginative way. Creative writing is guided more by the writers' need to express feelings and ideas than by restrictive demands of factual and logical progression of expository writing.
Department of Physics, Faculty of Sciences, Baba Farid College, Bathinda, organized an Online Activity "Creative Writing Competition" based on the theme "Plastic should be Banned" for all the students of Baba Farid College. The main objective of this event is to motivate youth for their scientific talent, imagination, creativity and alertness which would support to create the interest in various social issues during this lockdown period. Dr. Jasmeet Kaur and Dr. Jaswinder Pal were the coordinators of this event.
This competition was carried out under the guidance of Dr. Sudhir Mittal (HOD Physics) and supervised by Dr. Amandeep Singh (Dean Academic, BFC) and Mr. Navdeep Kochhar (Dean Examination, BFC). The online registration process was carried out through Google form. Almost 13 participants from the various programmes like B.Sc. Hons. Mathematics, B.Sc. Hons. Physics, B.Sc. Non medical, B.Sc. Computer Science and M.Sc. Physics participated in this competition. They wrote up around 200-300 words on the given theme and submitted it on dated 28 August, 2020 through Google form. Spontaneity and confidence were the hallmark of the competition. The students left everyone awe-struck as they presented their talent so immaculately and effortlessly. They were appreciated for their superb performance. Heated discussions about each artistic merit helped us select the most outstanding 2 out of 20. The final judgment of this event was concluded by Ms. Sumandeep Kaur on the basis of Originality, Expression and the Command over the language. The result was declared on September 02, 2020.

The first position was bagged by Kamaljeet Singh (M.Sc Physics) and the second position was bagged by Chaspinder Kaur (M.Sc. Physics). Dr. Manish Bansal (Vice Principal, BFC) and Dr. Pardeep Kaura (Principal, BFC) congratulated the winners and expressed their deepest appreciations and acknowledged the efforts made by faculty of Physics Department of Baba Farid College for organizing this activity.
This contest encouraged the students to examine independently their presentation skills. Students from different departments put their best foot forward by participating with great enthusiasm. The event was an opportunity for the students to unite their knowledge with their creative streak and express their views using the colors of imagination.
It give us an immense pleasure to share with you that Physics Department of Baba Farid College, Bathinda was organized INNOVIZ-2019 for B. Sc (N.M.) final years students on dated 12 March, 2019. In this fest training on Live Projects of Electronics had been given to the students to provide an edge over the race of recruitment to work hard to ensure a good career. Also a Quiz Competition had been conducted to encourage students to look beyond their textual knowledge and establish a relationship between theory and application of the learnt concepts. In this fest, 72 students from various colleges had been participated in both events. Dr. Pardeep Kaura (Deputy Director Academics Administration) was the chief guest for this occasion. Also, Ms. Navninder Kaur Dhillon (Dean Academics Affairs) and Mr. B.D. Sharma (Deputy Director Social Welfare), were the guest of honor for this fest.

Farewell Party of Physics Department: - Adios Amigos
Physics Department organized farewell Party Adios Amigos on May 1, 2017 in the seminar hall where students of M.Sc-1st year bid farewell to the outgoing students of year with great enthusiasm. This is to wish them a good luck for their future.
Party started with a welcome speech by students of year to welcome their seniors as well as all faculty present over there. Then students of year presented very entertaining group dances, solo dances, solo songs to entertain the audience. Some exciting games were also arranged by the students of year. The students of year also show Modeling. Token of love and appreciation was given to the students of year by their juniors.
The Guest of honors were Mr. B.D Sharma (Deputy Director Activities), Ms. Ranbir Kaur (Dean Student Welfare), Mr. Harpal Singh ( Deputy Director Facility), Dr. W.S. Brar (Professor) and Dr. Manish Bansal (Vice-Principal BFC). They enjoyed the function a lot and Dr. W.S Brar (Professor) wished good luck to students and appreciated the whole function.
Miss Sumandeep Kaur was crowned with the title of Miss Farewell and Mr. Sukhpaal Singh was awarded the title of Mr. Farewell. Finally the program ended with an open dance, leaving behind sweet memories that will be cherished.

Visit to Mahant Gurbanta Das School for deaf and Dumb, Bathinda
The students and teachers from Physics Department of Baba Farid College, Bathinda visited Mahant Gurbanta Das School for deaf and Dumb, Bathinda on 26/08/2016. This brief visit to the school made a digging impact into the hearts and brains of the students as well as the teachers. The school students were given various gifts like games, basketballs, food items, story books, chart, maps and other useful materials and all the contribution for the items were made by students and teachers. The cash donation of Rs650 is also given to the school students. The students of the school are very intelligent and intellectual too. Many of them have brilliant skills. Dean Sciences Mr. H L Jasuja also accompanied the students and he said it was great motivating experience for all of us and even the students of deaf and dumb school felt very encouraging and overwhelmed.

Farewell party of Physics Department :- WAQT-E-RUKHSAT
Physics Department organized farewell party WAQT-E-RUKHSAT on May 2,2016 in the seminar hall where students of M.Sc-i bid farewell to the outgoing students of with great enthusiasm. This is to wish them a good luck for their future.
Party started with a welcome speech by students of to welcome their seniors as well as all faculty present over there. Then students of presented very entertaining group dances, solo dances, solo songs to entertain the audience. Some exciting games were also arranged by the students of The students of also show Modeling . Token of love and appreciation was given to the students of by their juniors.
The Guest of honour were Dr.Pardeep Kaura (Deputy Director Academics), Mr. B.D Sharma(Deputy Director Activities), Ranbir Kaur(Dean Student Welfare), Mr. Manish Bansal (Vice-Principal BFC), Mr. H.L Jasuja (Dean Sciences). They enjoyed the function a lot and Dr. Pardeep Kaura (Deputy Director Academics) wished good luck to students and appreciated the whole function.
Miss Sukhpreet Kaur was crowned with the title of Miss Farewell and Mr. Akashdeep Singh was awarded the title of Mr . Farewell. Mr. Personality was Manpreet singh and Ms. Personality was Harjot kaur. Finally the program ended with an open dance, leaving behind sweet memories that will be cherished.

Quiz And Poster Making Competition
The department of Physics, Baba Farid College organized Science Day on 09th March 2016. The celebration was focused on the theme, Science for the development of nation. Under this theme, different activities have been arranged which were typically including oral presentation, poster making and quiz competition. The students of M.Sc. physics and B.Sc. (NM) final year enthusiastically participated in these events. Various innovative concepts were discussed by students in this competition. Out of them the main attraction were advances in nanotechnology, conversion of noise to useful energy, advances in nuclear physics, recent discovery on gravitational waves, eye movement tracking for human identification etc. The approach to recent science and presentation on gravitational waves earned first prize in oral and poster for the M.Sc. Final year student Harjot Kaur. Poster presentation on innovative technique ‘eye movement tacking' impressed judges to give second prize to Amritpal Kaur, the M.Sc. first year student. A team comprised of B.Sc. (NM) students namely Shallu Garg, Manpreet Singh and Ravneet Kaur wondered when they obtained first position in Quiz competition after defeating the M.Sc. students.
Department of Physics feel delighted when Executive Assistant to Chairman, Mr. Amitoj Dhaliwal, along with Deputy Director Academic Dr. Pardeep Kaura, Deputy Director Activities Mr. B.D. Sharma, Vice-Principal BFC Mr. Manish Bansal, Dean Student Welfare Ms. Ranbir Kaur, honored the valedictory session. The students were overwhelmed to receive the prizes from these renowned dignities. At the last but not the least, the department of Physics conveys sincere gratitude toward the Baba Farid Group of Institution for giving kind permission and support to organize and conduct this event.

ADIEU FRIENDS (A Farewell party)
Farewell is a bag of mix feelings. This is definitely a sad day for those who are leaving and at the same time ,it is full of hopes as they are going to achieve their missions in next phase of life. There is a feeling of gratitude for all those who helped you to learn, grow and become the person, you are today.
In every college, there is a tradition that juniors students give a farewell party to the senior outgoing students. Following the same tradition, our students of MSc Physics Ist year honoured their seniors with a farewell party and made their last day of college a memorable day.
All the arrangements and activities were organised by the students themselves under supervision of Physics teachers. Early in the morning, the students decorated thehall like a bride. Then all the teachers of department and students of MSc Physics-II year were welcomed by MSc Ist year students. With a welcome speech by Ms. Navjeet Kaur, the party started. Different –different activities like dance, mimicry, play , games etc. had conducted alongwith compliments on teachers and senior students. Each senior student was given a token of remembrance.
The Guest of honour were Mr. Amitoj Dhaliwal (Executive Assistant to the Managing Director), Dr. Pradeep Kaura (Deputy Director Academics), Mr. Harpal Singh Sandhu ( Deputy Director Facility) , Dr. B.D.Sharma(Deputy Director Activities), Ranbir Kaur (Dean Student Welfare) Dr. W,S. Brar (Principal BFC) ,Mr. Manish Bansal (Vice- Principle BFC), Mr.H.L.Jasuja ( Dean Sciences) . They enjoyed the function very much and Dr. B.D.Sharma blessed the students with their precious wishes and appreciate the whole function .
In last among seniors Mr. and Miss Farewell tag was also awarded on basis of modelling and questioning round. Ms.Akashdeep Kaur became Miss Farewell and Mr. Sukhwinder Singh became Mr. Farewell. They were awarded with a crown and a gift respectively by Mr. Amitoj Dhaliwal and all other guest of party. The students enjoyed the DJ. This whole function was amemorable event.
All students departed with wet eyes and with sweet memories. |